We’re featuring another professional wrestler in “The Locker Room” this week. CM Punk is a WWE champion wrestler. Before you slap me upside the taint and scream at me that I should be posting more swimmers and football players, check these out –
That’s from his Twitter feed. I included that last one because Mr. Punk is also showing his support for Against Me! lead singer Tom Gabel, who announced his plans to transition from male to female this week.
Yeah. He’s cool. CM Punk is a hot wrestler in a sport that you would think might contain as many yahoo fans as NASCAR. And he’s on his Twitter supporting the gay community. Do you know many fans he must have? And he’s repping for us? Fuck yeah, CM Punk! Straight not narrow, and looks hotsy in briefs. Pin me. Please.
– J. Harvey
For more pics of CM Punk, Follow the JUMP:
I was thinking he only looked so-so until I read his tweets. Now, I think he i one of the hottest men on the planet. Way to go, CM!!!
Yeah, we guessed it was “is”. *eye roll*
Caleb – my feelings exactly.
always thought he had it going on. all of you are LATE to the party as usual
I so would, 25 hours a day, 8 days a week!
I would love to say THANK YOU to him. He can do WHATEVER and I mean WHATEVER he wants to do to me. Woof and Thanks.
I met him years ago when he was still wrestling on the indie circuit. Not only is he amazing to look at, but he’s a class act that loves his fans. Great to know he’s straight not narrow 🙂
Big personality and looks like he is the real deal … between his Chris Brown run ins and defending the human race from mutant bigots – CM Punk is a great entertainer …
The WWE always put their talent thru the ringer … making them pay their dues with silly (almost ‘career killing’ personas) … Punk’s “Straight Edge Society” gimmick was annoying, but I’m glad to see him come out on top (where he really belongs)
Thumbs Up!
Before everyone begins to praise CM for his stance on gay marriage he has used the word “homo” in a derogatory way. This guy is very wishy-washy. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NPV9xjq6IcA calling a guy a homo and now earlier with his tweets he told a follower who didn’t agree with him to “kill himself” which you can read here:
Both of which he sincerely apologized for. Learn the facts. Also, how many straight do you know in the public eye who would make such a statement standing up for gay rights? Not many. Then again this is more proof that you can’t please everyone.
I just think that this isn’t HIS words but the words of WWE. He is very high in the company so I’m only questioning how much is his OWN personal statements on this.
It’s his words. Seeing as Vince McMahon is a conservative republican who’s wife is running for a senate seat. I seriously doubt they want him supporting gay rights.
Also, last week’s Locker Room subject Evan Bourne didn’t tweet his own words, but he did retweet Sarah Silverman’s support for gay marriage. So, all and all, good back to back Locker Room choices. https://mobile.twitter.com/findevan/status/199918997980979200
This man was hot before, but when he did this he jumped up to Ryan Gosling status. Seeing as he has stood up for gay rights before this, and had that one homo remark slip up, which he made a public apology for. This just makes him ubber sexy.
I’m not gonna say a word about his hotness, nor about wanting to have sex with him. I just admire that he’s not a bigot and stands up for his fellow humans in a way alot of straight men refuse to…..way to go man.
The 1st pic is a WINNER he looks so FREAKIN YUMMY
Hurray for this dude and his words. He is totally right…it is ridiculous that we can’t get married, embarrassing even for a world super power. Hopefully we can get that “straightened out” now that we have the support of our President.
Honestly, looks more like just a scene just like any other wrestling thing… I am not highly offended. And no one is perfect.
I love CM Punk. Plus he really does genuinely seem like a cool guy.
Show your support for him by tuning into WWE Raw every Monday night on The USA Network. Apparently the ratings haven’t been that high since he became Champion in WWE and the word is Vince McMahon is blaming him. Let’s show some support and try to get them up for him. Vince can’t see that it could possibly be some other Sh*t he’s putting on there that could be the problem. So let’s,all try to tune,in and stay watching at the very least for just when he’s on the screen.
Amen! Wasn’t like he went on a Mel Gibson hate rant. lol!
Kudos for standing up for us!
Hmmm, wonder if CM Punk will make it on the top ten.