Gay activists rejoiced yesterday afternoon over the news that Judge Vaughn Walker overturned Proposition 8 , the measure which banned same-sex marriage in California (in case you’ve been living under a rock). Shortly after the decision was made public, the White House responded with the following statement: “The President has spoken out in opposition to Proposition 8 because it is divisive and discriminatory. He will continue to promote equality for LGBT Americans.”
So does that mean that President Barack Obama is in favor of marriage equality? Not quite. An unnamed spokesperson cleared things up, “He supports civil unions, doesn’t personally support gay marriage though he supports repealing the Defense of Marriage Act, and has opposed divisive and discriminatory initiatives like Prop. 8 in other states.”
From what I gather, he’s basically saying that he thinks only straight people should get married, but he doesn’t support laws which say only straight people should get married. How do you feel about this logic? Do you think we’re not getting the full story on this matter?
– Dewitt
To watch a bittersweet and somewhat related video, follow the JUMP:
It’s political ‘who ha’. He’s gotta get reelected. Those red states are a bitch.
DD_838 is right … he’s trying to have it both ways and is unable to make a decision and stick to it.
He can’t make a clear choice. He is between a rock and a hard place. Too bad.
Obama cares about LGBT rights only to the extent that it is required to not completely alienate the gay community. Hence, he makes all sorts of noise about ‘equal rights’ and ‘non-discrimination’, but his rhetoric is more similar to southerners who opposed the civil rights bill while declaring they opposed discrimination than to the actual advocates of equal rights for african americans.
As usual, he’s trying to get along with everybody. He’s been such a disapointing president in every issue that matters.
Let’s be fair. He never supported gay marriage. He was very clear about it before, during, and after the campaign.
But he does support our other rights though. He’s against discrimination in the work place. He extended equal benefits to gay and lesbian partners of federal employees. He supports a repeal of DOMA, never liked Prop 8, and will sign the repeal of DADT when it reaches his desk.
To gay people, marriage equality is the number one issue, and if you don’t support it, you don’t support gay people. At least, that’s the kind of message I’m getting from a lot of you guys. Personally, I have no problem with BO’s waffling stance on gay marriage. We never needed the President to help push this forward. We were already doing enough on our own (case in point, bringing forward this lawsuit.) And if you voted for him thinking he’d support gay marriage, well then, you’re the fool for not listening.
Obama needs to stop being a wuss and stand up for what he believes in. I know he neeeds to get re-elected but enough already, people want a leader who they can trust and all this double-talk erodes that quality in him.
He even supported the Matthew Shepard hate crimes law, which was finally passed and signed into law soon after BO entered office.
He is being careful. I like it. If he alienates the wrong people, he won’t get re-elected and then he can’t help the cause. baby steps, folks. It all takes time and he knows that.
I agree with his statement. I’m the same way. I support the fight for legal, same sex unions, but when it comes to “marriage”, I know the IDEA of marriage has been around for a LOONG time, longer than Christianity, but it is obviously a sore point for Christians. They feel “marriage” is theirs, and theirs alone. The constitution states (even though it’s very loosely followed) that religion and state must be separate. So in all technicalities, if Obama were to go after the religious definition of marriage, it would be unlawful. Making Unions legal is what he can constitutionally do. So I really think we need to stop bitching about Obama, and start going after the Church. Because, think about it. Obama’s a politician. A politician’s job is to make everyone happy. When you get politicians only making a certain group happy, then you have another group getting their noses out of joint. In the past, this is what causes Civil Wars. This is also what causes added hatred amongst people. We certainly don’t need any more of that.
Don’t be ungrateful
I agree with William. Obama has been a huge disappointment as a president. He stands for everything, so he stands for nothing. He has continued Bush’s war policies, and I had hoped we would be out of both Iraq and Afghanistan by now. And his tactics against business and corporations are a huge mistake, if he expects any meaningful job creation. And if any of you have noticed the huge TV campaign of “I’m a Mormon,” you should realize that it is an effort, I would bet, to make Americans comfortable with a Mitt Romney presidency, and at this point, even though I was a huge Obama supporter from the day he made the keynote speech at the 2004 Democratic Convention, I could see myself voting for someone else in 2012.
Obama has never supported gay rights. Before he ran for president he was very against them. Once he figured out that most gays would be stupid enough to believe in him and vote for him, he pretended that he cared about GLBT rights. The funny thing is he hasn’t even done a good job pretending but most of the gays fell for it. Thankfully now a lot of you are starting to see what only a few of us have known from the beginning.
Randal, that is just not true. I’m from Illinois so I’ve followed his career long before many others (I even voted for him in the primary for his U.S. Senate seat, which, actually, he was not favored to win). Obama has always been a supporter of many GLBT causes. However, he never did say he supported gay marriage.
I agree with the others above who see this is a practical stance on his part. Politicians do certain things to get elected. That said, he has been the best president for the GLBT community we’ve ever had.
