Ah, fraternity houses! What could possibly be better than the intense bonds and brotherhood of Greek life? It's not just about funneling beers, sharing a house and throwing really awesome keggers. Apparently, it's also about fucking new pledges in your basement. Because everyone knows it's not gay when it's a traditional initiation process, handed down from generation to generation.
Little known fact: I was a member of a Greek society in college. Our hazing and initiation process wasn't anything like this, and I might have paid my dues on time if it had been. Jockstraps, wrestling, huge cocks and orgies? Where the hell does shit like this happen? It's obviously the best place on Earth.
– Dewitt
Photo credit: Haze Him
To check out the raunchy frat boy action, follow the JUMP:
i hate that website. they pretend that the videos are actual footage submitted by actual frat guys from several colleges. When clearly you see a few porn stars in the videos, like Spencer Reed and Scott Alexander.
… and Tommy Defendi
I love that site….
went to UF, so the rooms they use totally look like the dorms there….
so many hot guys on campus……
Silly Dewitt, hot gay guys don’t go to college
Caneprendspa, I have to disagree with you there. I teach college kids and there are some pretty hot gay kids at many colleges. Plus, many more who are willing to experiment if they are interested in the partner.
From the perspective of a hot gay guy in university, it is a rare ocurrance. As opposed to hot gay servers for example
Plus there’s always porn
maybe you’re just a douchebag?
talking about the pro’s in the pics…one of them is Kurt Wilde…he is a hot little gay for pay boy…although he admits to being bi…
said this before, met him when he was just getting started…got to play with him a little bit…sweet boy with a gorgeous cock!
i wanna be in this industry so bad
but im in capetown
any help?
I agree. Hot Gays Do NOT Go To College. Well Kinda. We just spread out too much, so that there is like 5 per school.
i’m hot, and i’m gay, and i go to college.
I kind of don’t like when advertisements like this are passed off here as blog posts. HazeHim.com is a paid sponsor of the site. I mean, it’s certainly fair game, it just seems slimy to me.
fake schmake…
I am ALWAYS happy to see the glorious Scott Alexander in his brown beautifulness!
It was like finding an “Easter egg” seeing him in the blue polo down on his knees, looking good!
well i’m in college and i think i’m pretty attractive. but, sadly, i have to agree. hot gay guys, in my opinion, dont go to college. its tough to find a hot educated guy, which is something i look for in a partner.
I totally agree with you Jordan, we spread out to thin or clump up at a handful of prestigious schools…
If they do, they go on to business. Where are my hot science gays at?
Homophobic frat guys would never accept pledges that completed the tasks in the clips.