We don’t mean to tell you how to pose in your Manhunt profile pics, but there are some poses that we’d recommend avoiding. Flipping off the camera is one of them. While you may view this gesture as awesome and totally bad-ass, others might perceive this as tacky, immature or downright insulting.
I know what some of you are thinking–“It doesn’t matter what those snobby queens think. They sound like uptight assholes.” Well, a few of those uptight assholes may be attached to deliciously tight assholes. You don’t want to ruin your chances of getting inside those, do you?
– Dewitt
When ever I see photo’s like this all I think is “Ok, and your point is?” and move on. I’ve noticed that 9/10 though it’s just jock type guys that find this hilarious and do this.
Seems some are douchebags when they do it, others are just doing it while having a good time. Personally I don’t care and I don’t think less of them for it. Chances are if you’re “queeny and uptight” then I’m not going to give you the time of day anyway Dewitt, so your opinion really won’t matter at that point.
I’ve mixed feelings. It is a little immature, something one might expect from the college age bracket (18-23ish). Beyond that, I kinda expect guys to be a little more grown up. (For the record, I’ll be 26 in Dec. and it’s not something I would do.) Of course, you could always just view it as an invitation…in which case, for the guy in the pic above, when and where?
Since I’m in my later 20s, I find it kinda dumb… but, honestly… I can’t get beyond my urge to yank down those sweats to even really notice the finger. lol
I don’t real care if a guy poses like that. It doesn’t bother me at all, I just view it as a different sense of character. You can’t please everyone, so if a guy have “What I want”, I just for go him.
I think the middle finger pose is trite.
what a tool
too bad those fingers are so small I just hope the middle one is bigger … or he atleast has a tight hole that needs to get used to show him a little respect
It’s actually probably not a bad idea to post pics like that… I mean, don’t most ripped douche bags just want to date other ripped douche bags?
Butch jock types giving the camera the finger only further makes them look like arrogant, cocky SOBs.
In other words, fap fap fap.
Usually when I see a pic of a guy flipping me the bird, I see a macho, aggro douche.
And I would love to slurp on his cock.
I don’t care one way or the other. I’m not gonna turn someone down because they are flipping the bird. Goes to show most guys don’t even read a persons profile.
Anyway… I’d fuck the guy!
i’d just suck on that finger..just like i’d suck on his cock
I’d fuck that little hottie as well…perfect opportunity to see how many times I can make him cum….as far ar guys who flip the bird in their pix…it doesn’t faze me at all.
well I’m a “college dude”(19 to be exact)… I really find the whole swearing thing immature & a turn off. So, him stickin up his middle finger lowers his hotness in my eyes….but that’s just me…
I just always get a kick out of these young men who think they are so hot, and think they can act any way they want. To the point of even being rude. Give them 20 years and their look are no long that of a hot 20 year old. They will find that being cocky just doesn’t have the same results. Then they are just like the rest of us just trying to get layed.
Ya the ones who feel they need to be flippin the bird are pretty pathetic.
Pretty much think of them as immature and as a teen who thought it was so cool to be able to say the ‘f’ word and use the finger.
I avoid the ‘boys’ who need to pose w/ the finger.
Sadly too many sites allow for it
Purelychoco, I totally agree! If you need to use this sign or words of that nature, you lack something.
Call me uptight. I’m just as much allowed to have my opinion as these guys have to turn me off. And being flipped off turns me off. It speaks hugely of immaturity. And since I’m one of the rare ones looking for a LTR, then I know I don’t want that to put up with everyday.
@sexybabybear: Fingers are small?!? Oh geez. Someone needs laid…..
I consider it fair warning of the kind of person I would be dealing with, so it earns an instant rejection. Nobody’s so hot that they can get away with being a horrible person.
I say let them do it…it makes it easier to weed out the DICKS from the cocks. If they think that’s cute, sassy, radical or just fun…well that tells you an awful lot about them.
I’d like to think that you listened to me when you decided to do this Unlockables, Dewitt
I stand by what I put previously, which is: If a guy is posing and taking a self-photo flipping off the camera, it just looks stupid and he looks immature or like a douche. If it’s a candid shot, I’m a little more forgiving.
give me a fuckin break, like any of you guys would turn down dick just because a guy is flicking off the camera. stfu
@bobby ray: Yes I would! So you shut up!
Wow, didn’t realize so many people were uptight and not willing to deal with some level of immaturity. No one is completely mature, and fun at the same time, it’s a mix that cannot properly happen. You NEED immaturity in order to have real fun that doesn’t put the cats to sleep. Also, i’m a fan of flipping off the camera, and i’m NOT a douchebag, just an intoxicated metalpunk haha =D
Angelrat, you made my point for me. See: It went from flipping off the camera to being intoxicated. I’m not into guys that get intoxicated. Just not what I want.
Call me uptight. I don’t care. I just call it having some standards.
With the ever-increasing numbers of fake hot profiles, square-jawed All-American jocks with perfect bodies, 8 or more inches- and little to nothing in the text box- I just assume this one is another decoyed isolated, lonely, angry pic collector. That said….I’ve found most uptight gay men to be the absolute worst sex partners. An uptight asshole deserves to remain as tight as possible.
well I don’t think people who are against this are necessarily “uptight”…cause, I know I’m not. There’s a difference between being uptight and simply finding things…u knw, stupid (for lack of a better word).
I personally just feel like the whole mentality that “swearing is funny”, “cool” or “the norm” to be ridiculous… but that’s just how I’ve been brought up…
(omgsh, I must say I kindda feel bad for the dude in the pic…)
Rocco, your statement is a bit of an oxymoron. Sounds like you don’t like anyone.
Again, I agree, purelychoco! I was brought up the same way. And I’m not ashamed to still believe that way either.
haha, thnx ToddM
I think its fine, given the context, if its done in a fun or hot way who gives a fuck,especially when its a HOT shirtless fucker like that, If I saw his profile pic I wold click on it bird or no bird in fact I would suck that finger then stick it up his ass lol its basically a way to say fuck the establishment I’m a rebel a harmless universal gesture, so lighten up boys lol