Sweet Jesus! Someone has compiled a flow chart showcasing things that you should or shouldn't say during sex. Not quite surprisingly on the religious front, using the Lord's name in vain made it onto the good side, while "Jesus is Sweet!" and "We're Going To Hell For This" leaned towards the bad. Can you guess where "I'm going to pound the farts out of you" fell on the chart? Let me rephrase that–I really hope you can guess which category that falls under…
– Dewitt
Photo credit: Cody Cummings
To check out the full chart, follow the JUMP:
lol, I think they should add “giggity giggity” on the list of things to not say lol.
This was cute!
Some of those were hilarious. “(and not their gender)”
Note to self: stop making sheep sounds in the sack.
Wonder where “Aww, it’s so cute!” falls in there.