Unlockables: Fun With Tongues

Although we usually try to give tips and suggestions in this column, I’d like to pose a question this week. What do you think of guys who stick their tongues out or lick their lips in pictures? I’ve found that this look can look excruciatingly hot on some guys, yet kind of desperate on others…

Oddly enough, I’m really turned off when a guy starts flicking his tongue around on cam. Even if they’re the hottest person in the world, it winds up looking vaguely creepy and lizard-like. Am I the only one who feels that way? 

– Dewitt

12 thoughts on “Unlockables: Fun With Tongues

  1. This guy is hot. anyone know who he is? I think a guy sticking out his tongue is cute and sexy.

  2. I agree about the tongue. I used to (usedd to) looooooove Damien Crosse until every pic that was taken of him had his tongue hanging out. And then suddenly his other half Francesco D’NotMacho started doing the same thing.

  3. I agree with JL…The guy in the pic is definately a hottie…YYUUUMMMMMM!!!

  4. It depends if he’s doing it in a playful or trying to be sexy way.
    Playful is actually sexier than “trying to be sexy”. When a guys using his tongue to try and turn me on…I think he looks dumb.
    Playful however, like this guy above, shows he’s funny, at least a little, which is attractive.

  5. LOL Eric ( I had not thought about it until now ) LL licks his lips all the time and it’s sexy as all hell when the right guy is doing it such as LL & the hot dude above ….

  6. i’m currently dating a guy who was licking his lips in his manhunt profile pic. he looked cute :p

  7. I have a friend who has his tongue out on his profile pic. First I had seen it. Made him stand out from the rest. He was doing it in the fun way, not trying to be sexy.
    This guy in this pic… Well.. It’s already been said, but he his hot, tongue in or out!

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