The Internet Plays Catch Up on Marlon Brando Sucking Cock

Marlon Brando

Is the internet not always at the forefront of news? At least in one case, the picture of Marlon Brando sucking a nice juicy cock… they're actually years behind. The newly publicized picture actually became well known after a 2005 book, Brando Unzipped, published the photo claiming it to be authentic.

Since then, the picture has surfaced periodically on the internet, and today it made the rounds again after L.A Rag Mag published the photo, as if it were news!

I believe it is authentic, after all, Brando has said, "Homosexuality is so much in fashion it no longer makes news. Like a
large number of men, I, too, have had homosexual experiences and I am
not ashamed. I have never paid much attention to what people think
about me. But if there is someone who is convinced that Jack Nicholson
and I are lovers, may they continue to do so. I find it amusing."

If you haven't seen the photo, don't worry, we're going to post it.

– Andy

For the infamous NSFW photo, follow the JUMP:

Marlon Brando

52 thoughts on “The Internet Plays Catch Up on Marlon Brando Sucking Cock

  1. is “robert johnson” a gay man or a pussy??!! what’s “disgusting” about it? that it’s brando or that its brando with a cock in his mouth? bitch boy “RJ” should find another fucking web site to visit this is a gay “manhunt” site asshole!! we don’t need closet faggots like you tell us its “disgusting” to show a guy giving a BJ to another man… FUCK OFF CUNT!! AND GO BACK TO YOU CLOSET U PIECE OF SHIT!!!

  2. I agree with RJ, this photo is disgusting. Not because of whats taking place, but how it is pictured. I’m the kind of guy that enjoys modern porn and I could really care less about anything that is older than say, 7 years. Andy, why do you feel the need to attack RJ just because he is commenting on the photo. Give it a rest. Porn is amazing, and yes, this is manhunt. But that doesn’t mean that people enjoy seeing this kind of photography.

  3. Actually, I do not see anything disgusting about it. But really folks, could it be that the people that find this pic offensive because a) their hearthrob idol is shown sucking a dick in a possible non traditional venue, or b) that their hearthrob idol is sucking a BLACK dick in a possible non- traditional venue.

  4. Is “RJ” and “nick” out of their fucking minds…LOL…I’m 59yo and when I was growing up the only thing we had was The AMC mag’s (if you where lucky to find one) and the Sears catalog, so to say you could care less about any porn older then 7 years is a insult to any guy over the age of 30…So the question is “nick” why do you need to attack men who can remembler porn pic’s from their youth and like’s to see them from time to time? Believe it or not “I enjoy seeing this kind of photography!!” If I had photo’s like the Brando one, when I was growing up it would be just like your generation and the “internet”…so learn to respect “old guys” porn photo’s because if you don’t die young, you too will get old.. and YES “Porn is amazing” both old and new…Now give it a rest boys.

  5. Hey Andy,
    Before going off like you did, why don’t you make sure you’re attacking the right person !! If you look at the post again you’ll find that it was someone named “Jimm” who posted the “disgusting” remark, not “Robert Johnson”.
    And by the way, if someones opinion sets you off like that, maybe you should get some help with your anger issues.

  6. So is it RJ OR Jimm who called the pic disgusting. Let’s give RJ a break.

  7. Hey Mike,
    I think you should follow your own advice..andy didn’t attack anyone it was Tim and RJ did say that it was disgusting. I always see RJ on here making comments like that. He’s someone you would call a “troll”.

  8. Just in case everyone didn’t know…the name of the person who posted the comment is below not on top….

  9. I agree with teabagger the brando photo and “old porn” is hot! but I’m over 30yo haha

  10. I’m Tim the guy who got PISSED OFF and stuck my fucking pen knife into “robert johnson”..I live in a small town FULL OF FUCKING ASSHOLES like him who get “DISGUSTED” when they see to guys holding hands let along SUCKING COCK! I have learned to stick up for my right to see gay men behaving like gay men and NO FUCKING CLOSETED FAGGOT is going to tell me its disgusting to see a guy giving another guy head on a site for gay men, without me saying to him FUCK YOU!! So all you mother fucking haters who don’t like to see pic’s like this you all should SUCK MY FUCKING COCK!! Maybe then you like it U CUM WHORES!
    And a note to “nick” and “mike bacon” you FUCKERS SHOULD BE GLAD YOU GOT A TOUGH GAY MOTHER FUCKER LIKE ME ON YOUR SIDE..cause there is more people who think we gays or “disgusting” then you think.. and the gay movement needs FAGGS like me to keep them in check….PEACE OUT BITCHES

  11. Disgusting – NOT! I only wish it was film and we could see the next frame or ten!

  12. jeez all you all need to bend over and take it in the ass, especially u ANDY. get a grip and a life

  13. Bleh, no, I agree, the presentation of the act is totally unappealing, not because of the age of the image but the angle and lighting suck.

