I’m so proud! Like a proud papa of a new gayby! Ugh, did I really just use that horrible slang? The new Manhunt Daily is up and running and everything seems to be bright, shining, and porny. Just the way we like it! Here’s the first “Twitter Feed (Me)” of the new era. We collect a whole bunch of Tweets from our favorite professional fuck machines. Enjoy!
– Michael Xavier
Josh Rider is…ok, my fingers have gone numb from his hotness, I can barely typeLGJ;wrgbnv bw
Want to Party with me in your city ? For bookings get me at joshriderxx@hotmail.com pic.twitter.com/88sJoZ2e54
— Josh Rider (@josh_riderXXX) November 11, 2016
Tex Davidson is proud of his work.
— Tex Davidson (@TexDavidsonxxx) November 11, 2016
Ryan Rose wants to party with you.
Want 2 party with me in your city email me personally @ Ryan.Rose.xrated@gmail.com #ryro #topnotch #daddyintraining #andrewchristian pic.twitter.com/Ir62brzWA9
— Ryan Rose (@RyanRoseXXX) November 11, 2016
Connor McGuire is retweeting his beauty. (That angle makes his balls look deflated but he’s still fiery hot.)
Have a filthy Friday with @ConnorMXXX pic.twitter.com/9HZ6xIU2Ic
— Team Connor (@ConnorMFans) November 3, 2016
Tegan Zayne kept this in case of emergency. This week? It’s a fucking emergency.
Been saving this in my drafts in case of emergency… I think it's time pic.twitter.com/G6F57vd3jO
— Tegan Zayne (@TeganZayne) November 11, 2016
Tom Faulk cut his hair!!!
@TomFaulkXXX & I
I tottaly just woke up pic.twitter.com/l7XLNgRpe3
— Cliff Jensen (@LoveCliffJensen) November 6, 2016
That’s not Bravo Delta but he’s got great taste in jerk-off vids.
Juicy Saturday night CUMSHOT for you! ENJOY it sluts. ????? #cumshotsfordays https://t.co/cxjumN2bk0 pic.twitter.com/4ROvTXTNmq
— Tatttwink (@tatttwink) November 6, 2016
Colby Jansen is showing off those buttcheeks to cheer us all up. I know I feel better.
Trying to #makeamericagreatagain with my open butt shorts. #musclebear #woof #gay #gayjock pic.twitter.com/RtZfUjYsC1
— Colby Jansen (@COLBYJANSENXXX) November 10, 2016
Billy Santoro is celebrating how hot his husband is.
My husband @SethSantoroXXX is probably the HOTTEST man in gay porn!! pic.twitter.com/NuKeNtZnzL
— Billy Santoro (@BillySantoroXXX) November 10, 2016
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