Texas, dear Texas! Your state song may include a lyric about the “emblem of freedom”, but your politicians seem to have a different agenda. The Texas Republican Party has released their 2010 platform, and it’s not too kind when it comes to matters of LGBT rights.
The document reads: “We oppose the legalization of sodomy. We demand that Congress exercise its authority granted by the U.S. constitution to withhold jurisdiction from the federal courts from cases involving sodomy.”
While sodomy has been defined as any “unnatural” sexual act, such as anal or oral intercourse, laws of this sort have rarely been enforced against heterosexual couples. So when it all comes down to it, they basically want to criminalize our sex lives. Could it get any worse? Unfortunately, yes.
The platform also supports legislation that would make it a felony for any civil official to issue a marriage license or perform a marriage ceremony for same-sex couples. These two bits have caused some bloggers to compare the party’s view to Uganda‘s Anti-homosexuality bill.
What do you think of this comparison? Is it eerily accurate, or does it take things a bit too far?
– Dewitt
To read more from the platform, follow the JUMP:
Click to read:
(via Waking Up Now)
Ugk, I love my state, but the republicans here are insane.
So here’s the thing. The U.S. Supreme Court (which would trump any state intervention) has already said that the nation’s Constitution includes a right to privacy that extends to same-sex sodomy (a case litigated from Texas). Although others have suggested that Congress could eliminate federal court jurisdiction for a variety of issues that also raises incredibly thorny constitutional problems–because everyone also has a right to a forum for violations of constitutional rights. In other words, the ugliest thing about this is it is a completely political ploy to rally some rather hateful troops with no chance of ever having any kind of practical effect.
Makes me sad to say I live in Texas.
Why would any gay person ever, ever vote for a Republican?
I wish Texas would just secede from the union.
i live in texas and i just don’t get it. i live in houston so maybe i just blind myself to the apparent rampant bigotry but i have not had any problems ever living where i do. my partner and i are both out and life is great. so to see this is just weird. this has nothing to do with a party that used to represent personal freedom and personal responsibility (or so they spout). this is just the evolution of the right wing christian base that mobilized in the 80’s. unfortunately there are tons of those here. very disappointing. i understand that the right wing feels like their entire way of life is under attack and things change but for the gays to be the fall guy for that is just sad.
I don’t get it either, we do something awesome, like Houston electing the first openly gay mayor of a major city, but then bullshit like this come to light. There is def. a educational gap in the Great State.
Jesus Christ, I’m beginning to wonder if Arizona or Texas is more fucked up. :p Makes me worry that my dear old home state of New Mexico is going to pull any particularly fucked up shit soon.
I am a republican and gay, I am still a Republican because all the Democrats are thieves and baby killers!!
I wouldn’t compare it to Uganda just yet.
Ok Ed, that is a TOTALLY intelligent response. But while your party sees them as being “thieves and baby killers” you will be looked at as a fag and a sodomite, which according to some conservatives should be punishable by death.
I live in Texas as well and we have a lot of people in rural areas of the state that think we should still be living in the 50’s or 60’s…Houston should be commended for electing Annise Parker. Hopefully she’ll do great for the city and then she can run the state.
Ed – you’re an enlightened genius. I only hope that one day, the rest of our country, can be as brilliant as you so clearly are NOT. Fucking moron.
Both bills are still in theory and will likely never come to enforceable light, so to compare for what they are, obvious attempts to get attention for their party, is correct. It’s the political equivalent of leaving the house without your panties, Lindsay Lohan.
Lol good point Tim, Ed stepped on some shit with that one. I can’t really say I support either party. Both have view that I like but a TON more I dislike. Both parties are too busy shitting on eachother with outdated religious and political views. And do these idiots really expect to micromanage a whole fucking state with this? No way…..just shows the lack of intelligence and common sense our leaders have. Our Government is a damn sorry ass circus.
The practice of homosexuality??? I’m damn good at it since I was born gay. And that’s the way my God made me. Don’t try to legislate my sex life and stay out of my bedroom!!! Why not do something about all those children in orphanages who need loving families?
I live in Texas (outside of Houston to be exact), and reading these excerpts, just makes me want to celebrate Pride month even more!!! especially considering this weekend is the Pride Parade in Houston. If it were up to these people (and i use the term “People” loosely), we probably wouldn’t even be allowed to celebrate who we are…Happy Pride Month everyone!!!
I swear Texas is hell bent on ruining the lives of everyone: gays, blacks, native americans, etc.
When they start making desperate moves like these then you know that gays are actually making some progress and the conservatives are feeling threatened
Heterosexual couples don’t seem to be doing much better. They’re cheating, drugging and constantly in and out of the courtroom fighting for custody after their failed marriages come to an end.
in the little clipping above it says that “homosexuality tears at the fabric of society”, that’s so not true. it actually tears at the anus when you don’t use enough lube so get your facts straight texas!
Let’s get real.
That’s just ridiculous.
While I LOVE some of the truly hot men in Texas, I won’t set foot in that state anymore. Whenever I drive cross-country I make a big detour to avoid passing through, on the off chance that I’ll have to buy gas or something else while within the borders. That state won’t get a single dime from me until they (the red-necked republicans) grown up. Small steps, but if everyone would follow for even awhile you might see a difference.
Ditto for Arizona (p.s., Arizona, I just changed venues for a large corporate meeting from one of your spa/resorts to Las Vegas; you, too, won’t see any of my money supporting your backwater mentality – or lack thereof)
evil walks and breaths in America and demonizes gays to distract attention from itself
And these same Republicans thinks that FUCKING a STEER is a right of passage !!!
if you’d like, you can call Texas, Uganda, Jr.
i just honestly find it hard to believe that these individuals can care so much about what the non-heterosexuals are up to!
heck: a great number of LGBT, they’d never even know were Different if they were to walk right in front of them!
OK, here’s the thing; Anyone who eats shellfish, any man who does not have a full beard, anyone who’s ever committed any sin listed in Leviticus and has NOT sacrificed an animal or crops on an altar in front of a priest has no authority to request any of this.
If one considers himself/herself to follow “the word of God” (and you know that’s where this argument will inevitably lead), one cannot pick and choose what words to follow and what words to ignore.
Case closed.
Glad i dont live in America!!
There is no comparison. Uganda would execute you for even saying your gay. At least in this country gay people can sue, and as one CA Federal Judge and the Supreme Judicial Court of MA prove, gays can and will win in the courts of the U.S. I doubt a Ugandan gay can make that claim.
I live in Austin and can’t believe the crap I read in the papers about other areas of Texas. Austin is really the gay mecca of Texas and trust me there is a lot of gay sex going on here! The thing about Texas is the Republicans are as fucked up as the Democrats. Being an independent I can truthfully say I want less government, lower taxes, a strong military for everybody and gay equality in marriage, adoption and all areas of American citizenship. Hell, gay people pay taxes, they should have all the rights of an american citizen but I still believe Republicans and Democrats are fucked up!