I've got a true story for you, and not the kind of "true story" Pat Robertson would tell you. The other day I was talking to a "discreet" guy on Manhunt, and he finally gained enough balls to unlock for me. I assumed I'd be getting a look at his face pictures, but it turned out he didn't have any on his profile.
Since I generally prefer to get head from men who have heads, I politely asked if he could e-mail me a face pic. He replied with something like, "Yea.. only have one pic tho and its not that great". Well, I could have forgiven him for his grammar, but then I checked my inbox. Oy! There was no way I could move forward with him.
Gentlemen, there's a huge difference between "not that great" and "so blurry that you can't actually see my face". I want to actually see your eyes, your nose, your lips… not a blob that could potentially be those things. This crap is almost worse than the "flash blocking my face" method. I mean, it's totally cool if you're too chickenshit to send a face picture. I'll wish you luck on finding another guy and move on with my day, you know?
– Dewitt
hahahahaha what a hilarious story.
My favorite are the ones who are so “discrete” they completely refuse to show you a face picture, and often any picture at all. Then they get mad because you won’t unlock for them. Then they get even more mad when you refuse to meet them.
The worst one is when a guy refused to show me any photo and I then told him no, he told me that “The draft should still be around because they would have the perfect body bag for me.” Gotta love trolls :D.
I understand the whole trying to be discrete stuff not everyone wants it out there. But YOU’RE ON A WEBSITE TO MEET OTHER GUYS and usually it’s not like someone is specifically looking to out you. Lastly, if the I’ve shown you my pic then don’t pull any of that “I want to be discrete” BS because 1. If I do actually meet you unless you wear a mask or a bag over your face I will see who you are, and 2. It’s possible that the meeting would be at your house, so I’d know your address as well. So much for your “I HAVE TO BE 100% DISCRETE BECAUSE THE WORLD IS WATCHING ME.”
i hear what both of you are saying and it frustrates me too. i could also understand why some ppl do what that guy did, dewitt. in my experience hookup sites have been pretty to the point and the ‘standards’ of what a lot of guys are attracted could easily make guys feel really undesirable and feel really bad about themselves and sometimes this might be there only way to interact with other men. not everyone fits the profile of the kinda bodies that manhunt markets. ur point taken, but i think its kinda disrespectful as the manhunt blog guy to call this guy out in this big public way. anyway, just some thoughts..
you can try having your pictures… already unlocked? 🙂
A agree, dewitt. These people take the “discreet” a little too crazy. As an addition to some of the points already said, if you meet someone that actually knows you on here, should you be worried about them outting you? Obviously they’re also here for a reason. If you’re CHEATING on someone, and you have to be all discreet.. well… Stop being a dumb ass, and leave them if you have to go for sex else where. Quit disrespecting yourself and them. And there is always some one for everyone out there. Don’t be so naive as to think, just because you’re not the top of looks that all is lost. Making it difficult to see your appearance certainly doesn’t improve your chances.
And John, does it matter if this guys is publicly called out? It’s not like you can tell who he is, especially if that’s considered his unlockable pic.
Hey Dewitt – what’s your MH profile? Can u unlock for me? I want to see your face dammit. Course I love intelligent sarcastic men … blah blah blah .. 🙂
I hate guys who do this!
usually guys who won’t show their face is because they are ugly..and they give that discreet shit for an excuse
If you are too chickenshit to show a clear picture of your face, then crawl the fuck back in the closet, shut and lock the door.
I mean really, if you’re on a website trolling for sex then if someone, somewhere recognizes you – well geesh… why were they on the site?
I just don’t understand these guys, if they want to hook up with me, and they actually do, unless they’re coming over with a paper bag on their head, i’m gonna see what they look like!
And what really is funny is the amount of guys who are perfectly willing to show you their cock and body, just not their face. I wonder if they realize that if their wife is snooping around she’ll most likely be able to recognize their package…