We Need A New Feature!: Ten To Vote On

We asked you guys to suggest new features for Manhunt Daily, and then we had you vote on the first round. Now we’ve narrowed em’ down to ten! We’re not exactly sure if we’re going to use just one, or two, or all ten. But we ARE interested to see which one gets the most votes. Vote after the jump!

p.s. If the advice column idea wins, you can’t sue us. They were your eyebrows, not ours. It was just a suggestion.

p.p.s. The fetish feature didn’t place, but I was kinda into writing about em’. Enjoy these pics from Bound Jocks of Spencer Reed roping up Carsten Andersson. KINKY.

– J. Harvey

Photo credit: Bound Jocks

Vote after the break (and check out more pics):

7 thoughts on “We Need A New Feature!: Ten To Vote On

  1. I’m really disappointed that the feature you MOST want to see is essentially a “str8-acting” column… Where the fuck do you expect us to find guys for that? ::sigh::

  2. “The fetish feature didn’t place, but I was kinda into writing about em’.”
    And for what reason can you not make a feature about it anyway? It’s your blog. Do what you want.

  3. You’re damn right, SkyRussell! FUCK IT IM WRITING ABOUT KINKY SHIT! (not literally with the shit, no judgement, just not for me)

  4.  I remember a poll a bit ago that had gay history on it.  It’s a shame that people did not pick it.

    A lot of younger homosexuals have no respect for the past or the battles that were fought to get to where we are today.  Shameful.

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