I sometimes run into gadgets that just puzzle my mind and the Interactive Mirror by BlogLitStudios is one that you have to see to believe. The mirror allows users to do several things like paint, draw, look up words in the dictionary, read text, and play games. Here's one revealing quote from the product's blog:
“You don’t have to give a mirror’s reflection much thought. However, interacting with buttons and animation layered on your reflection and the world behind you is unlike any other touch screen experience”
– Bumble Bee
For more information check out the Interactive Mirror
I’ve got a feeling that this may be a fake…although far more impressive than the recent CNN hologram (http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=iWCHyoYXSTs&feature=related)
I’m happy to be proved wrong, and if i am – where can i buy one!
Matt, this is actually real.. If you like more information Contact InterferenceInc.com