At various events around the globe, we like to hand out Manhunt chap-stick to the many attendees. It’s a specialized formula that’s guaranteed to have a dick (or two) sliding between your lips within ten minutes of application. Or it’s just the same as any other tube of lip balm. We’ll let you figure that out for yourself.
Either way, the extra lubrication comes in handy for those of you who like to make out, among other things, in public… Yet it took this magical video of Tony Buff and Chris Yosef to show us another use for this lovely promo item. Feeling curious? Click through to find out.
– Dewitt
To watch the video, follow the JUMP:
(via ElementPDX)
PS: If we don’t ever have to hear the term “blown-out asshole” again, we will die happy.
Stupidest thing I’ve ever seen
there was no info in the “clip” area, and why is it, I can’t always leave a message?
Well it’s a great idea for a non-gooey lube that you could carry in your pocket without fear of it exploding and leaving a sticky mess. I smell a marketing opportunity!
OMG that was fukin perfect
I can’t see the vid