What if we had posted this picture with the logo cropped out and absolutely no mention of the Maverick Men? Most likely, nine out of ten of you would be drooling over that luscious bubble butt. Someone would say something like, “Ooh, I want those sneakers!” Then someone else would reply, “Ugh, those sneakers are gross and that bottom needs to shave his fucking balls.”
Now, here’s the thing–this post does mention the Maverick Men. For those of you just joining us, the Maverick Men are none other than Cole and Hunter, a tag-team couple who only play with other guys on camera. Their videos were so popular on xTube that they were able to launch their own site and publish a book on their sexual escapades. And the second book isn’t far behind!
So what’s the problem? A few Manhunt Daily readers have questioned our inclusion of their content. You see, Cole and Hunter occasionally don’t use condoms in their scenes. Horrible accusations of “spreading HIV” and “promoting wreckless behavior” have been thrown about, despite the fact that both men are HIV-negative and tested regularly. And while you don’t necessarily have to agree with their philosophy on condom usage, you should actually read it before jumping to any conclusions.
All in all, we’re not going to force you to change your minds about these guys, but we’re also not going to let you bully us into avoiding their scenes altogether. So without further ado, here’s their latest clip with “butch little cowboy” Wade, as he learns to open his hairy hole for two big dicks. Enjoy it… Or do whatever you want with it. But can we please avoid the factually inaccurate assumptions?
– Dewitt
Photo credit: Maverick Men
To check out Hunter, Cole and Wade in action, follow the JUMP:
NOTE: We here at Manhunt Daily encourage you to make responsible decisions in your sexual activities, however you may interpret that. Please head over to Manhunt Cares for more information on safer sex techniques.
okay — what if we vote? can the manhunt membership vote on whether you keep posting about the maverickmen, and will you respect the results of that vote?
seriously — i remember last time, the vast majority of the comments were against these guys
please? can we vote?
I vote you do exactly what you said and post Maverick Men pics without their faces/logos and see what happens.
I totally agree that everyone will be drooling over it.
Personally, I practice safe sex always. But I have no problem with Cole and Hunter who obviously love each other and love sex. It’s their choices and really who are we to condemn them when we’re part of a sub-culture that “a vast majority” of people world-wide would similarly criticize?
I don’t think “virgins” take dick that well. I don’t hate these guys, the brunette is cute with a smokin’ body. I just think they’re pretty lame.
“despite the fact that both men are HIV-negative and tested regularly.”??
Given the latency period and multiple overlapping partners which are involved when as many as three sexually active people get together for unprotected sex, I have a very difficult time accepting your statement as fact (and so should Manhunt for presenting as such).
I think Cole and Hunter are both hot as hell and would love to do a 3-way with them anytime!
If any of their sexual partners had infected them, surely they would have tested positive by now. What’s the point of getting tested if you’re then going to find reason not to trust the results? Also, I’ve only ever seen those two guys top, which carries a significantly lower risk of infection. They also make sure their bottoms test negative before accepting them for a video. While condoms are the best way to prevent disease, there are precautions that can be taken by people who don’t use them. They have done as much as you can expect them to do.
The methods used to screen for HIV by this group are impracticable for any typical person and not generally available to anyone who wants to be tested.
This site is still promoting a dangerous and unwise message.
I adore these guys for doing what they love and they have countless warnings on the site and I’m pretty sure none of the guys go bareback without consent, so let them roll with it. Love the MaverickMen!
this is fucking hot, the best part is when cole fuckes him in the end and hold his hand infront of his mouth to make him shut up when he fuckes him! awsome!!! love it!
How We Play
Our Concept of Brain Sex
We define brain sex as using our minds to make decisions about the type of sex Hunter and I will have
with other guys. This includes that important decision about when to and when not to use condoms with others. As you all know our site, MaverickMen.com, contains many images and videos of condomless porn (what many would call barebacking , raw sex or our straight counterparts would call regular sex.)
Hunter and I decided, long before we made our first video that we’d require everyone to get tested for HIV and other common sexually transmitted infections and all of us get the results at the same time prior to making a video. This allows us to have the sex we want to have with the least potential for harm.
Read more about why and how we came to this decision here.
Our Safer Sex Philosophy
Engaging in some sexual practices without condoms may be risky (e.g. taking raw loads up your ass from
strangers who either don’t know their HIV status and other sexually transmitted infection (STI) status or haven’t been tested in a long time.) Of course, many guys we’re with get tested regularly and tell us they do not have any infections, but we chose to use recent test results so we can all have sex without condoms. This is our choice and guys in our videos appreciate and agree with our philosophy. Importantly, if we are not 100% sure of the situation or if there was not enough time to get proper testing done, you will see condom use in our videos.
Our Thoughts about Gay/Straight Porn Studios
There are a TON of studios, including our site, that film condomless sex. There are also many gay studios that have stopped filming scenes without condoms but still have condomless scenes in their content libraries. There is much debate about whether watching condomless or condom scenes for that matter actually influences or changes behavior. We think that the most important thing for viewers to know is that you should not assume that just because you see photos or film content of condomless sex that everyone has been tested just like us. We think our video model is very responsible and goes a step further than most straight porn studios (i.e. testing every month).
