Unlockables: Subtle Sexuality


What would I consider one of the most important lessons from our Unlockables series? Well, since you asked so nicely, I'd probably say it was my "Put Them In Their Place" entry. Potential partners should be able to discern whether you're a pitcher or a catcher by solely looking at your pictures. And if you're versatile? Mix up various shots!

Of course, you don't have to give a "head-on" view to suggest to guys what they're getting into (sometimes quite literally). Without posting close-ups of yourself on all fours with your hands spreading your cheeks, you can easily deliver messages like, "I want your hard cock balls-deep inside of me".

Take the picture above as an example. It was taken by one of our favorite hairy Australian bloggers, as a thank you to his readers. I don't know about you, but the way he's arched his back leaves me wishing that I was giving it to him from behind! And this isn't the first time he's accomplished this without getting overly explicit…

– Dewitt

Photo credit: eMackinations

For a slightly naughtier shot, follow the JUMP:


Note: Without showing anyone's cock or ass, this shot may leave you wondering what it'd be like to be the boy in the middle or wishing you had been invited to this little rendezvous.

6 thoughts on “Unlockables: Subtle Sexuality

  1. This post is quite funny considering the amount of “overtly explicit” content this blog posts. (including cum shots, ass shots, asshole shots, fuck close-ups, etc. etc. ) Fortunately, those type of pics are exactly why I love this blog. It just throws me off when I read prudish posts like these. It’s like saying, “Don’t show it all, no one wants to see it all,” and then saying, “But look at all these pics of guys showing it all, they’re so hot…” Not great advice. If these were the primary pics that someone had to show me, I would continue no further with them. I’m on Manhunt for sex not exchanging sexy and arty photos. I’m just sayin’…

  2. That’s why you’re a slut, Tyler. 🙂 Some people aren’t, so they would like to know how to be a little more classy in their profiles. Being that Dewitt is pretty much the main blogger for this website, and YOU aren’t the only one on manhunt, he has to cater to everybody’s tastes.
    Dewitt. Good advice, I can’t count how many times me and a couple friends I’ve made on manhunt have been irritated by an email sent to us a by a big cock or a wide open asshole. Hopefully some people take the hint and opt for a little class for once in their live’s.

  3. You’re totally right. I am a slut. No argument there. 🙂 I also agree that it’s great to see more than just a cock or asshole or other individual body part. My only disagreement is in trying to make being on Manhunt “classy.” That’s just funny to me.

  4. I remember back in the day when being a slut was a bad thing. I don understand how it’s ok now… maybe I’m outta touch with what’s “in” these days, with my 21 years of living.

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