Oh hell to the no! Some triflin' ass ho who dated Chris Brown right before he got famous is trying to step out and say that the media treated him unfairly.
According to her, Brown only hit Rihanna once and the other marks came from him stopping the car after she "took the Sidekick and mushed it in his face". She says Rihanna "fucked him up", complaining that we'll never see those pictures. Lastly, she claims that he never liked Rihanna, suggesting that they were contractually obligated to be in a relationship together.
Does anyone else smell a desperate fame-whore? I'm not buying this story at all…
– Dewitt
Oh shut up,,you only take up for Rihanna because your likely gay,feminine and gravitate toward her like most stereotypical gay men.You sound biased,i cannot judge either Brown or Rihanna.I HAVE SEVERAL TIMES HEARD Rihanna is a hot head like most island girls and supposely hs a history of having a hot temper and being a shit starter.Whether its true i have no idea,because i do not know her.However it is sickening how onesided and double standard society is.Brown could of very well been hit,provoked for months and finally lost it all and responded heavily.Being a man,of course his strength will cause extensive damage.
A real MAN does not hit a woman no matter what. I guess you and Chris Brown have something in common… y’all aren’t real men. Chris Brown could have been the bigger person and walked away or called the cops IF Rihanna started the fight. Also who have you HEARD from that Rihanna’s a hot head? Do you have inside sources that we don’t know about. I highly doubt it. No matter what violence isn’t the answer!
Riley,spare me that REAL MAN crap.REAL MAN is constructed by human beings when its relative to the individuals opinion only.Its totally subjective and has different perceptions.If a woman slaps me in the face,its my immediate response to deck her ass in the face as i would anyone else.As to beating the crap out of her,personally no.And who are you to doubt anything regarding me without even being aware of who i am,what i am,what references i may have.Your pathethic assumptions are laughable and total comedy.Kill the biasedness,most you gay men that like Rihanna,Beyonce,Lil kim just give biased comments because deep down inside you want to be them======>
In response to your comment, I bet you want Chris Brown to beat the crap out of you. You are supporting Chris Brown and how he totally beat the crap out of Rihanna (read your first comment). If Chris Brown was beaten to a pulp by Rihanna, I would be defending Chris Brown… but that’s not the case. So I think you should think before you write anything.