The Locker Room: Alex Ríos


Baseball season is over, and don’t even mention the Red Sox to me. I’m not even a sports guy, and I know enough to make a nasty face with side-eye when anyone mentions their losing season. The mighty have fallen! When entitled fat bitches admit that they’ve been eating fried chicken in the dugout during games, and people are reclining on their big piles of money and barely lifting a finger out in the field – it’s time for some paycuts!

But this is a gay blog, so we should turn our attention to a hot person who plays the same sport. Here’s Alex Ríos of the Chicago White Sox! Wikipedia tells us that he once struck out in all five of his times at bat during a game against the Angels, and this is called “the platinum (or golden) sombrero”. It’s kind of his claim to fame. He was so pissed off over striking out five times that he later denied a kid an autograph and then cursed out a guy who criticized him for it.

Wow, this “Locker Room” is taking a dark turn. This is what happens when the Red Sox disappoint you. You pick mean people for “The Locker Room.” He’s still hot, though.

– J. Harvey

For more pics of Alex Rios, Follow the JUMP:






[Ed. note – Someone else thought Alex Rios was hot, too.]

49 thoughts on “The Locker Room: Alex Ríos

  1. Baseball season’s not over. There are still 2 games left in the season. And the post season starts this weekend. Go Reds! Not Red Sox…Reds!

  2. Go Nats! Although this might mean they’re going to start jacking up their ticket prices, but at least now DC has another successful pro-sports team besides United.

  3. I’m not exactly Mr. Baseball, so he’s new to me. But, man, he sure is attractive.

  4. Love my White Sox, unfortunately we choked at the last minute. Hopefully Konerko will be back at full strength next season after his surgery. I have an endless list of baseball players if you ever need some locker room content.

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