Several of you have expressed disappointment that Barack Obama isn’t doing enough for the LGBT community, but let’s not forget about the individuals who think he’s doing too much. A Texas-based NBC affiliate TV station aired a report asking viewers whether the acceptance of homosexuality will be the downfall of America, and it largely focused on Obama’s role in this matter.
This is some extremely scary stuff! While some viewers spoke out in support of the LGBT community, the majority of these comments are beyond heinous. We encourage you to head over to the Courage Campaign‘s site and sign a petition to NBC Universal executives Jeff Zucker and Steve Burke. Freedom of speech is one thing, but this much hate should never be broadcast on television.
– Dewitt
To watch the video clip, follow the JUMP:
I saw Texas and then stopped reading.
I’m sorry, but the downfall of American?
For a country that claims to be “the greatest in the world”, the majority of people residing in it also seem to be the most close-minded. Gay marriage has been legal in Canada since 2005. I’m pretty sure we’ve yet to crumble… Education systems haven’t changed and traditional marriage has remained unaffected.
I’m from Mexico. One of the biggest problems I see in my nation when it comes to security, safety and the consecuences on economy, is that the goverment has an awfull funcionalit: The goverment does what the society wants, and not what society needs. And since evryone’s different and want different things, either the goverment does not do anything, or does what ever the hell it wants.
So I gotta say i was happy that the reform to the civil code on Mexico City was found Constitutional before a law that is ontalk on both legislative chambers (diputies and senators) of putting to popular vote new reforms or laws inthe futere by. That would be the worst thing ever could happen, because is letting the desition of others lives, jobs or rights on the hands of anyone, without study necesarry, without argumentation, based on personal beliefs, and subjectives objetiveless point of view.
Shamefully, that’s the way of work of the USA. We need to understand that democracy does not mean the opportunity to vote or decide on everything. That’s why you choose representants. Because you are trusting them the hability to make the right decitions, based on what you need, not what you want. As long as the USA laws are based in this falacious way of democracy, in a world where people believe more on an invisible entity that create the world on seven days without leving trace than in the fossils evidence of the age of earth and species evolution, this kind of things are going to happen.
My two cents.
yeah, once we’re accepted by people i’m going to set off a big bomb
I had to stop listening to this video about half way through. The ignorance of the people in Texas is only surpassed by the ignorance of many of the gay posters to this forum. There is a lot of bigotry here.
Obviously this news networks and it’s journalists and researchers did not do their jobs. The affiliate said that the majority of Americans do not support gay marriage yet a recently released study showed more than fifty percent of Americans supported homosexual marriage equality. Do your jobs people!
KETK is owned by Communications Corp of America…NBC/Universal has limited control over what they do.
Instead email the station directly. Or write them at:
4300 Richmond Road
Tyler, TX 75703
The reason to do this is: They are REQUIRED to put any letters and emails they receive in their Public File. That could cause them some problems with tThe FCC when their license comes up for renewal.
america is backward… i keep saying it on this website all the time….
sad… and u consider urself the best country in the world…
gosh… and u probably have the most number of super-stupid ppl than the rest of the world combined…
Homosexuality would be the downfall of humanity and, in my opinion, that would be a GOOD thing ! ;-)lol
Notice all the people that have something good to say about gay people are cut off immediately? Sodom and Gomorrah was destroyed because they were cruel and terrible people. These videos are entirely stupid, why give people like this power?
I swear sometimes I wish I could live in another country. What good is it living here if I can’t even have my own “freedom” respected?
Brian honey, many of the posters on this blog do not respect your freedom. If you keep up with reading this blog you would understand what I mean. There are a lot of bigoted gay men here.
Why should we be surprised that ignorant people are on the TeeVee and the radio in Texas. This is a crowd that prizes it’s ignorance.
But the downfall of America, the facts speak otherwise. Just remember progressive communities that accept gays, also have the highest rates of patents and innovation too.
The first thought I had is the comment that “Obama appointed the most openly gay people in history”. Obviously i’m gay and don’t agree with the uneducated comments from the callers BUT, because i don’t like Obama I have to point out … the fact that more openly gay people have been appointed is, in my opinion, SOLEY because more people are openly gay. NOT because Obama is this champion of gay rights some are claiming. I think its great that they are openly gay with a political voice, but don’t credit Obama!
Thank you for posting, well done! I signed the petition because that clip was disgusting!
Show me one shred of unbiased evidence of this being the case and I might consider listening to these nut cases’ point of views….until then, I just see this as “Bush Country” and therefore, am not the least bit surprised
Zucker was fired by NBC when comcast bought them. Doesn’t affect anything, just saying.
