The Kardashians Are Useless, So This News Anchor Is A Hero

A friend of mine knows of my Kardashian loathing (those twats are worse than hydrangeas), so he sent me this piece of rad. The Kardashians don’t have enough bags of money, so they got Sears to let them design a line of fug clothing. I’m being a bitch, but “fug” is accurate in this case. It’s not often you see a hyena, a bear, and a platypus wearing leopard skin. It’s a weird wildlife mash-up.

But I digress. In this clip, a news anchor mocks these dummies post-vapid interview. It’s awesome when someone doesn’t toethe “kiss the celebrities’ asses” line. We salute you, older gay newscaster.

– J. Harvey

To watch this dude bag on the Kardashians, Follow the JUMP:

13 thoughts on “The Kardashians Are Useless, So This News Anchor Is A Hero

  1. Well one thing is the awfulness of the Kardashians, another is mysogynia. C’mon guys! We all fell out from a pussy!!

  2. I swear that the Walton family has highly placed moles in Sears/KMart corporation.    I mean, how CLUELESS does a retailer have to be to think that being associated with the Kardashians is a good idea?

  3. That is hysterical!  He must such a fun guy to hang out with.  Love it when TV people can get real!

  4. I actually laughed out loud when I saw this yesterday!! And J. Harvey, I am SO with you on your opinion of these skanks. But maybe we SHOULD be thankful that it wasn’t Snooki?

  5. So what’s J harvey’s problem with Hydrangeas? The Kardashians were previously unknown to me but this short clip has convinced me that they are simply crap. Why do they speak through their noses?

  6. He’s right on point, unfortuantely for him, he will probably “disapear” very suddenly for having made fun of them

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