Our Philosophy on Informed Decision Making/Serosorting
As you all know by now Hunter and I get tested regularly, we are very aware of our bodies and know how to take care of them. We truly believe that KNOWING your body and knowing what is going on with it is the most important part of a healthy happy sex life. We prefer sex without condoms, so we use frequent testing with our partners as well as honest open conversations about sex practices. Men living with HIV infection use this same strategy to have great sex without condoms with other positive men and Hunter and I think its smart to use this same informed decision making/serosorting strategy ourselves, because lets face it, some people don’t know their health and for whatever reason don’t get tested, so its up to YOU to use your brain and TALK to your sex partner and take the steps necessary to ensure that you have a great hot healthy sex life, KNOW YOUR BODY be good to it, take care of it. If you are sexually active, get your testing done when ever possible.
We are not health professionals but encourage all our fans to GET TESTED, see a doctor regularly, be open and honest with all partners you have sex with, and make decisions that are good for you. Talk to each other and you may be surprised at how great communication can lead to super hot honest sex.
Make informed decisions about safer sex or in Maverick Men terms…
Before you drop your pants, use the big brain in your head, not the little brain in your cock before engaging in ANY sexual activity.
Why the hell are we telling you this? Because we love you guys and want you to have a happy long healthy sex life. So be smart, be proud, be a Maverick.
XOXO Cole Maverick
Don’t hate on the messenger or the message. People have the choice to do what they want with their lives and their sexuality. I’m sure not everyone who enjoyed watching this video is into bareback sex.
Far more than “a few” of your readers have previously objected to your promotion of Maverick Men and by extension the practice of barebacking. It’s simply disingenuous of you to suggest otherwise.
That said, thank you for not “forcing” those of us who have so objected to change our minds about this scum.
I like how those old fags bullshit their way through reason after retarded reason to justify the fact that they don;t use rubbers. The bottom line is this— even if your partner tests negative there is still a VERY GOOD chance that the test could be wrong because of how long it takes for the virus to show up. I just read this and think WHY WOULD YOU EVEN TAKE ANY RISK???? They are retarded for not using rubbers and the MESSAGE ON HERE IS THAT UNSAFE SEX WITHOUT A RUBBER IS OK. That’s fucked UP. Why would you NOT use one??? I don’t get it????? Eventually ALL of these guys will end up with HIV… it’s just a matter of time.
You’re not going to allow us to “bully” you? You clearly have no idea what “bully” really means.
Stop being such a drama queen.
this is a very touchy subject for a lot of people in the world. personally, my b/f and i are tested regularly and are both negative, so therefore we don’t use condoms while we have sex, AND also added, we are the only two who are sexual active with one another. as for Cole and Hunter, what they choose to do is their own business and as long as they’re cautious and taken every safety measure there is before they have someone engage with them in their videos, then they’re not doing anything wrong or indecent or promoting any kind of unsafe sexual activity. i don’t see the problem. people will say whatever they want to say, as we’re all entitled to our own opinion, but in the end, Cole and Hunter i’m sure are doing the right thing to ensure the safety and health of themselves and the men who participate with them in their videos. a bit of advice i take is when someone tries to how you how to run things in your life: just smile and say “God Bless”
My only issue with them is not so much they have bareback sex but tht they are clearly mistaken if they think there is no latency in detection of the HIV infections from the time you become infected. I mean that’s one of the the main issues that fuels the epidemic. So their “scientific” method of staying negative is seriously flawed.
It angers me to see them drilling and unloading up in guys as young as 18 in some of these videos.
How come the old man never takes his shirt off?
On second thought, maybe that’s for the best.
i applaud you for posting some non-safesex material in this uptight safety-obsessed society. there are too many judgmental guys, obviously posting here in the comments, that condemn others for not using condoms. even some racist comments too. shows how closed minded some of your readers are. i love bareback porn, it gets me off every time. thanks!!!
Damn…that is about the hottest clip you guys have ever shown. Love it. Hey Gramercy5…man…you tell it like it is, don’t you!!:))
Comment all you want people, but who or what gives you the right to judge them? If you want to judge, then judge. Go ahead you jack asses. But you could do it without calling them trash among other things. Don’t you guys also realize there are laws that govern and protect those that are in the porn industry? If they are caught breaking those laws, then they can be arrested. From everything I have seen and read, Cole and Hunter both follow those laws. Now, from a scientific standpoint as a Cellular Pathologist, the risk of these guys getting HIV/AIDS is at a less than 0.01% chance being tops. Also, if you have not noticed, they do pull out before cumming, so the risk is also less. I have also seen them use condoms on occasion, and I am assuming that is because the people they are with at the time want them. However, I also notice from some of the comments you people are leaving, that you have watched their videos on more than one occasion, so you have no cause to be fucking dickheads. ALSO from the standpoint of being a Cellular Pathologist, I would also like to point out that test results, cannot be faked, and if they are requiring tests of each person they play with, then it is pretty easy to verify that the results are from a real and reputable testing facility. As for latency period, you RoadRunner need to get your facts straight. While, yes, most doctors still recommend getting tested at a 4 week, 2 month and then again at a 6 month period, that is just a safety precaution that not even the CDC follows any longer, though they still advocate it as a safety precaution. The simple fact of the matter is that HIV/AIDS can be detected within two weeks now. Our testing methods have become fare more advanced than they once were. As for Manhunt, I am surprised that you actually do not have a way of letting people REPORT certain things, such as this comment here:
May 17, 2011 at 6:13 pm
[Removed due to violation of commenting policy]
Really? You allow disgusting racism and HIV bigotry to flourish on this website? That statement alone right there contains both, and is considered hate speech.
