The United Nations Divided on Gay Rights

General Assembly

Members of The United Nations General Assembly attempted to take on the issue of gay rights and were very divided. On Thursday, a French-Dutch resolution called for international decriminalization of homosexuality, since 86 countries deem it illegal, with 7 employing the death penalty. This joint statement garnered 66 votes, and one notable absence was the United States, which doesn't plan on signing the statement.

An opposing statement argues that such an act could lead to "the social normalization,
and possibly the legitimization, of many deplorable acts including
pedophilia." This view was unfortunately backed by most Arab nations, Russia, and China, garnering around 60 votes.

I think the fact that it is being brought up in the U.N is a step forward, but the United States refusing to sign it is beyond me. How can we claim to lead the world on human rights and justice and not sign this? What do others think?

You can read the text of the statement here.

– Andy

3 thoughts on “The United Nations Divided on Gay Rights

  1. Unfortunately, at the current moment the U.S is represented by a conservative administration so it isn’t surprising to know that most of the diplomats, ambassadors representing the U.S have to go along with Bush’s agenda when it comes to dodging international promotion of human rights. But it’s good that nations are trying install this resolution, the problem of course is enforcing it, but then again the U.N isn’t a world federation”

  2. Considering the religiously-archaic morons that have run this countryfor the past eight years, it doesn’t surprise me that the United States would stand alongside those nations that have the worst records of human rights violations. For ANY educated person in this day and time to not realize that ANY sexual orientation is a benign, inherent circumstance within each individual and that it’s not parallel to pedophelia, etc., indicates a frightening degree of ignorance on behalf of any so-called “leader” affirming and encouraging such stupidity. Moreover, the asnine, religious extremists (i.e. Iran, Saudi Arabia, etc.) who impose the death penalty on their innocent homosexual citizens should be tried in an international court and have nothing less than that same punishment imposed upon them. How infuriating.

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