Boy band McFly hasn’t made much of an impact on this side of the pond, but you won’t care once you see them naked in Attitude magazine. While they weren’t quite as bold as Fritz Helder with the full-frontal action, we at least got a glimpse of a few of their delicious bums.
None of these guys are gay, right? Because they really should be. Of course, given trends we’ve witnessed from previous boy bands, there’s a decent chance that at least one of them likes taking dick up his butt. Hmm, I wonder who it could be…
UPDATE: Oops, I guess they’re a pop-punk band? I honestly don’t care what they are, as long as they’re naked.
– Dewitt
To see more pictures from the shoot, follow the JUMP:
I don’t know what the fuck McFly are and I don’t feel like reading, but I like them!
Cripes I’ve turned into a typical homo haven’t I?
Or lazy American?
Maybe both
Nice stuff! I’d do ’em!
They are a punk band. Their first CD in the States was pretty decent. Haven’t really kept up with them since then
Well, if they’re any good, the whole photo spread idea seems like a desperate bid for attention.
shit shit shit hasbeen boyband, but yeah they should do porn
Cute hottie butt fuckers…like it…eat those tastey Brit buns, or would that be Brit crumpets?
Crumpets of course, dear old chap.
Heaven forbid dudes can get naked and you pricks say something like that.
OMFG ! I was just listening to their music. . . && i was thinking about how hot they are. . . HAHA
they can gangbang me.
Just another sad example of how music these days relies more on looks and less on talent. Truly pathetic, but what does it say about me that I clicked on the link? I feel dirty.
Not to be a party pooper, but isn’t this copy right infringement?
They look hot, even better now that they are grown ups. Big stars in the UK, but here they are just our wood of the day, LOL.
They are always getting naked together. I’ve always been suspicious of their sexuality.
they’ve grown up.. i love these cuties… check out their Youve Got a Friend Cover.. heheh..
Don, I think you might be after their English Muffins.
Hott band. Hott guys.
Did I miss the full frontal? Which photo is it?
McFLY is so much more than 4 hot guys…they are an incredible band! Been following them music for years now. Like many other talented European artists, tackling fame in America is too expensive and elusive. If you like high energy, melodic power-pop-rock, check out any of their cds, or go on YouTube and search for their fab cover of Umbrella.
i’ve heard of them. sadly it’s through that lindsay lohan movie “just my luck”. lol. it was back in high school!
Yeah, they played themselves in that movie.
They weren’t nearly that hot back then tho.
And I’m sorry, but how homo-erotic are the 4th, 6th and 9th pictures after the jump?
I love McFly, but they are not a punk or boy band. They are pop-rock, write, produce and play all their own instruments. That said, their new album is supposed to be drastically different toward a pop-r&b sound. Fans aren’t happy. The new single PartyGirl sounds like Lady Gaga meets Tiao Cruz.
New single:
What is it with guys getting those star outline tattoos? Nothing screams ‘douchebag’ faster than a star outline.
sorry guys — but McFly is a boy band. They rock about as hard as the Jonas Brothers.
They’re definitely hot, and a really good boy band, but all you gotta do is watch their videos to see that they have consistently gone for the boy-band audience.
MY favorite pix is 8th ( after the jump ).
They are as much a “boy band” as Maroon 5, Fall Out Boy, The Fray, etc. I’m a boyband fan – I love pop fluff. But boybands are manufactured by a record company via auditions to have a shy one, cute one, bad boy, etc. They have no say on the music, dance choreographed steps, don’t play instruments. Whether you like their music or not, Mcfly are a real band.