Cole and Hunter. Like I told you guys the other day. Ignore the pricks that talk like this and spew filth. Ignore those that speak out of their asses, especially when they cannot be bothered to find out the real truth. You two are successful and amazing men. There are many THOUSANDS more in the industry who constantly practice without condoms on and off camera. I am willing to bet that each of the nay sayers here have practiced themselves and probably still do, but they have some sort of multi-pronged and splintery stick shoved up their asses and feel the need to hate with venom all those who do the same things they do, but have the courage to be public and comfortable with it. I don’t put a condom on when I fuck my husband, and we have been together for 8 years now. What about straight people who don’t use condoms, just other forms of birth control. Those don’t stop HIV/AIDS. Why are these jack asses not brandishing their hatred at them too? For that matter, why the Hell are they wasting peoples time here spewing verbal anthrax anyway? Are we not as a community supposed to be fighting to end Hate? Remember, equality, NOH8, etc…? But as usual those same pricks will just read this, then spew at me. Maybe I need a condom shield just to keep their infected hatred off of me. You guys need one too. Which is a shame since no one should have to defend themselves against hatred. What a sad day.
Kevin, have you never been to their website? Or to their XTube account? The “old man” as you call him is not old for one thing, and Cole does have his shirt off in many pictures and a video or two here and there. Like I said before, you people need to do your RESEARCH before you open your fucking MOUTHS! Cole’s body looks just fine. Let’s see you without a shirt. Cole has a flat stomach. His body is nicely developed. No love handles that I have seen. He and Hunter have made a living and have a HUGE fan base. A book out. Lots of recognition all over the world and have been invited to parties and received awards. What in the flying FUCK have you gotten?
wow. there’s so many naive people.
I LOVE this post, such hot guys to watch and its great they can make their porn the way they want to in a safe way. because that’s what it is. safe. if you dont have diseases, if your sexual partners don’t have diseases, there’s nothing to worry about!
also, there was a post about how getting tested for HIV isn’t available? im sorry, every hospital, walk in clinic, doctors, GUM clinic, sexual health whatever, will do HIV screening as compulsory for any guy who goes along. in the UK this is free. you can even get Hep B vaccinations for free too if you’re a gay man. so dont be naive just because you dont go to the clinic to get tested doesn’t mean it’s not there for you!!!
keep up the good work maverick guys, you teach people that if you don’t use condoms you still have to think smart and be careful!!
Is the Jake cruise and his boyfriend? Money will buy you anything… even young broke boys to have sex with you. good thing for the green…
I honestly think that people who use hate speech should be banned from posting on this site period end of story.
Bunch of uneducated kids and adults jumping the gun and running their mouths.
“Engaging in some sexual practices without condoms may be risky (e.g. taking raw loads…”
MAY be risky??? Are you crazy?
Yes, Nick! Do you really believe that every single person out there who doesn’t use a condom has some sort of STD? The fact remains for EVERYONE; the use of condoms or abstinence is really the safest way to not get STD’s or pregnancy for that matter for females, but the fact also remains that STD’s are for the most part curable as well as not as large a threat on the meters as you people like to think. THESE ARE THE TOP 10 LEADING CAUSES OF DEATH: Number of deaths for leading causes of death
Heart disease: 616,067
Cancer: 562,875
Stroke (cerebrovascular diseases): 135,952
Chronic lower respiratory diseases: 127,924
Accidents (unintentional injuries): 123,706
Alzheimer’s disease: 74,632
Diabetes: 71,382
Influenza and Pneumonia: 52,717
Nephritis, nephrotic syndrome, and nephrosis: 46,448
Septicemia: 34,828
Directly from the CDC. So, SHUT THE FUCK UP!
I agree with RoadRunner86. By ignoring testing windows, and overlapping partners, and conceptualizing on an HIV anti-body test as a test looking for the HIV virus, they are not harm reducing very well. Of course, if they are not being jizzedin, that IS harm reduction. Their logic is just presented in a terribly flawed manner. Even the harm reducers get stuck in normative objectivist behavioral prevention structures that render much of harm reduction useless.
<3. Open your hearts. We can end HIV stigma, new infections and the shame that leads people into ER diagnoses of their disease. Talk about it!
So what exactly is the relationship between Manunt and Maverick Men that causes Manhunt to constantly promote their videos and thereby promote unsafe sex? It seems long ago that Manhunt was known for promoting responsible sex among adults; now it seems your site sacrifices responsibility for special interest and the (likely) almighty dollar. Disappointing.
