The Humping Pact Is Art That Features A Whole Lot of Naked Male Flesh, Sort Of.

Pacts are great things to have. They encourage fraternal bonding, they make sure murderous secrets are kept and they help you obtain lots of talent from the devil in return for you soul. In many ways, if you’ve never established a pact with someone, you haven’t lived.

That’s why The Humping Pact, a multi-media performance piece by Berlin-based (I mean, where else would they be from?) artists Dmitry Paranyushkin and Diego Agullo involving a lot of naked male flesh, is, among other things, reassuring. Here’s a video of their work at Zeche Zollverein Industrial Complex in Essen, Germany

Isn’t that fascinating and also, kind of hot in an unusual way? While it looks like they found 200 guys and instructed them to hump the various spaces they occupy all at the same time, everyone in each setting is actually Paranyushkin and Agullo digitally replicated. Here’s how the artists describe their work:

The Humping Pact is a project by two friends who made a pact to occupy spaces humping together. We share the perversion of multiplying our two naked bodies and spread them all over the frame and beyond.
The spaces that we find for humping should in themselves be perverse and somewhat dysfunctional: such as abandoned factories, failed city areas, disused or misused facilities. We then put our bodies in relation to them in order to release the excess desire and tension present within.

So, what they’re doing is; they’re making sure they don’t explode, which is, when you think about it, just responsible adult behavior. You can even buy print stills ( the various video performances or donate money ( to ensure that these two international humpers can continue to theatrically perform what seems like a fairly sexually frustrating past time all over the world and film themselves doing it.

Think about it, a high quality, wall sized glossy print of a large group of naked men writhing all over the sea shore or in an abandoned building may be just the thing to offset that haggard ottoman you inherited when your elderly, maiden aunt died.

Ok, sarcasm aside, I actually think these images are quite stunning and the artist’s aren’t hard to look at either.

So, in conclusion, this is art, and it features naked men. Go nuts.

– Charley Flynn

5 thoughts on “The Humping Pact Is Art That Features A Whole Lot of Naked Male Flesh, Sort Of.

  1. I would name the first video the best ORGY that NEVER HAPPENED! LOL
    But man you could see a few of the guys were seriously into the pumping action and a couple of hard on’s did spring up if you pay attention.

  2. It’s interesting how they are all the exact same body type! The auditions must have been fun.

  3. Commentary on two of the comments. Y’all really don’t read what’s written do you?

    These are two men, digitally replicated, in a multitude of poses, so that it looks like there are many more.

  4. It’s funny when people comment on here and not read the actual post. It makes them look so dumb!

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