There are bigger things to worry about then gays being accepted. And some as I read blow it out of proportion.. Ok big deal gays aren’t accept. What about racial status? The fact people look down on low financial classes.. The loss of jobs? Who cares… Apparently there are a lot more self centered people out there
And just HOW did a topic introducing a discussion about how Obama hasn’t been doing enough for the LGBT community so quickly evolve into how bad other peoples opinions are? Getting off message so quickly really doesn’t address the problem that Obama has done NOTHING to help our community, nor does he approve of gay marriage.
I live in Texas and have for most of my life, I’m also openly gay and have been since i was in middle school. Yes, there are a lot of bigots here, but there is also a rising number in the LGBT community all through out Texas and the rest of our country. This question could have been asked in any state and you would have heard the same thing. My point is that yes we have a lot of people, “stuck in there old ways,” but we’re growing as a country and if we all keep thinking positively about the GOOD and the BAD, then we will all reach our goals of equality. eventually we’ll all be able to work together as ONE.
I like how everybody here is mad that the callers are bigoted then call everybody in Texas bigoted. Hypocrisy much?
There are bigots everywhere, or does the word close-minded sound better. We have to face the issue before we can find a solution, i agree about not being mad, if you read my first post it specifically states thinking POSITIVELY, so lets try it people!!!!!
yeah yeah yeah …. And previously equality/integration of blacks was gunna be the downfall of America ( or maybe the “commies” if you believe that good ol cross-dresser J Edgar … ) and before that the problem was letting females vote …. LOL it’s the same ignorant red-necked delusional-christian thinking rides again … Well may U say “God Bless America” because the fact is “God HELP America”
As much as i am feeling disappointed with Obama – i’ve come to realise that we need to give him more time, more space, more faith. He is only 1 man. 1 man trying to change an administration that has always been opposed to gay rights, gay mo…vements.
He is the only president who has promised changes – positive changes to the gay people in the states.
That is a major change by itself.
What i found annoying sometimes is that gay people are simply too loud – too verbal – too demanding. Perhaps myself included.
But we gays must remember – just as the straights must remember that they are not the only human beings in this world, that we gays know we are not the only human beings in this world.
He has to cater to issues concerning both gays and straights.
Personally, i would be furious if someone shoves a foreign idea right to my face.
That’s exactly what he’s trying not to do (think of the repercussions) – he is trying to take mini steps, to take his time to allow change to happen naturally.
Changes are more effective when time is given.
So i ask you, just as i asked myself, to give him time – to allow him to fulfill as much as possibly could with the time he is given as President.
Things take time, especially good things.
Like Gandhi said, “Patience will lead you to contenment”
gold_coast_40s just had to bring the Christians into it. If you want equality for all, then Christians should have it as well.
Here we go again. All the homophobics come out of the closet like cockroaches waving the Bible in our faces but the Word of God also says that “…All have sinned and come short of the Glory of God.”… It is curious that Jesus (according to the Bible) never specifically denounced homosexuality.
Gays should have equal rights, not special rights. As Americans we are guaranteed these rights by the Constitution. We have to obey, and we should, the same laws as any other American. Unfortunately, all the media sensationalizes the extremes of being gay, not the everyday lives of gays just trying to make it, like the rest of America. I hope that America does not believe that this is the way most Texans think. KETK is a two bit NBC affiliate that has only been on the air a few years, in the most conservative part of Texas. This stations viewing area also includes DFW, Shreveport, LA/Texarkana NBC affiliates, so they have to do something to get viewers.
ok really the downfall that bullshit. what will bring about the downfall is all this bickering and fighting and hate in this country if people would who say they belive in this god guy would belive what they preach and i belive it says int that book that he loves you for you no matter what ur sin but in all reality the truth in that book has been deloted and is no longer true. so if u want to talk bout downfall lets talk about how thes so called jesus lovers talk the talk but dont walk the walk i think they should be walking. this comeing from a former christan and then was basicly banned from church cuz im gay ok so no basicly bout it i was. anyway i dont hate christans or anybody if we would learn to love each other these united states would truely be united.
This from the GLAAD website – UPDATE: Texas’ KETK Takes Responsibility for Airing Anti-Gay Segment
They can’t take it back, however, at least they’ve taken responsibility. Others might leant from their actions.
This from the GLAAD website – UPDATE: Texas’ KETK Takes Responsibility for Airing Anti-Gay Segment
They can’t take it back, however, at least they’ve taken responsibility. Others might learn from their actions.