I get The Maverick Men emails. Even though there short previews WOW HOT HOT HOT! Cole is strikingly handsome. His boyfriend mmmm,,,mmmm mmmm hot too. beautiful cocks and asses too! I luv the guys they meet and have have hot sex with them. Love the video’s. I haven’nt paid for any yet but what i see makes me cum more then all the paid porn sites i go on. I only can dream i could have both of them in me at the same time or one then the other.
I feel for the young men that make the choice to trade risky sexual behavior for a quick buck and a quicker thrill, especially since it’s forever on video and could have lasting effects on their health.
IMO, if you always use a condom when you have sex, each and every time, then you are probably going to be less likely to have a lapse in judgment and slip up with a one night stand.
OK. Someone needs to stop trying to be a psychiatrist on this website. Seriously! As for most of the rest of you, you are sadly ignorant and sorely misguided. THEY AREN’T THE ONLY ADULT PERSONALITIES THAT FUCK BAREBACK ON SCREEN OR ELSEWHERE EITHER!
Well I would be a hypocrite if I said i don’t go to their site (paying member). I will say it does promote and glamorize unsafe sex (we r human after all and this stuff helps blur the lines between wise and unwise decision making). So what to do: don’t watch their videos and don’t support them. You are delusional to think Manhunt is going to walk away from such popular advertisers and conversation generators.
My only real laugh is the everyone gets tested before maverick men hook up. BULLSHIT. Noway the Vegas dude who wanted them to piss in his ass just got tested. Same with the drugged out lookin army guy, or several others. Again, not judging it/don’t care. But I would bet my life it’s bullshit, and if that assertion is bullshit, then so is this whole assertion that they are not getting exposed/exposing. Again, who cares. Plenty of people take that risk. It’s a free country. Get off the soapbox.
I don’t subscribe to their site and I haven’t seen their videos. Do they bottom for ‘guest stars’ without condoms?
i love when hot sexy guys fucking they act like its a forcing raping act.more over with a and awesome cock of 7.5 and more its fantastic.
Congratulations Dewitt, you have sparked much needed on-going debate about the merits of safe sex. Too many folk have been ignoring or just plain ignorant of the need for safer sex practices. I’m really pleased to see such a strong heated discussion on the subject.
After seeing so many of my generation felled by AIDS in the dark days of the eighties and nineties, it horrifies me the way many younger people choose not to practice safer sex. The argument that HIV is treatable and manageable is not good enough. I have friends who are living with HIV, managed with drugs, who have good lives. However they are still far more prone to all sorts of illnesses (potentially fatal) than they would normally be without the underlying problem of HIV infection.
If those two aren’t infected with HIV yet, it’s just a matter of time. Can’t say no one warned them.
I just feel bad for the kids who are agreeing to be in the videos with them. Some of them are just 18 and probably don’t know better.
For the record:
Everyone who barebacks should be considered positive whether they are or not, BECAUSE, it’s highly impractical to get tested w/accurate results everytime you have BB sex.
So, unless you lock someone up in a cage to prevent them from having sex when you’re not around, you can NEVER know if someone is Poz or Neg for ANYTHING !
In conclusion: This goes under the category of “It’s no-one’s business other than the participants”.
Hunter is HOT !!!
I’d like to pop his cherry !!!!
Can someone explain to me how it’s legal to do what these guys do, while an everyday guy paying a hooker on the corner is against the law?
Apart from HIV, what about HPV? HPV is a leading cause of anal cancer, which is one of the fastest rising causes of death in gay men. As most people know, HPV tends to be asymptomatic. The question isn’t if Hunter and Cole have HPV, but how many strains of HPV they have at this point. They are both aware of this as well. Each young man they fuck bareback, they knowingly infect. They are aware of this as well. How honest can they be if they don’t bring this up nor mention it, and only stick to talk of HIV?
I am really sad that we have to come to this type of hatred and mongering to get an idea across. I’m going to echo the people that have stated the obvious, Its what they choose to do, so let it be! If they state that they are doing what they are supposed to for their health, then back off!
I am a gay black man who chooses “safer sex” (Because as all of you know that you can still contract diseases such as HIV and Herpes during sex. Condoms are still only 89%% effective in preventing the transmition of AIDS and HIV. That means though they are super effective, they aren’t sure safety.) I allow I allow for people to make their own choices and go about my own business without spreading hate.
Now I am not particularly a fan of Bel Ami or the Peter Twins. I don’t enjoy the post, SO I DON”T LOOK OR COMMENT ON THEM! Its really a simple process. This is so ridiculous that I can respect others thoughts on what they like, but i have to be hit with mean and hateful comments on the post I enjoy.
The fact that anyone is allowed to make horrid racial comments is probably my only gripe. That’s what hateful uneducated statements produce. I wish we could get past this, but until then, there should be a closer look over this blog.
Cole and Hunter are sweet guys with a wonderful story. They make good porn and are hot. I would love to be with them. And I would have the choice on whether we use condoms because they do give the model the options. I have a subscription to their website and I will continue to support them.