Don’t forget, it was Bill Clinton who signed “don’t ask, don’t tell” into law (yes, it’s a LAW thanks to Clinton, which means Obama just can’t overlook it; he has to get Congress to repeal it, which they’re moving forward on). It was also Bill Clinton who signed DOMA into law.
Obama’s doing what he can, given the incredible mess he inherited. There’s a lot on his plate, guys. You can’t undo all the damage brought on by the recession and two wars, all the result of eight years of the previous administration, in just two years.
Typical politician!!! The Democrats and Republicans are so similar, it’s pathetic! I held my nose to vote for him last time. I wont make that mistake again! Rhetoric: “I support LGBT rights, but only if it doesn’t cost me any votes ANY where else!
Say what you mean, and mean what you say! Or shut the hell up!
Oh, and while you’re at it, cherish your last days in the Oval office. Might want to be working on that resume!
It seems to me that Obama KNOWS he has the gay vote, the black vote & the poor vote so he does not need to EARN their vote. It is a mistake he will live to regret.
He was a mistake – Hillary Clinton should of been president.
I think he’s being politically smart. Also, I respect that though he might not agree personally with gay marriage, he still puts his own views aside for what his citizens civil rights. Not too many politicians can do that.
HateObama you say what we all have been thinking. Hillary has the balls he lacks
WB: spot on. Thanks for saving me having to type all that. Democrats have often pretended to be with us when they really weren’t. He’s working, albeit slowly, forward, but it’s not an easy task with the nut jobs all over the US that have too much power.
Indeed Jonathan! Has he ever marched in the New York City Pride Parade?
HateObama, you *should have* paid attention in school.
He’s just another politician that needs his diaper changed. You know what I mean.
Not agreeing with Gay marriages is like say blacks shouldn’t marry whites. If people had stopped his mother’s marriage he wouldn’t be here.
Our community needs to gain some perspective. Our economy is in the dumps. Two very costly wars are seemingly endless. Unemployment is not making a move. The Gulf of Mexico Disaster, etc.
Our time will come.
Well it seems that President Obama, is damned if he does and damned if he does not!
His political enemies are just waiting for him to say the wrong thing so that they can say he is to liberal, not a true american, communist etc
He is starting to learn how the political situation is…look what happened when he brought in health care and really you should have been holding celebrations in the street. But yet people seem unusually quiet about this?
I think this decision about gay marriage is a good one and I believe Obama, is in line with the rest of the world in allowing same sex couples to have the same rights as hetrosexuals without calling it marriage which is completely different as most gay men are having there cake and eat it with this situation…
And I’m sure you know what i mean about this…
hman I don’t think that’s his position, he says because of his religious views he doesn’t support it but he’s not opposed to it either. He more or less abstains from the conversation either way, he is however as most christians should be (according to the gospel) a fimr believer in personal choice in the matter and not legislating morality.
I think it’s possible that this so-called “unnamed source” doesn’t speak for Obama, but speaks for him/herself. I find it hard to believe Obama would be against gay marriage on any level, despite what he may have said in his campaign to get elected.
If any of you have seen Hilary Clinton speak earnestly and passionately about the rights of gay and lesbian Americans you wouldn’t be defending Obama.
She is a much more pragmatic, bold, experienced and intelligent leader and would have made a far superior president.
Obama retained so many officials from the failed Dubya Bush era that he might as well still be running the country.
Honestly…I expected WAY more support from a man whose own parents’ marriage was illegal in many states at the time of his birth.
he’s just playing the political game. He needs as many voters as possible in the next election so he’s trying to say whatever will please the LGBT and hardcore Christian communities. He’s killing two birds with one stone. Pretty clever. Who knows what his personal views really are – I’m sure these are not them.
Does anyone think it is a possibility that Hillary might once again challenge him for the nomination in 2012? It would not surprise me, if his poll numbers continue to drop.
I respect Obama for being willing to not only maintain that he’s personally doesn’t support gay marriage due to religious affiliations, he views it as a matter of Church and that state should not take a stand on it. It shows that he can separate his views on Church and State, and not let one influence the other. I also think it is exceptionally brave to admit that he doesn’t support gay marriage as a man but still go forward to do the right thing as President. He may not have the sort of overwhelming support by the public that got him elected, but Obama is probably one of the most charismatic presidents we’ve seen in a long, long time and if as President he is going to support gay rights then that is a very, very good thing.
JImmy T
she won’t it the party for one won’t allow it only because it looks too divisive and there’s already talk of her and Biden switching places come 2012, which would be a launching pad for her in 2016. That’s how most political scholars are saying it would play out.
The Obama Naysayers haven’t CLUE about the extremely difficult nature of politics even if one WANTS to create real change. Try taking a Political Science course so you can understand the complex position that Obama (and all former Presidents in this country’s history) is in. I’m by NO means saying Obama is perfect but just bashing him shows many of your ignorance to political factors.
