This Is How You Raise Money For Your College Rowing Team


Why is it that every other country’s college sports teams know that nude calendars of themselves are the best way to raise money? What is it with America? Why are our athletes such prudes? The UK, France…everyone’s dropping trou for the camera and our teams are selling Girl Scout Cookies or whatever. Lame. Screw your Thin Mints (I kid, those are amazing), we want to see ass!

The mens’ rowing team at Warwick University in England are shooting a nude calendar to raise funds for their sport, and they’re even donating some of the bucks to Ben Cohen’s anti-bullying campaign. The team even acknowledges how grateful they are to the gay community for their past and present support on their Crowdfunder page.

Oh, and if you donate enough money, you can hang out during one of the photo shoots and they’ll serve you champagne naked.  Ok, these dudes are awesome. Here are some of the preview pics and a video to whet your appetite. Please note what rowing does for the human body. Tight.

For more info on the Warwick boys’ calendar, go here.

– J. Harvey

To see pics and vid of Warwick University’s rowing team in the buff, Follow the JUMP:



8 thoughts on “This Is How You Raise Money For Your College Rowing Team

  1. Fraiser I hate to ask what is your difinition of a flat ass ? because the kid in the 2nd pix after the jump difinitely does not a have a flat ass . LOL I bet you would have been one of the people arguing that the world was flat HA ! HA !

  2. Fraiser I hate to ask what is your difinition of a flat ass ? because the kid in the 2nd pix after the jump difinitely does not a have a flat ass . LOL I bet you would have been one of the people arguing that the world was flat HA ! HA !

  3. Fraiser I hate to ask what is your difinition of a flat ass ? because the kid in the 2nd pix after the jump difinitely does not a have a flat ass . LOL I bet you would have been one of the people arguing that the world was flat HA ! HA !

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