Cole and Hunter, Keep doing you and I’ll keep supporting you!
Also, we are all being judged everyday for who we are and what we do. Maybe we should think twice before judging those inside the community cause we don’t like what the do. We have a nation fighting against us, lets not fight each other.
Yes, well since we are so busy voting, I vote FOR featuring Maverick Men, Beyond it being hot for it’s own sake – it’s better for most men to be watching BB sex and fantasizing about it than doing it.
Do you fags also expect your celebrities to be “role models”? Stop shoving your judgemental bullshit down other peoples throats.
THANK YOU MANHUNT. It’s a business decision, a smart decision, and a HOT decision. I’ll give you more of my money if you keep it up.
“Horrible accusations of … “promoting wreckless behavior” have been thrown about…”
I don’t see that as a horrible accusation, it’s a valid opinion.
Here’s the deal guys. You can harp on the latency periods or the looks of these guys or how virgin guys don’t take it as well as veterans do, but at the end if the day all you’re doing is bitching. My parents tought me a saying when I was in preschool and that saying is if you can’t say something nice don’t say anything at all. There’s no point in being a jerk for the sake of being jerk and complaining about them isn’t going to change the way they do things it’s just going to annoy the hell out of people who are trying to enjoy 5 minutes of good blogging and hot men. I run a couple of social media forums for my employers and when people complain about content it doesn’t change what I do or how I do it. The only thing it succeeds in is pissing me off… So I pose the question… What’s the point?
Cole and huntet. Keep enjoying urself and making a buck by giving young dumb kids a death sentence
The subject is “hot guys.”
Disagree if you want. I sure don’t.
If you want to make this some judgmental “holier hole than thou” screed, you’re kinda in the wrong place. Maybe you want the Westboro Baptist Church instead.
Maverick Men are gross and sick of seeing these posts.. is it shock effect that sells membership.. knock it off.. everything about MM is wrong.. poor boys that are seduced into thier wackness… MH do the right thing and back off MM.. considering nix my membership.. HELLO????????????????
They are hot guys and I love the site , but I’ve never barebacked in my life and I never would, why take that chance for a few minutes of fun. I don’t get it but that’s just me I guess. I guess I’m pretty lucky that I’m not “wired” like that to think I need to bb.
Let he among you without sin cast the first stone.
A friend of mine had the same opinion on barebacking, then his fiencee cheated on him and gave him HIV, after 7 years together. So stop being ignorant and implying that these guys are at any more risk than someone in a “monogomous” relationship.
Also note they never use the term “safe sex” only safer sex – they recognise that there is a sliding scale here.
Geez, I’m 18 – a young gay, and I have no problem undersanding that what I see on screen doesn’t always go in real life.
You are basically telling everybody that you are stupid as fuck if you are implying that everybody copies what they see on TV. I suppose you think they should ban guns on TV because people will start going around shooting eachother after watching Die Hard.
agree 10-0% with mateo – i hope you people complaining about this NEVER EVER have bareback sex not even with your lifelong husband in a monog relationship, you are still putting yourself in harms way!
why is there never this drama about straight porn? ive never even seen condoms used in straight porn and yet most people with hiv are straight women.
Cole Maverick is SO HOTTTT!!!!!!
Barring the fact that many of their videos are an absolute bore, we have no right to sit on our proverbial high-horses, opining about practices that(apparently/ostensibly/self-confessed well-informed) adults choose to partake in. Yes, there is a latent period concerning HIV infection; yes, there are many stories of those in the supposed-frequently-tested straight porn industry contracting the virus within/from the industry. I would hope they both are well aware of these dangers and informing all prospective co-actors in their pieces. However, many of those who have such an adverse to reaction to their practices, very well could be the ones supporting their ventures and, even more ridiculously, partaking in equally dangerous practices. He who casts the first stone…
Would be great if all the guys that have posted in this topic would actually go out and do something more then posting a few hundred words.
If you are truly so concerned about the amount of bare back sex that takes place everyday – GET OUT THERE AND DO SOMETHING.
But, alas, none of you will actually do anything. But I bet a lot of you will post that you do already. But you are only fooling yourself. Not any of us.
And if you are, post your profile here and what health/education/HIV/sex organization you currently work or volunteer for.
Tatted: well said dear sir, well said.
I am sick of how many posts they get on this site. at least there is some verity in the the Bi-the way posts, but how much do cole and hunter pay manhunt to get so many stories posted about them….enough already dumbwitt!!
What’s with Maverick Men and the “virgin hole” bull shit? None of them are virgins! Just like Broke Straight Boys. They may be broke but they sure ain’t straight!
why even have the “manhunt cares” site if you are going to promote unsafe sex?
Geez, if you have a problem with these guys just skip over the post. Problem solved.
I so agree with Leo.
Are we really debating the morality of porn? It’s fantasy. Watching hot guys do it bare doesn’t make me suddenly hot or compelled to fuck a guy without a condom. It’s a hell of a lot safer to JO watching someone else bareback than to bareback yourself.
