Ok, I'm pretty sure that everyone has seen a hot guy on Facebook and wondered if he was gay or not because his sexual orientation was left blank. Well, according to a study by MIT students, a man's sexual orientation could be determined by his friends on Facebook even if the rest of the information on his profile is private.
Remember the saying, "You are the company you keep"? Well, the same goes for men on Facebook. The study revealed that gay men have more gay friends than straight men. The MIT students wrote a program and ran the test on 10 guys who they knew were gay but did not state their orientation on their profiles. The result? The program was able to determine that all the men were gay. However, when they ran the program on 947 people, the program could not determine lesbians or bisexuals. Lesbians and bisexuals were always more complicated than us gays.
I think this is interesting. When I see that the sexual orientation is left blank in a profile, I always assume that the person is gay. I dunno, it's just me. Anyone else think this way? Anyways, the moral of the story is if you're still in the closet, pick your friends wisely… at least on Facebook.
– Andy
they can also y’know… not be using facebook for to further their gay networking agenda in meeting guys?

asexualism is a hard concept, especially when people are like, not in the mood
Yes, my friends outed me but leaving comments which other friends saw.
No harm done, really, but I didn’t want people to find out from nasty Facebook comments. C’est la vie!
Personally, since facebook says “Interested in” and then asks for male/female, I leave both unchecked, since I don’t try to date off of facebook
I’m pretty sure I’d do the same if I were straight
I’m out, but don’t have my sexuality posted on my facebook. I am also lacking gay friends, I only have a handful…does this make me straight?
I thing that wouldn’t apply for me. Yes I have some gay friends, like 5 or 6… among all my straight male friends. I actually dont have many gay friends, mostly because here on Juarez, dont wanna be rude, here gay guys are kind of idiots… most of them just work for having sex but nothin else. I just can’t stand someone who hears lady gaga and madonna and say ar the best artist.. just can’t..