Unlockables: Do You Measure Up?


Guys, I know you want to show off just how big your dick is, but can we pick appropriate objects to put next to your cock in your profile pictures?! If I'm on Manhunt and looking for a hot date, seeing a shampoo bottle next to your dick is an instant turn off.

I've seen remote controls, deodorant, keyboards among others being strategically placed next to a guy's dick for size reference. None of those things work! Can we please start using things that are actually used to measure size, like a ruler?

Ideally, you would not partake in this at all, a good picture alone can show that you got it goin' on down there. But if you must, an instrument that will actually give people a good idea of your manhood would be helpful. So get a ruler, measuring tape or even your own hand and leave the bottle of lube for what's it's really meant for.

– Andy

For an example, follow the JUMP:

Deodorant dick

9 thoughts on “Unlockables: Do You Measure Up?

  1. …maybe it’s just me, but I find the random objects that us guys find to “measure with” kinda hot. Shows the person is creativity and comical. Not some stuck up person that just shows a cock pic like every other dude on the planet. Just my .02

  2. Dude no, totally a turn off. This is especially true when done dollar bills.
    Just me personally though.

  3. I do not agree with Andy, random objects to measure up are totally hot!

  4. I think it kind of depends on the object, personally.
    What I find hilarious, though, is when guys show the thickness of their dick next to a Coke can, and you’re like, “Dude, you’re not even close! Ha ha! Why would you use that as your reference?” Even more hilarious if they back it up with something like, “Ever been fucked by a Coke can dick?”

  5. The Guy N the pic looks nasty 2 me he probably doesn’t even used deodorant !!

  6. those are stretch marks on mr degree. He looks clean enough to me. You probably just think he should shave.

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