“It’s like our culture is so rooted in voyeuristic obsession and the exposure of people’s lives in order to feel validated. It’s terribly empty and sad. It leaves me with a diminished faith in humanity.”
Sorry, Zachary Quinto! We don’t mean to diminish your faith in humanity any more than it’s already been diminished, but this is what happens when Manhunt members don’t submit their pics for our Top or Bottom series. We write an entire post about whether you like it up the ass.
Look, you can call us tacky for speculating on the recently out actor’s preference, but don’t act like you’re not curious about the answer! He’s hot. And he’s fucking Spock. You can’t help but wonder if he likes getting bent over and drilled with no mercy. Not that we’re implying he’s a bottom. But, gosh, we sure hope so.
If you’d like to avoid reading additional celebrity-themed Top or Bottom posts, send an e-mail to daily@manhunt.net with the subject heading (duh) “Top or Bottom”. Be sure to include a few pictures, your preferred name or alias, the role you play in the bedroom and a brief note giving us permission to use your pics. As a thank you for your cooperation, we’ll hook you up with a FREE MONTH of unlimited membership to Manhunt. Explore your exhibitionist side, satisfy your curiosity and get some dick in the process? Sounds like a sweet deal!
Also, we’re not revealing Geoff‘s results until we get someone new. JUST SAYIN’.
– Dewitt
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ive fucked him raw and he took my load… he is a total bb cumslut
i wanna see who the come out boyfriend is. Lance Bass came out in ultimate style with the gorgeous reichen lemkuhl on his arm and in his bed. Followed by ricky martin and his sexy man in a close second. I wanna see who the top in the quinto series is since i kinda peg zach as a versatile bottom.
i also kinda wanna see him with a black guy getting jackhammered. Someone like scott alexander would be great. That is my xmas porn wish.
Sure hope he likes it on bottom,my only wish is could be me giving it to him!
I’m guessing bottom but he could be a freaky top too
come on, zaschquisha with a black guy? lol no, he has a blonde 22 yr old twink riding his monobrow…
he has been doing chase crawford i hear
He’s a Total Bottom. But Only once every seven years.
Who cares, he has large balls for doing what he did to come out the way he did, and show young people struggling with being gay , that it does get better, and he just might be saving a young life somewhere, whether he likes to pitch or catch is no ones business but his partners.
True, wouldn’t matter too much. It’s awesome he was willing to come out.
He’s been one of my fav actors.
My gaydar actually worked, I suspected he was gay.
I’d hope he’d be vers, I could do plenty w/ him
personally don’t care. It’s not like I will benefit from it or his coming out either way.
Okay, im gonna say it. I think Zach and Chris Pine were getting it on during Star Trek. Im sure thats entirely my fantacy but i still think it happened. Chris is such a total top and he likes to powerfuck, i just know it. Afterall, they are in an alternate universe now. They could soooo be getting it on. I’ll even accept Zoe in the mix from time to time. She is one bad ass chick anyways.
Very sexy guy.
Hopefully vers! Would love to plow him, and get plowed in return! LOL!
mr. quinto gives me a “verse/top” vibe.
(p.s. — i am really digging that last photo in this set.)
tell me, mr. Witte: how shall we know this gentleman’s preference?
It’s pretty clear you guys are having some difficulty keeping this segment going. If your own fans and followers have mixed feelings about “opting-in” with a willing contribution, why would you choose a subject who can’t “opt-out”, particularly one like Zach Quinto? Guts like his should be lauded, and not subject to gossipy (sp?) speculation.
Don’t get me wrong: I really like your site. There’s an awful lot you guys totally get right. In fact, this fussy queen is often surprised by how hot/funny/informative your features can be. But this? It feels cheap and beneath you, and not a in a fun, sweaty, grunty way.
He’s tricky, seems to fall in that median ambiguous category. Best way to find out, would be to go to bed with him!!! I’ve always thought he was a hottie, has a great, handsome, and masculine face! However, I wasn’t too shocked to hear he came out. He seemed to play Torrie Spelling’s gay best friend role too well, Great for him tho!!! Nice to officially know he’s on our team now! Hey Zach, if you’re reading this??? Look me up, I’m interested!
Not really into him but I believe he is more on the bottom side of things.
Good for him for deciding to follow his heart not that it matters much that he’s straight, gay, or bi he still is pretty interesting. Now that he’s out, let’s see what kind of roles he’ll get. The question always remains can a openly gay actor play straight, as well as many straight actors playing gay.
Even though bottoms are a dime a dozen, A good bottom is rare so, I selfishly hope he’s one of them ;-)lol
Love that “Got Milk?” shot (if they don’t already, they should use that pic).
That’s the shot that made me go, “Yeah, he’s not completely bottom. He gets angry horny and can fuck arse when the time is right!”
he got a very spice hairy ass woof
Now T H A T is a creamy facial if I every saw one !! don’t particullarly care which way he swings horizontally I just want to see him in action ! Kudos for cummin’ out too all the best in your career…
Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Only him and his boyfriend know for sure…and I’m sure his has one.
Just going by rumors and hearsay but I’ve heard he is an AGGRESSIVE top.
..he’s my ‘hero’… an deffinately vers-bottom!!I’d do him… :O)
I don’t find this man attractive. However, he’s not ugly. In my opinion, I think, he’s a total bottom.
Oh… that was milk in that last picture. Thanks for ruining for me.
100% versatile
LOL at this
I feel in “love” with ZQ the moment I saw him on Heroes. Once I saw his face i thought he was amazingly gorgeous. Since then I’ve wondered what it would be like to be with him. Whether he’s a top or a bottom doesn’t matter. He’s a beautiful man who has real feelings and emotions. That’s what a true man is. Top or bottom or reverse melon ball…he’s amazing in my book!
100% versatile please! ooo ye! Flip fuck all night long!
isn’t Zack Dating that Red head from Modern Family? if so i would say hes a TOP!!
I would LOVE to see him with Nicco Sky.
I think these segments are fun, and actually invoke a tiny bit of thought. To all the people upset by these posts, calm down its all in good fun!
I don’t care what he is; I’d help him out. Oy Papi!
Who em-effing cares? I would do Zach Quinto any and all-sorts of ways.
aggressive top who like to bite
Hes fucking hot