The MANHUNT Daily team decided to have some fun with demographics. If you've ever wondered what state you should be in if you're a bottom with a ferocious appetite or if you're an ass loving top who wants plenty of pickings, we have the map for you!
Think blue state/red state, but with a MANHUNT twist. Check out the map above as MANHUNT pulled some data from our site and figured out which states were top heavy and the ones that bottomed out. It's pretty interesting stuff, especially the random versatility of the Mountain West.
All in all, I'd say tops top in the United States, so all you bottoms rejoice! We did not include in the data guys who checked off "ask me" as an option for sexual preference.
– Andy
Right… I live in the Portland, Oregon, area, and all there are here are “bottoms” and “versatiles.” I’d love to know where all these “tops” are.
same in MI, there are TONS of bottoms, which sucks for me….
Actually the problem is that all the BOTTOMS who complain about there being no tops are THOROUGHLY unattractive.
It’s not that there aren’t tops. It’s that no one wants to fuck YOU.
This is consistent with my experience. I’m headed to New Mexico!
a fact.
This map doesn’t seem to jibe with reality. Of course, the data does not control for those who have a preference for bottom who list themselves as “versatile” or “versatile/top” as a means to have access to a larger pool of potential playmates. This would certainly explain the District of Columbia.
This map seems way off. Bottoms are every fuckin where! I personally prefer to bottom but if I didnt top I wouldnt have “ANY” sex..AT ALL! (which is cool with me..I like a nice ass).
I don’t care if there are more tops or bottoms in CT. We just need some hot men!
LOL….I’m a top here in the DC area and it seems every guy I meet is a bottom which suits me just fine!! Lots of guys who start chatting with me that list vers or even vers/top all end up being bottoms. Once again, that suits me just fine but doesn’t seem to be in keeping with your map. But don’t go changing anything, I like things the way they are!!
you seriously hate canadian’s don’t you? >.>
nice, now these are the types of stats they need to put on the nightly news.
honestly, it doesnt matter if a guy is a bottom or a top, we can just let things fall into place in the bedroom (sometimes that’s the best way!)
there are some guys out there who are just fine with assuming either role…
Versatiles should be a null vote, and then when weighing in the tops to bottoms ratio, we should have the middle 15%-20% in black
varying shades of bottom/top would be cool too, like a hot/cold map?
Haha I’m in New Mexico and this shit is ACCURATE. Thanks.
99/100 percent of gay men would bottom for the right top….it’s the classic issue of guys feeling less masculine if the put bottom on their profile…here in San Diego, every top I’ve met has sat on my cock after being kissed deep and licked right!!…really it’s about passion and seduction….
Andy Thanks for the info. I find it “interesting” that nearly 80% of the states (39 out of 50) are listed as being tops. Only 11 states are either bottom (6) or vers (5). Of course, it could be that most guys list top to 1) seem more manly, etc like others have commented or 2) are actually bottoms but list tops, 3) whatever the reason. But, I think a simple three color code is not sufficient to convey the depth of the data points.
Therefore, it will be interesting to see a breakdown by percentage top/bottom by state. My guess is that not all the states are the same… some top states might be 51% top/49% bottom while another is 75% top/25% bottom for example.
Andy, can you use a shaded color code system to indicate the % level of tops vs. bottoms?? For example, CA (my state) is a lite blue since it is 51% top/49% bottom (for example purposes only!) while Georgia is a dark blue for being 70% top/30% bottom (example). And New Mexico is a dark orange/yellow for being 75% bottom (example).
Or just publish the data by each state by top/bottom/vers or if possible, even include ask me in the breakdown. Look forward to the new data if it is possible.
I think a world-wide should be done…… the way Brad said, “a shaded color code system to indicate the % level of tops vs. bottoms”
I love it! Now the rest of the world!
Seems a little top-heavier than what I see online. Then again, “Ask Me” usually turns out to mean “Bottom” in my area, so maybe that threw it off some.
I think you got it backwards…
I look at what guys put on their profiles as a preference only. A guy may prefer to top but 2 minutes with my tongue up his ass and those legs will swing wider than a set of french doors on a Paris balcony.
Seriously tho, I’m listed as a top and I certainly have switched over when it suited me. Don’t mean a thing yo.