True Beauty: Ian Nelson Foster

According to Sexy Muscle Guys, Brit Ian Nelson Foster is the next big thing in the male modeling industry. He’s also jacked up recently, going from a thin, twinkish-type to the muscled magnificence you see before you. Let’s thank Ian’s gym and awesome genetics. He’s scary hot.

When did hazel eyes become “piercing and sexy?” Blue eyes need to watch their back.

– J. Harvey

Photo credit: Sexy Muscle Guys

For more pics of Ian, Follow the JUMP:

405 thoughts on “True Beauty: Ian Nelson Foster

  1. He is cute and all … great body but I don’t think the face is all that. I’ve seen much more handsome models.

  2. Blue eyes are boring. Give me hazel or (even better) brown eyes any day. Make. Me. Melt.

  3. When the brits do it well, WE DAMN WELL DO IT WELL! He can do me anytime
    Steve, British and proud

  4. Hazel eyes became the new “piercing and sexy” when they invented photoshop (at least in that one picture — yikes). But you can’t take away the fact that this guy’s absolutely beautiful.

  5. Thank you, Manhunt…you have redeemed yourself for the day with this one….beautiful man!

  6. Seriously?!?! Why the hell do some of you guys even come on this blog??? NOTHING pleases you! This guy is AMAZING!

  7. hott sweet sexy bod, but he looks a bit…Lord of the Ringish…u know those big feet, short fuckers that bored my ass thru 3 movies (had to watch…had a bottom boi that luved that crap)…Elijah Wood played one…

  8. He is pretty handsome blue eyes withstanding, i do favor brown puppy dog eyes like mine 🙂

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