Every time anyone has consensual sex, they CHOOSE if they will use protection. Educate people, let them make their own decision. If you don’t like the porn, don’t watch it. If enough people don’t watch it or click on the posts, it will go away.
Lesson: act like a man and stop whining!
To manhunt doesNT care and others,
Your comment doesn’t make any sense whatsoever. Barebacking happens all around us every minute of the day, every day of the week and every week of the year. It’s there. And just because you decide to ignore it or stick your head in the ground and hope it goes away – IT WON’T.
It is there. Happenning right now as you read this.
Manhunt cares. The porn industry cares. Probably even half of the posters here care. To say they don’t just means you’re ignorant of what they do. And by ignoring that barebacking is out there simply means YOU don’t care.
@ Bubble:
there have been actual double-blind studies on media exposure altering behavior…anybody with access to jstor or psychinfo or any college library search engine can read them. claiming that people are influenced by what they see on TV isn’t radical…it’s backed up by hard scientific evidence.
@irgy709 – Correct, and if you had actually read said studies, you would know that they have conclusively proven that pornography acts as an outlet and discourages otherwise deviant behavior. It’s proven true with even the extremes, rapists. People with the psychological profile to be a rapist that were exposed to S&M / Rape Roleplay porn, were over 90% LESS likely to actually go out & rape someone. Why? Because they had another way to express it.
While I do not bareback in real life, especially after watching 2 ex’s wither & die due to HIV (or more accurately the medication used to treat it), I do find bareback porn to be very hot. However, that is the realm of fantasy, not reality.
The only negative posts I’d have to agree with here, would be the ones asking how much they pay Manhunt for all the exposure. It does seem like Manhunt posts the same sites, over & over & over & over. At least change up the content a little, or stop purporting this to be a real blog. I used to really enjoy Manhunt Daily, it was a “real” blog…but over the past year or so, it’s become stagnant. The same crap over & over & over & over. *snore*
As a legitimate blogger, here’s a bit of advise Dewett – going against your readership, is a really bad idea. Actually, bluntly, calling them out on it, to the extent of calling them bullies…great way to loose them altogether. Find a happy medium.
Just my $0.02, as a paying customer…for what it’s worth.
hmmm, what i’m wondering is…does manhunt daily get paid to show these scenes as advertisements? if so, then ya, you are encouraging the bullshit, but it’s ok as long as your getting a nice check for it. lol that and maverick men are nasty as fuck, and not in the good way. yes i know all the guys are 18+ but it’s still really creepy.
manhunt should take heed of these comments. they have an advertising contract going on and they probably just don’t check what is being linked in – that kind of shit attitude gets stuff like this promoted – sure, bb goes on all the time – but a site like Manhunt should be responsible and promote safer sex – linking this on the main page just shouldn’t happen.
as a avid fan (and internet friend) to both Dewitt and the Maverick Men, i will say this…the Maverick Men have posted on their site and said on numerous occasions they frequent in bareback sex and if the models arent into it (or tested prior to filming) they most likely will not appear on video. so anyone that has an offensive stand on them or this issue can simply NOT CLICK THE LINK! no one forces you to sit there and hold your dick and scream obscenities at your computer about what going on in the clip. leave the decisions of consenting adults to the judgement of consenting adults and find something else that can hold your interest. STOP pestering a blogger and the various people and manhunt.com and maverickmen.com to their business and go about emptying your balls elsewhere gentlemen.
The idea that bareback porn influences or encourages people is exactly the same as the violent cartoons/video games & children agrument.
Yes… A very minute percentage will see it as an encouragement. That percentage is directly related to education levels.
The majority knows the risk, they then choose.
Land of the free… Blessing & a curse.
In all things we have a choice. As long as we make ours intelligently, then our outcome should still be good.
All pornography is a fantasy no matter if is it bareback porn or safe sex porn.
And you can’t blame ManHunt for promoting unsafe sex. Thats just pointing fingers.
When it comes down to it we all make the decision every time we have sex to do it safe or to do it bareback. And we all must take responsibility for our own actions and the outcomes of those actions.
These Maverick Men are f*#king HOT … and that clip of them tag teaming that so called “virgin” was hot. If you say otherwise you are lying to yourself.
Keep it up Maverick Men! I dig you!
I completely agree!
Take responsibility for your actions.
You made a choice.
Ok, Manhunt, here’s what you do: drop the Manhunt Cares campaign for safer sex or drop the barebacking. They cannot coexist. Not even barebacking with disclaimers. It’s like going to a gym that serves McDonald’s instead of protein shakes. Furthermore, the latest outbreak of HIV in straight porn, which led to the closure of the AIM clinic, even made a mockery of STD testing.
It’s this kind of hypocrisy that I detest. As much as I disagree with the logical gymnastics from the folks at Treasure Island Media, they actually mean it when they say the choice to protect yourself is up to you. They don’t say that their own special barebacking is actually safe and the performers are protected. You can tell all those men threw caution to the wind. For that, they earn my grudging respect.
It’s a choice people make, you have sex with a condom or without, with someone you know or anonymously, you get tested or you don’t. If you don’t make wise choices then don’t complain about it later. It’s 2011, there are no AIDS “victims” just people making bad decisions.