  14. Thank you e-man. Thats what I was trying to get at. Not that gay sex is nasty or anything, I mean come on, i’m a big ol’ dirty bottom who loves to suck cock.

  15. first of all- it WAS robert johnson that made the “disgusting” remark, not Jimm (the post comes first, followed by the name of the person posting it). second, Tim- ah, Tim, Tim, Tim- where were you in English class when they were teaching spelling and grammar and diction (no “k” in that word)? Your long angry comment is wrong in so many ways that it makes me wonder where you went to school, and how many centuries ago. And you also seem like a guyb tuat doesn’t get enough chance to use foul language, so you come on this site and F this and F that, bet it makes you feel like a real MAN, eh? Your pussy smells just as bad as those you are calling that name. As for the comment about not liking porn that is more than 7 years old- Nick, you probably have difficulty in understanding why some guys would be interested in men old enough to be their father, too. Everyone has different tastes, and those that aren’t yours are not wrong, just not yours. And those of you guys making comments that are “body gods” and such- age will catch up to you eventually, as well, so try being a little kinder in your criticisms. I really wish that Manhunt would post the screen names of the folks that leave comments here. It would be nice to see if they are really as “all that” as they seem to think they are. And yes, Tim, that was directed at you.

  16. Tim here and “gaybasher” U can lick my SHITY FUCK HOLE, who fucking made you the “grammar Dr” I may only have a high school diploma but I’m not going to let “gaybashers” tell me and other gays its disgusting to be gay!

  17. Tim, in that long harangue you made- my oh my, what I missed pointing out! such as:
    .I live in a small town FULL OF FUCKING ASSHOLES like him who get “DISGUSTED” when they see to (you meant “two”, I am sure) guys holding hands let along (alone, perhaps?) SUCKING COCK!
    and the:
    haters who don’t like to see pic’s (no apostrophe necessary here, Timmy boy)like this
    and of course:
    cause there is (should be “are”) more people who think we gays or (again, should be “are”) “disgusting” then you think.. and the gay movement needs FAGGS (only one G in FAGS, two in FAGGOTS) like me to keep them in check….
    Timmy, the only thing you might be keeping in check, you tough gay MF (it is to laugh)is your blood pressure and cholesterol, because you certainly do let your mouth have free reign when it comes to potty talk. Yes this is a gay men’s internet site, but it isn’t necessary to use the “F” word so often and so vehemently even on here.

  18. oh yes, Timmy-boy- after the word “disgusting” you use “then”, which should be “than”. time for those online refresher courses I think

  19. Tim, the point that both gaybasher and I have made is that you don’t type or spell or construct sentences like someone that even finished 8th grade, let alone high school.sadly, that seems to be true of most folks that have gone through school these days- it even shows up on Popeater and in internet job listings. Who would want a job with a company that doesn’t bother to proof its ads and that are full of spelling errors?
    And I do believe that “shity” should have 2 t’s. and if that is indeed the condition of your “fuck hole”, then why would anyone want to lick it?? ewwwww- ever heard of the “shower shot”?

  20. teabagger, you need to check what you write before you post it, too. man o man, such a huge load of spelling and grammar errors. what is it, this is an online porn site, so we immediately forget everything we (supposedly) learned back in school? it is so sad that folks don’;t take the time to pay attention to what they are typing- of course I suppose that some of these guys are sitting in WiFi zones keying this stuff in on their Blackberries. that is another bone of contention- what ever happened to establishing an etiquette for using cell phones in public places? Why do so many folks think it is OK to just flip their phone open in Starbucks or a fancy restaurant and start chatting? Doesn’t anybody remember when restaurants had pay phones, and where they were? Back by the cigarette machines and the bathrooms, away from everyone who was eating. That should be carried into today’s cell phone world, and people need to realize that it is SO impolite and incorrect to use these devices in a restaurant talking extra loud so that everyone can hear them- as if anyone cares…
    sorry, soap box closed…

