You may have heard of this thing called LGBT Pride Month. Some people aren’t too crazy about it. But that didn’t stop President Barack Obama from celebrating the occasion. Several hundred activists, national leaders and other individuals were invited to the White House for a reception.
In a speech, the President addressed various matters of LGBT rights, including the Defense of Marriage Act, the Don’t Ask Don’t Tell policy and an inclusive non-discrimination act to protect employees. Some of his points drew loud cheers and applause, while others weren’t received as enthusiastically as he seemed to be hoping for.
Click through to check out the speech, and let us know what you think. How do you feel about Obama’s progress on gay rights and equality?
– Dewitt
To watch a clip of the speech, follow the JUMP:
It’s all the same- good intentions and empty words..just to make sure the gay vote is locked in for the next election…I bet they throw darts and talk trash at the gays behind closed doors. We sure picked a winner this time..
Oh, please jack. Obama has done more for gay rights than any President. There’s this thing called the political process that a President has to go through before he can enact any sort of meaningful change. Furthermore, it’s not like he can unilaterally make these changes (changes to federal employee benefits being the exception). Sure, he can just sign a bunch of Executive Orders, and he’ll have done something. But Executive Orders are not laws, and the next President could very easily overturn them.
No, what Obama wants, and what WE should want, is an actual law repealing DADT. This adds a permanence to the equality we’ve been fighting for. We’ve already seen some movement on it in Congress. Obviously, the game’s not over yet (Republicans are threatening a filibuster, and I don’t doubt that they’ll do it).
And as far as the speed of these changes, what did you expect? You want fast political change, you need to get the entire electorate behind the idea. Get them passionate about the change, otherwise they’d never press their elected officials to move faster. As it stands, only gay people care about fighting for their equality. Sure, ask a liberal straight person and they’d say they want equal rights for gays, but they won’t fight for it. Because it’s not their issue.
Obama’s just one person. You want change? Stop whining on ManHunt and actually protest, get people to sign petitions, call your Congressman/woman, donate to certain politicians who support your causes, write letters to the editor, etc.
Let’s just put a republican in office next go round and see what happens. It won’t be “empty words” it would be words of Condemnation. Cause I’m sure McCain and Palin would have done ALOT for us.
I think he’s heard that the head of the Gay organization (I forget which one- there are so many) has told the gays not to vote this next election. I agree with Jack be nimble (wish he would be nimble in my bed) that Obama is all talk. He’s done more to ruin this country (on purpose) than any past president combined.
Let the hating on my comments begin. 🙂
Our last democratic president (Clinton)gave us Doma and Dadt. All this guy wants to do is upgrade those jokes. (I Have to admit, that the bedside/hospital support was a pleasant surprise)
He was raised as an Evangelical Christain. He is not a gay supporter, he is just using us.
Laura Bush and Lynn Cheney have been more supportive of Gay Rights
Thank you Jock. I think people are finally waking up to the idiots in the Nation’s Capital. They only say what you want to hear. They NEVER plan on acting on it.
Jock, I will take exception to the Evangelical Christian upbringing. Obama has now stated that his belief is Muslim, which is actually LESS gay-friendly than Christian belief is.
So surprising that some of these comments are so negative Ughhh Come on guys this man is a positive, honest, guy, he is obviously a decent human being that gives a shit about the concerns of gay men and women…unlike most of the other president I have heard before him, regardless of the out come he is definitely the only president I have ever heard that talks the talk and walks the walk when it comes to supporting and defending the rights of gays in this country. I thinks he is a serious ray of hope.
the US President a Muslim?! you gotta be kiddin’ me…
No. Tam is right. Google it. You’ll find that he and Michelle have both stated that he is of Muslim faith, not Christian as he had once stated. Just another lie he told to get in office.
Pres. Obama personally opposes me. Why should I support him? Or give him credit for things he hasn’t done? Rather then letting a CA Federal Judge do his dirty work, he should have marshaled HIS Democratic Congress with its CRUSHING majorities to undo Don’t Ask Don’t Tell and DOMA. But he’ll never do it because the Hispanic and Black vote are overwhelmingly anti-gay marriage. Every state he carried thanks to Hispanics and Blacks also passed (thanks to those high minority turn outs) bans and Constitutional Amendments banning gay marriage. Clearly they got their message across to him.
Just more “lip service” from an empty suit.
Can’t wait for this “one term” wonder to be gone.
I’m an independent…but I would take Republicians over this Social/crat any day.