“…we’re not going to force you to change your minds about these guys, but we’re also not going to let you bully us into avoiding their scenes altogether.”
REALLY?! Once again Manhunt management shoots the finger at paying customers. Perhaps I won’t let MH bully me into the next credit card authorization.
why is there never this drama about straight porn? ive never even seen condoms used in straight porn and yet most people with hiv are straight women.
Go point! Too many gays just love bitchin and complaining its who we are. I love Maverick Man. I would take the older one any day over that the other fat, old, troll Jake Cruise(yuck)!
One word: AMAZING!
There was something in the news a couple months about HIV hitting the porn mills in San Fernando because of all the unprotected contant. Just goes to show that even with testing you can’t be too careful. But we can minimize. Sheath up people..
LOVE the hand-gagging.
Disqus is back??
Testing is not 100% accurate and doesn’t prevent/reduce the spread of hepatitis or other sexually transmitted diseases, and with HIV, it only alows the option to stop transmitting the disease once a positive test result is obtained.
I feel bad for the (what I feel are) poor decisions made by Wade and hopes he makes better ones in the future.
I personally don’t find a scenario where a young man gets talked into bareback bottoming for two strangers appealing.
what happened to all the comments from yesterday? there where a crap ton condeming this??? honestly i don’t know…do they get cleared after a day? or is this some form of sensorship? on a blog none the less…
No, this is not some form of censorship. We’re in the process of (trying to) convert back to the Disqus commenting system, after having some technical difficulties a few weeks ago. The most recent comments on the blog have not been exported yet. Hope that clears up any confusion!
– Dewitt
i wish all these perpetual nay-sayers about the mavericks could find such abundant energy for condemning some of the really bad issues that we of the LGBQTT face, daily.
for i’ve read through most of this post’s comments before they were “temporarily disposed,” earlier this morning (EST).
and i really don’t like that some of you continue to talk about the bottoms (specifically, the “teens”) like they’re “victims” who didn’t consent, or were coërced (by Cole {the older of the two, whom i also happen to like the most}).
i remember back when i myself was jailbait, i was lusting after some adults who were even 3 – 4 times my then-current age, for giving them blowjobs.
and it is, indeed, very likely that if i had been psychologically-predisposed for it, i might have wanted them to fuck me as well.
(excepting as i am 98 – 99% anal top, such a path-branch wasn’t meant to be explored, even if i had been able to find a daring adult to take care of that “itch” for me.)
what i’m saying is, i was quite aware of what i wanted, before Johnny Law even considered little hungry cocksuckers like me competent enough to “consent” to having what i’d desired so badly.
(i mean, what do you-all think that little queers like me were “pleasuring” ourselves to, back in those days, anyway??
stuff like Playgirl, and internet-delivered pictures {and 15-30 second video clips, when i was lucky} of bloakes like Tom Katt, Chris Duffy, and Carl Hardwick, is what!)
and i’m almost 30 now.
so, these newer, subsequent generations of people are getting more and more savvy.. ..and, likely, are far less “naïve” than their predecessors had been.
i get the feeling that if these two barebackers were different guys, with a more “mainstream” æsthetic appeal, the complaints levied about their activities would be at least one-thirded, if not halved:
• in my view, hunter is okay-looking, but he doesn’t float my boat as much as cole,
• who’s probably discriminated against, mostly, because of all his gray hair (which i had once-recently suggested he dye jet black, just to see what kind of commentary he’d draw then), which is frowned upon by these fags with their ageist-/”he’s_old_enough_to_be_my_(grand)daddy”-issues.
i mean, yeah.
i get it.
HIV, sundry STDs, HPV.
Latency Periods for Antibody Generation.
the whole gamut.
all i can say is, you can go and hang those two if they ever become positive for anything undesirable, know they are, and then continue on their merry unprotected ways.
(incidentally: i wonder if the mavericks donate a portion of their profits to HIV-research?
maybe that could mitigate some of the sting of their sexual practices?)
it appears that i really must remind you that the only surefire way to avoid contracting Social Diseases..
..is to not be “social.”
as in, never leave your residence, and never have intimate contact with another person.
(that includes not ever letting your Aunt Bunny, who might so happen to have an undiscovered-case of HSV-1, give you that friendly, strictly-platonic_peck on your lips.)
it really is simple: if you are sexually active, you run the risk of picking up something.
no matter how small that risk, you may be that one who was in the Unlucky 1 – 15%, for whom the condom was not effective.
or, for whom the gonorrhea was transmitted, orally.
or, for whom an infected partner’s bodily fluid had seeped into an unknown wound on your person (hand, torso, anus/buttocks, face).
so, just continue assuming everyone else is positive for everything.
including yourself.
i’m not saying, go and be reckless.
but what i am saying is, don’t hold yourselves to be too high-and-mighty.
and, please, check your hypocrisy, if you would be drooling and dripping if the Maverick Men happened to be, say, Leighton Stultz and Chris R, instead.
