Last weekend, I sent a short message to this couple on Manhunt, and they responded by unlocking their private pictures. There wasn’t anything particularly unusual about their additional images—cock shots, body shots, ass shots and… OH WAIT, WHAT’S THAT HE HAS IN HIS MOUTH?
It was a dick. His boyfriend’s thick eight-inch dick, to be exact. The mere sight of this had so many thoughts running through my mind. I want that in my mouth! I want your mouth on my dick too! These guys quickly became a priority on my “to do” list, and I saved them to my buddy list immediately with that pic as the default.
I’m clearly a fan of slutty blowjob pics. In my opinion, they’re best kept as a surprise to your potential partners, rather than your main profile shot. However, a decent portion of you don’t like them at all, according to our last poll of this nature. Perhaps you’ve changed your mind since then?
Whatever the case may be, there’s no doubt that the results will be more illuminating than last week’s “Bicep Flex” poll. Not so surprisingly, over ninety percent of Manhunt Daily readers think bicep shots are hot, don’t care either way or require them to hook-up. Only a measly 49 voters didn’t want to see them at all. Check out the full results here, and then get to voting on this week’s topic!
– Dewitt
Photo credit: Charles Archer
To check out Kyle Butler’s slutty blowjob shots, follow the JUMP:
i can take them or leave them, but they’re nice to see from time to time
yeah its good to know the guy can prove his BJ skilling.. but id rather he did on my cock rather then showing me some pics lol
I missed Kyle Butler <3
I think that people who place such pictures of themselves on any site are cheap, common and jaded. Those certainly are NOT the type of people I will EVER share any form of intimacy with. Just think about it; how often must they have performed such acts in the presence of an audience before they became so comfortable with it that they no longer care who sees them in the act? Therefore the answer to the question is: NOT A TURN ON!
They’re fine but if they’re the only picture in a profile, I’m always wondering is the guy the one giving head or is that his dick? (Same thing with a cock going into an ass.)