The Locker Room: CJ Wilson


An interesting fact about sexy Los Angeles Angels pitcher CJ Wilson is that he’s straight-edge. This means he abstains from alcohol and drugs. You never have to worry about him throwing up in your car or stealing your shit to afford pharmaceuticals (it happens). The bad thing? Straight-edge in some circles also means that you abstain from casual sex. Dark-sided! How can you not sample what’s out there on a regular basis when you look like that? It’s like having a gun and not shooting that zombie in the head that’s shambling after you. I was never one for a metaphor or simile. CJ Wilson is sexy as hell, and I could care less that his physique either got more cut or softened up (I’m talking about the shirtless pics in the accompanying series). Sometimes you might have a bad season and take to the couch with Doritos. He can whip it back into shape if he needs, too. It can also be a bad camera angle. Whatever, I want it on top of me.

– J. Harvey

For more pics of CJ Wilson, Follow the BREAK:








170 thoughts on “The Locker Room: CJ Wilson

  1. Didn’t even notice the jeans as I was too distracted by his bare feetsies. But now that you mention them? Blech!

  2. Is it just my imagination or is he begging me to come and get it in the cheesy hotel photo where he looks fucking delicious? I’ll help him trim off that straight-edge crazyness.

  3. he does pitch for the Angels and who cares if he has a little extra! Something to hold on to!! BTW A VERY nice guy!!

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