A while back, one of my fuck buddies sent me a picture from between his legs. This wasn't your average between-the-legs picture though; it put me in the perspective of rimming him. He was reclined back with his arms behind his head, face framed by his two hairy legs. Since licking his ass was one of my favorite activities, it immediately had me sporting a huge boner. Let's not mention the part about being at work when I opened the e-mail…
What's the moral of this story? If you feed off another man's fantasy by virtually placing them where they want to be, they're going to want you even more. Try having someone take a photo of you while on their knees, right before they suck your dick. It'll have the boys drooling to put it in their mouth! If you like to get it doggie style, take a photo on all fours. I could go on for days with this, but let's just reduce it to the simplest terms. When you put a guy right where he wants to be, it's much more likely that he'll be rushing to take his place.
– Dewitt
For the uncensored pic, follow the JUMP:
Love shots like that. They totally work, too.
not enough sleep/cuddling-positioning-pictures really 😛
Always love to big butt lick, even better if the guy is kneeling so that you can play with his cock as well as rim him.MMMMMM
too bad you can’t post the pic…your friend sent you…would love to see that! LOL
Oh I just lost my train of thought 2 bussy fantising about the hot guy in the picture.