The Ten: We Are Biased About Who Should Win This.

It should come as no surprise that we’re rooting for Seth Fornea in this round of The Ten. With Quinn Christopher Jaxon nearing the end of his run as the “Sexiest Man of The Moment“, it’s time for a new contestant to take the top spot! We’d like to nominate Seth. It’s up to you whether you choose to honor that nomination. Choose wisely.

Speaking of not choosing wisely, your negligence has led to the departure of Harijs Broza, Roger Monssores, Jerry Conrad, Julius Johnson and Kelan. These five competitors didn’t receive enough votes to stay on the charts, so we had to send them packing. We wish them the best!

For those of you who are just joining us, here’s how the game works. Each week, we’ll feature ten extremely sexy men to choose from. You can vote for up to two of these guys, and only the five with the highest amount of votes will move on to the next round. The remaining five slots will be filled the following week by men who you’ve suggested, as well as a handful of attractive fellows selected by your favorite bloggers (that would be us).

To keep things interesting, each participant will be retired after ten weeks on the charts. They have the opportunity of returning in the future, provided that they produce another hot video, photo shoot or anything worthy of a Manhunt Daily post.

Now let’s forget about the rules for a second and focus on what really matters–who should be on top next week? You have until next Tuesday to pick your two favorite contestants, so hop to it and make your vote count!

– Dewitt

To view this week’s rankings and cast your vote, follow the JUMP:

In the grand tradition of ten words or less…

1. QUINN CHRISTOPHER JAXON (LW – 1, W9): One week until he’s retired. Make it a good one.

2. JONATHAN PELISSIE (LW – 2, W7): The sexy, naked rugby player sticks around for another round.

3. GORAN (LW – 8, W2): He’s even better when he smiles, but this works too.

4. PADDY O’BRIAN (LW – 10, W2): Imagine that mushroom head pushing against your thoroughly lubed ass.

5. JOHN CREIGHTON (LW – 4, W3): The eyes have it! The armpits also have it. Yum.

6. SETH FORNEA (DEBUT): More here, here or here. Follow him on Facebook here.

7. TAYLOR (DEBUT): Yup! He looks like a combination of various hot celebrities.

8. RYAN TONGIA (DEBUT): Another rugby player! Sadly, he didn’t show us his ass.

9. ASTROBOI SELABY (DEBUT): You could break your jaw on that monstrous, throbbing meat.

10. JOHNNY RAPID (DEBUT): Gay porn’s sluttiest twink. Potentially, gay porn’s sluttiest performer overall.

26 thoughts on “The Ten: We Are Biased About Who Should Win This.

  1. the pictures should either be all nude or all clothes…dicks and asses will cloud everyone’s decisions, when some are showing beautiful asses, dicks and others nothing, its not a fair survey

  2. OMG Seth is very hot. I went to his f/b page and looked at his pics. HOT HOT HOT.

  3. It’s kind of like life AND life is not fair or have you not figured that out yet?

  4. Seth and QCJ… But Paddy O’Brian is a close runner-up… I’d take all three… Any way they wanted

  5. QCJ and Taylor. And please tell me that there are pics of Quinn spreading those luscious buns and revealing the secrets of the universe….

  6. How was it somehow overlooked or not mentioned that Paddy has an accent? Combine that with the mushroom head and you can consider my vote swayed!

  7. Johnny Rapid! That’s like the worst picture Ive seen, but he’s still topping my list.

  8. You can say that it’s not fair, but I’m not going to withhold dick pics of hot guys just because their fellow contestants didn’t take any dick pics.


  9. Just wait until next week. I have the perfect “goodbye” picture for his final week on the countdown.

  10. With those pics of Quinn, hopefully he’ll go out ON TOP (of me). Look at that smooth creamy ass. I could just live there for a few days and be totally content. Of course I might need to nurse on his amazing cock for liquid nourishment. I’m in! 

    Side note: Taylor should be his logical successor.  Dude is fucking sexy!

  11. how could i not vote for tongia and fornea?

    (i mean, their last names friggin’ rhyme, for crying out loud!)

    i want to lick my tongue all over one guy and fornicate-forever with another.

    (i shall make this my life’s mission.)

  12. Missed the voting this round but Seth is so hot. He has 4 of my favorite things; red hair, red pubes, green underwear(my favorite color, and a hard cock. My other vote would have went to Johnny Rapid. He is just too cute. Even though I am mostly a bottom he makes me want to top; plus I have seen him top in one vid and would let him top me.

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