Mark and Ethan are two hotsy YouTube-ers who put together this vid of them demonstrating every uncomfortable kiss possible. It was hard for me to focus on the humor because they remained hotsy during the kissing and Mark’s arms. I say again – Mark’s arms.
These two are in total, sloppy love (check out their “BOYFRIEND Q&A“), and it would be sickening if they weren’t so every-other-page-of-my-dream-journal adorable. They have such charisma, and seem like such fine, young fellows. And Mark’s arms. Their videos better be tagged with “Mark’s arms”. People need to know.
– J. Harvey
PS: Mark is wearing a “Ball State” tank. Oh, I’ll take you to Ball State alright, guy.
Watch Mark and Ethan’s take on awkward kissing below:
These guys are adorable !!
Mark’s wearing a shirt for my favorite university…Testicle Tech!
UH HUH YEP they can kiss me any time!
I’m a serial “Mark” dater, and I approve. Ethan’s got great taste. They look good together.
Chirp Chirp! So glad to see them representing my (and Anthony Romero’s) alma mater. Now if only I saw those two on campus.