It’s Thirsty Thursday and the thirst has been strong surrounding a recent scene the Maverick Men shot while in Arizona for the Phoenix Forum, an adult businesses conference. Various affiliates, bloggers, content producers and, of course, porn stars come together to discuss industry trends, hold seminars on key topics and negotiate future scenes. If it sounds more work than fun, you’re getting a more accurate vision of what typically happens at the annual affair.
However, the situation between the Maverick Men and Gay Hoopla’s Zane Penn is anything but typical. To be clear, Maverick Men and Zane Penn did indeed shoot a scene while in Phoenix. The recently released teaser photos and video showcasing Zane’s incredible body and boy next door charm have already created boners aplenty across the web.
Various sites this week reported “regrets” that Zane has expressed on Twitter, with statements like, “I just feel like I betrayed Gay Hoopla when all I wanted do was get them more exposure,” and “it’s not a look I ever wanted to be a part of. I thought (Maverick Men) were an amateur site like Corbin or Gay Hoopla.” Perhaps the most questionable tweet stated, “The experience is not something anyone should go through ever. I am a nice guy and I was misinformed.”
Did the Maverick Men misinform our young gay-for-pay all-star? Or is Zane having bottom’s regret over a scene that may define his porn career? Luckily for you, we went straight to the sources shaping this story, including the Maverick Men and a Manhunt representative whom assisted on the deal.
The Maverick Men stated, “We met him at the closing party at the Phoenix Forum. We asked him if he’d do a scene. He said yes. He told us his scene rate, and we said yes. We shot with him the next day and had a great time.”
Neither Cole nor Hunter Maverick could account for Zane’s meltdown on Twitter, adding only that “anyone doing a scene with us is aware of our style, but safe testing, proper contracts and agreed upon terms are always upfront before we even attempt to start rolling.”
A Manhunt representative familiar with the situation confirmed the Maverick Men’s claims, adding, “Zane was asked several times if he had contractual obligations with other sites, to which he claimed he had free reign. Before, during, and after filming, Zane seemed to enjoy his experience with the Maverick Men. Obviously, his tweets were both confusing and upsetting, so I tried to reach out direct and have received no response back yet.”
Burning interest of the scene in question has everyone eager to see the final cut of the Maverick Men pounding Zane’s beautiful butt, which has been fast tracked for production due out before month’s end. Until then, take a look at the teaser video below to see if we are all just going a tad “in-Zane” over this.
Watch some footage from Zane Penn’s Maverick Men scene below:
Watch this full scene very, very soon on MAVERICK MEN.
The maverick men have always drawn criticism when you post them and I ve never said anything. Yeah, I think they are creepy, but it’s a much more impacting thing when someone who has done a scene with them pretty much confirms what most guys on here have had to say about them. Confirmed, they are creepy and icky,
The younger Maverick guy is not. The older guy looks like he hasn’t done a crunch or pushup in his entire life. Older guys can be incredibly hot. This one isn’t.
That young buck has a beautiful ass
These three doing porn is the equivalent of Michele Bachmann, Sarah Palin and Joni Ernst doing politics. How the fuck did they ever get there and please just stop
We all knew the clock was ticking for the pedobears. Only a matter of time things started to unravel…..
Such a beautiful.. smile
Something in the milk ain’t clean about this from either end.
On Zane’s end, it sounds like a bit of buyer’s remorse (so to speak). I mean, just going off this video and this post, it sounds like Zane had one too many to drink and wrote a check his ass couldn’t cash. Now he’s sobered up and regretting what happened.
On the Maverick Men’s end, don’t all the boys they fuck get tested first before filming, or did that go out the window in this case because it was at the Phoenix Forum? I mean, whether Zane’s on “free reign” or not, I would think testing would had to have happened beforehand, especially since the Maverick Men are saying “safe testing, proper contracts and agreed upon terms are always upfront before we even attempt to start rolling.” Plus Zane seems pretty giggly drunk in that clip. Pre-scene warming up, maybe?
I dunno. But I do love how quick his legs went in the air as soon as he laid on his back.
I think Zane was drunk ! and this ass belongs to Maverick Men jock strap appears to have been some type of SLAP in the face to GayHoopla ,
Argh. What a whiner. No one held a gun to his head and forced him to do it, did they? He’s a “porn star” (star is such a subjective term) not some A-List celebrity that is trying to hide their shenanigans. Is all this really just manufactured drama to get attention?
Since Jarec Wentworth aka Teofil Brank fiasco, I am so over these gay porn actors because many seem to be bi-polar. The guy’s asshole seem to be used.
And here I thought I was the only one who had a ticklish asshole!!! It’s SO HARD to restrain from bursting out laughing like he did. Whatever, as long as everyone’s having fun, who cares about a few giggles
He does seem tipsy. The only thought I have is his state of mind during signing the contract. Can he legally sign/consent while drunk? I wonder if this has something to do with his beef. o_O
I notice some type of scare or burn on Zane’s arm. He appear to be drunk or high on something. I can’t wait to see him getting fucked by Hunter and Cole. Is Zane suppose to be a straight man like Jarec Wentworth? If a man has homosexual sex with other men numerous times for money, in my book they’re not straight.
Yeah, he really looks/sounds forced! A picture/video is worth a 1,000 words. What an asshole : )
I agree! I don’t know any “straight” men that will suck dick or get fucked (even for money).
Maverick Men reached out to str8up after Zane posted his tweets and said they met at the Phoenix Forum closing party. The asked if wanted for scene what his rate was and the following day filmed the scene. Chris Sicuranza from Manhunt helped to connect the dots and tweeted everything was safe and fun. As far as i know GH doesn’t have exclusive contracts with their models so he can film with whomever he wants to. I don’t think Zane really regretted doing the scene but was afraid what the reactions would be from the GH fans and therefore send out his tweets. I think him being all giggly had something to do with the MM being gay and all over him and him not being used to that, before this all his scene partners were straight and filming was probably very impersonal. Everybody got some free publicity and he ended up with 100+ more twitter followers.
The Maverick Men finally post the sex video on their site fucking Zane Penn. I don’t beleive Zane Penn is straight. He keeps referring to himself as straight. Any man that gets fucked in his ass for money or free isn’t straight.
SOOOO does this Zane Penn want to be a Cody Cummings kind of gay for pay or something? He “regrets” getting fucked for money….bc it makes him seem gay? I’m sorta lost on this and why I should care? lol
Btw, I did see the scene in question and it was def kinda hot. That guy’s ass is amazing in that jock!
I wondered about the scar/burn too. Anyone know the story?
Cole of MM is not chiseled, but don’t know why people think he is horribly out of shape.
Just watched the scene.
Nothing to get excited about. Maverick Men have done better.