Varla Jean Merman Gives You Profile Tips

Things like "no fats, no fems" or "aren't there any normal guys on here?" aren't going to make your profile a favorite on MANHUNT and Varla Jean Merman wants to tell you why. Our fabulous Varla is back with some even more fabulous advice for all you MANHUNTers.

This is the last episode of our MANHUNT Institute of Technology (MIT). I guess that mean's you've graduated! Now you can find the next hot guy to fuck with some confidence. But don't try to cheat, if you haven't seen all the videos you're still in school.

Luckily, I've compiled episodes 1-8 below, so get your learning hats on and have a laugh or two while you're at it!

– Andy

For episodes 1-8, follow the JUMP:

2 thoughts on “Varla Jean Merman Gives You Profile Tips

  1. Andy, Andy ! I love Varla Jean Merman – why is this the last one ? is she too expensive? has she other mountains to climb – I’m going to organize a petition here in Sydney to have her stay.

  2. Those were the best 20 minutes i’ll never get back! Loved here onstar commercial as well! Great job MIT!!!

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