The reason why the homophobes spew their hatred more than normal people is because they know they are now a minority, that most people do not agree with them, and they’re having the rug pulled out from under their feet. That frightens them. They want things their way. The first polls have come out showing that a slight majority now, for example, shows support for marriage equality.
As much as I loathe bigotry on the intellectual level, I often let the emotional level take over. If I was in a position to hire someone, I would not hire someone who is a bibliolater, a mohamedan, or a talmudist. I wouldn’t care how “qualified” they are for a position. In my emotional rage I would not think that someone who believes that the universe was “created” 6,000 years ago by a spook, or bows down to some rock in a Saudi desert town thinking that’s the hobgoblin they’re suppose to appease, or who thinks that some “messiah” will come and eradicate all us nasty gays so their vengeful, bloodthirsty fairy would “deliver” them would be a good fit in any position. I guess that makes me a prejiduced bigot like the homophobes. But then superstition-based bigots need a taste of their own medicine to see what it feels like.
Moral of the story: if you want to believe that some pixie makes a difference in your life and controls it, go for it. When you decide that your mythology should determine the civil rights of others, then get ready to have your nonsense smashed into the dirt.
Just as Texas has many homophobes and bigots, and is exceptionally conservative in the rural areas……so are the states of California and New York (and others), when you get away from the metropolitan areas! All of Upstate NY and inland CA are exceptionally conservative areas.
So please, as a gay adult man living in the thriving city of Austin, that has the slogan “Keep Austin Weird”, lay off of the stereotypes that ALL Texans are bigots and homophobes, and ALL of this or that….is a certain way.
It simply shows your own version of biased bigotry and perceived stereotypes, regardless of the shade!
it just seems so dumb to me, that i don’t have anything to say.
..and what’s the purpose of belting out yet another argument against that innately fallacious conjecture, when the audience here are all non-heterosexual, anyway?
something better would be coming up with a real course of action, to combat all of this bigotry.
´easier said than done, i admit, but still more productive than continually proclaiming the same thing, over and over.
FIRST OF ALL, what the hell ever happened to separation of church and state? I mean this is getting carried away. Even Government officials are referencing the bibals on the topic of “same sex marriage.” This is so incredibly upsetting. I would like to get angry and wish bad things upon close minded, ignorant people. However, I don’t. I pity them…If there is a GOD, I hope he has mercy on THIER souls, because they don’t know how ignorant they are. They don’t know any better. Does the general public really think that one day we woke up and thought “Hmmm…you know what? I think I’ll make my life more challenging, harder than it has to be. I think I’ll be gay.” Like really?? Everytime I see something like this I lose a little more faith in humanity. Here’s to hoping the next few generations learn a thing or two…*Sigh*
**the bible** Sorry, I get really fired up and type way too fast when responding to these sorts of posts.
Oh you poor Texans. You’re welcome to stick a generalization on Florida if you like. Make sure it incorporates our driving!
Bigots? Once some of these open minded gay men saw the word Texas they turned it off! Texas is the second most populous state in the nation, and we have a little bit of everything and more than our share of gay bigots! Some of these people need to get a life! If someone had said, “The minute I heard the word ‘gay’, I would have turned it off they would be screaming their necks off.
Why are people so surprised by this?? People are entitled to their opinion, unfortunately the one’s whose opinion ( for the most part ) differs from ours, generally are the ones who love to call talkback radio and share it with everyone! Homosexuals have been a part of everyone’s lives for centuries and it hasn’t caused the downfall of any Country… mind you, we haven’t been so vocal before, so you never know…. look out Country!!
WTF… Is it just me or does that sound freakishly similar to speeches and comments that were made sixty years ago about African American people? Loved the comment from one caller that “Homophobia is the new racism”.
Living on the other side of the world it seems like America is more likely to fall from greedy bankers and corrupt politians than a couple of gay people in prominent positions.
Seriously that video was a time warp back to segregation days… Not cool
Homophobia is so Gay!
I love it when people use that “God created man and woman” thing as the basis for their stance. If we pretend for a moment that there was some biographer hanging around with God when he was making everything and wrote Genesis as a result, then why would that magical being make just two men or two women and expect them to breed? That God would have to be a moron to start there. When we live in a place of fear, everything that is change is just something else to be afraid of. It’s sad but that mindset is all around the country and is all based in fear, hate and narrow-mindedness. Where’s the love that their Bible says is the way?
ToddM once again has said it best:
If you want equality for all, then Christians should have it as well.
yet another example of “it gets better.” Feh. It doesn’t get better, and this is a good counterexample to people who say that it does.