  21. Tim here again…
    This one is for “randy” poor poor lonely “randy” writing reply comments to someone who does not care what you think…But since you pointed to my comment by name from the 26 comments listed here I feel compelled to respond to your candid replys…I feel you must really love me to post 3 replys to my comments on the brando BJ photo…To rewrite and correct my grammer and spelling and to tell me not to use offenses language, what was I thinking? I’m sure none of the gay men on this site have ever heard any foul and offensive words like that before..But what a champ you are to point it out to me… you are so sweet! It’s like the anal English teacher I never had..Ops did I say “anal”? What will the gays think of me? I have such a potty mouth at times…Bad boy I am huh “randy”.
    Do I now become a better person since you have told me how to write better comments on gay sites that most guys don’t even care about? I took about 3 min to write that reply sorry it didn’t satisfy your requirement of a first class comment reply writer like yourself. I feel so bad that I disappointed you, I will type 1000 times on my computer that I’m not as smart as “randy” when it comes to writing replys about BJ’s, would you like me then?
    Now I’m sure you will find some fault in this reply as well, so let me tell you in advance if I offended you with any of my poor grammer or spelling or anything else you may seem fit to call me out on…FORGIVE ME “randy” you master of the reply comment overseer…FORGIVE ME!!!
    By the way if you really want manhunt to post screen names why don’t you be the first and just put yours in your posting comments and I can e-mail you and tell you how I really feel about

  22. WOW What blow up randy girl panties, lighten up girl its just a comment posting, don’t be so hard on tim. He made his point, but you need to chill out!!

  23. I agree JB…but I’m afraid to write anymore in fear of the grammer fag from hell randy…lol..

  24. Seem to me randy used Microsoft word to make his comments, and a little cut & paste huh randy? I don’t see spell check or grammer check here on manhunt when I post my comment, he even said so in one of his rants about tim spelling and grammer, if so anyone can be a good speller.
    Why do we gays put each other down so much, if its not about how we look its about how we communicate, it’s bad enough that str8 folk do it to us, why must we do it to ourselves as well?

  25. I’m typing this from my blackberry, hope randy won’t mind to much…lol…but the brando bj pic is to dark and I don’t think its a blk cock, its just a bad photo, but its a nice cock.

  26. Celebrities have lives just as we all do. Some of us like taking pictures for fun? Im sure the intention of the photograph was obviously not to stir up controversy in 2009…. funny that you let it do so. as if 99.8% of the men on this site havent had a cock in theyre mouth… lol… There have been many alleged “bisexual” or gay celebrities from the older hollywood generation, and if being in the closet is what it took at the time to sell tickets, its what it took, today we look back and call it hypocrytical, but in all reality it is what it took for the films to sell, etc, people still have to do that in the business world as sad as it is, im sure that its still a problem in hollywood to an extent as well, (though prop 8 helped fuel a fire of comings out) but anyway……..who cares?!

  27. This was certainly an interesting read this morning, “gentlemen.” I found the flame wars (and I don’t mean flame in the gay way, but flame in the Internet way) quite entertaining, although the pic was a bit disappointing. I don’t want to add fuel to the fire, but, alas, I probably will. The bulk of the comments on here, and, frankly, on most Internet sites, Manhunt included, reflect the poor writing skills of the the bulk of our society. Rare is the post that doesn’t contain at least one misused word, missing comma (or unnecessarily added one), creative apostrophe use, run-on sentence or fragment. But what’s an English teacher to do? I’ve learned to ignore most of these blunders to get at the heart–or cock, or ass as the case may be–of the post and enjoy it for what it is. Enjoy, guys!

    Oh I forget the most important one of all LOVE!!

  29. who care about uptight randy and potty mouth tim, they just need to exchange private e-mails and set up a hookup and fuck it out hehe…but back to the subject at hand the brando blow job, I wonder if he showed it to other stars?

  30. i had heard somewhere that this was a photo of marlon brando and james baldwin!

  31. We finally get a chance to see this photo after many years of rumors – and people complain about the lighting? This isn’t a professional art photo – it’s a quick snapshot taken (according to Marlon) at a party in NYC in the late 40’s. The penis belongs to Marlon’s life-long friend, actor Wally Cox, who is not black by any stretch of the imagination.

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