“it’s okay if it’s someone else fucking these poor “barely legal´´ guys raw.”
Something that just struck me.
You guys get criticized for practically every post you make, you threatened getting rid of the top model one, you’ve GOTTEN rid of any of your music related posts, and there’s a few others that you like to comment that the hater-ade flows strong so you ditched it.
But THIS is where you make your stand? I get it, you’re gay, and you love these guys, but seriously? You’re gonna get butthurt and quit posting about music because people don’t understand that your opinions are YOURS and shouldn’t affect their like/dislike of singers, but when a huge majority of folks are basically blowing this place up with hate you just put up your sunglasses and say “deal with it”? Why couldn’t you do that about your “Album Review” or any other music-critique related post? Don’t bitch about people bitching anymore, you’ve already exposed your hypocrisy.
Interesting parallel, James. The only difference is that they use a camera and tell them that they’ll post it on their website. Just keep a video camera with you and if anything ever goes down, just say that you’re filming for your website.
WOW! I love the heat these guys generate in these blogs. People are fired up and it’s getting mean in here. We all need to take personal responsibility for our thoughts, words and deeds and let everyone else do the same.
It seems pretty simple to me: If you don’t like it – don’t look at it. I don’t like fisting, so I don’t watch porn that includes it. If you don’t like barebacking then don’t watch the Maverick men. By the way, they are not the only ones out there making bare back porn.
Why did you get rid of the weekly top 10 music blog yet continue to post everything that Gaga does?
sorry – posted on wrong page
Oh get your facts straight before you open your mouth you blithering idiot!
I had to stop reading all of these comments. Most of you make me really sick with your perpetual ignorance, and when someone points out where you are wrong you blatantly ignore it and push harder for even more intense hatred. Well, Cole and Hunter, you guys know I love you both and could care less what the rest of these people think. Rondal and I are looking forward to a good Irish Pub with a few brews. The Sword is done with these fools! I need food anyway. LOL!
It is a matter of social responsibility and Manhunt failed to take the lead. We have collective obligations to the society and our outcome need to reach the expectations. I can go on and on trying to explain the things that make sense and how manhunt should act in regards to Maverick Men and blah blah blah… BUT I will reserve my opinion this time; and not because manhunt does not give a shit about our overall health status but only because it is VAIN to explain to manhunt and its bloggers how to deal with MaverickMen and their irresponsible behavior.
Manhunt has already set up its minds on what side to take and unfortunately they go where the money is. Manhunt gets crappier than men4sexnow .com. It is up to the members to act against it. I’m not going to renew my membership.
Why do people like you always assume that there has to be some sort of “relationship” between Manhunt and other sites? There’s something for everyone on this site, from twinks to bears to bi to straight and on and on. There are probably a lot of sites out there that I’m glad Manhunt doesn’t link to, like water sports, blood and scat, just to name a few. Manhunt, leave the voting for the Ten, top or bottom and the four-way battles. Variety is the spice of life. As for the Maverick Men haters, do us all a favor when you see the post and just pass it on by. There’s already enough negativity in the world.
By all means, please keep this commenting system. It works a lot better.
“Gay community” choosing/promoting unsafe sex practices that contribute to HIV epidemic
“Gay community” constantly asking for money & support for HIV/AIDS as if we are the victims
For those of us who don’t agree with bareback porn, simply ignoring it is not enough, because what the gay porn industry perpetuates *is* seen as a reflection on the gay community. “But,” you say, “straight porn doesn’t use condoms!” True, but they don’t have the burden of proof. After HIV/AIDS was first thought of as a “gay disease” and now the gay community continues to strengthen the association between HIV/AIDS and homosexuality, we are bringing onto ourselves the fair question “what are we doing ourselves to prevent it?”
Also, this is NOT like video game or TV violence. In video games, digital people get killed. In cop shows, no real bullets were fired. In bareback porn, real gay men are carrying out risky behaviors. You can call it fantasy all you want, but we all know it’s real.
If people choose risky behaviors in their private lives and they are fully aware of the risk, so be it. If people choose risky behaviors and justify that they are not risky, that’s delusional. If people choose risky behaviors, justify that they are not risky, and also promote this lifestyle and belief, that’s irresponsible and dangerous.
Anal warts, herpes, chlamydia, syphillis, gonnorhea…. and a host of other things are all spread that way too– not just HIV. I just dont get why someone would NOT use a condom given the CHOICE????? Eventually, they WILL get HIV, it’s just a matter of time.
I just really want a pair of those Nikes…
Keep doing what you guys do! It’s fucking hot. It’s not like you’re misleading anyone or hiding anything, all parties involved are full aware of what they are doing and the risks involved. Everyone makes their own choices, so anyone who wants to crucify you for making bareback videos can piss off. Thank you guys for providing so much jerk off material lol. Gotta say though, would love to see you guys hire a camera man so more of the action between you two, three or more could be filmed.
awful shit pics
wtf is wrong with you people, it’s not a promotional video for unsafe sex, it’s porn! if you don’t like it bareback for whatever reason just don’t watch it and move on! every-fucking-body knows what the risks are so shut up and get a life!