GoBacktoSchool – Thank for correcting me. Hillary Clinton should have been President!
Thank you DERECK for offering sobering advice it’s a shame it’ll fall on deaf ears here.
I think we all need to look around, is marriage what we really want? The DIVORCE rate is out of control and I don’t know ONE gay man that is in a monogamous relationship (though many preach they are). Who really gives a stinking s&*
Anyone who thought that Obama would be other than a DLC ‘centrist’ once in office wasn’t paying attention. He is brilliant at being vague enough in what he says that lets the listener project whatever they want to hear. The job he wanted was to be spokesmodel for empire. Thats what he’s doing. He’s entrenching the lawlessness of the Bush regime, widening the criminal wars and occupations, broadening the National Security State at the expense of the constitutional rights of the citizens
If he wanted to “expend political capital” on, say, repealing DOMA, he could. He clearly preferred pushing through the giant transfer of wealth that was health ‘insurance reform’ and bailouts of the largest banks and corporations.
Neither faction of the ruling party (i.e. Democans or Republicrats), is ever going to do anything against the interests of their owners and masters unless they are forced to by mass action. Relying on the supposed good will of any politician is a fool’s game.
I hope Madonna runs with Oprah!!!
the sad thing is.. people don’t see how fortunate it’s HIM in the office and not uh.. lets say BUSH! No other president has been at least open to this possibility! BAby steps.. it’s on the table there is at least someone who recognizes that its wrong to discriminate. Sure he’s trying to get re elected so the red states dont lynch him! yea they still get down like that!!! i should know as a black man from there! So we can still believe that this will come to pass in our lifetime!
I don’t understand the controversy…. for what I read and understood, it says that Obama opposed Prop 8 before and now… so that means he wanted it repealed…
end of story…..
I think he needs to go back to school and learn sex education,if it is to do with religious beliefs then he,s probably allways going to feel that way and should,nt be in politics there are enough hipocrites and bigots in Politics as it is,as a mixed race man he should know there are two things you cant change in this life your sexuality and your skin colour.
Gay straight transgender what ever you are you should be entitled to the same things is,nt that what the equality laws are for!sorry i took a trip to fantasy land there for a minute!!
Gay marriage has been voted down in all of the 31 states where it has been put up for a vote. To come out strongly in favor of gay marriage would make it even harder for Obama to get reelected. His position is a total cop out, but probably a wise one. He’s paying lip service to the mood of the electorate while not actively obstructing the (inevitable?) progress toward equality and justice.
Would I prefer the President be a vocal advocate for full marriage equality? Of course. But, I’d rather have a pro-LGBT guy in office, talking out of both sides of his mouth, and quietly making things better for us all, than to return to the last administration’s tactics of distracting the masses by making our lives and rights a big divisive issue. Better to have a calculating backhanded ally in power, than a loudly vocal, honest, and unelectable ally screaming from the sidelines.
He is religious and does not want to upset his religious supporters totally so he is making so hes saying yes to “us” and “no” at the same time is both groups favor. The thing is if all the discriminatory laws are removed against game people like DADT and DOMA plus local state laws of the such then I feel all states will wind up having equal rights to marry for same sex couples. If this happens federal law will wind up changing and the segregated laws against gays and marriage on the federal level will become equal to the states like NH and MA Etc. Then the president will A. not be in office by the time all this happens or B. he can simply state the truth that the people in other states spoke and the federal Gov. can not be against every state of the union on one issue of civil rights.
That is just my thoughts on how things could go and why the president is acting the way he is on the subject.
andy23 – dude i am shame fall on deaf ears.
Anyway – I feel like “COME ON” why would it be so hard to give us all the equality that we been fought for so long time. Wish president obama could see our feelings so clearly and not just him, EVERYBODY who doesn’t support gay marriage or only support civil unions. They only see our genders…the truth is its all about inside of our heart..that should be that way..see our hearts, not our skins and bones Phooey on these people! lets hope our time comes sooner than we can say SUPPORT GAY MARRIAGE
Just a thought,
Many of the same religious folks who hate us so much and do not want us to be married also said it was “sinful” as they call it for a “Negro” man to marry and white woman.
What is wrong with Civil Marriage for ALL. Why does this country have to wrap every thing up into a connection with religion when not everyone believes in one. In Canada everyone gets a civil marriage from the government, if you want(and they tell you) to get a religious marriage you take documents to said place of religion and do what you want(more power to you basically) they do not insult any ones choice or religion or tell any one what they can or can not do. Oddly some folks can only see it one way.
I agree with a lot of the posts on here. I have to admit I’ve been a little disappointed in him as President, because he often seems to be trying to please and “make nice” with everyone. It’s ironic to me that, for all of his talk about not being into “politics” and political game-playing, in a way, he is the ultimate politician, trying to make nice with everyone and slickly always heading for the center. That said, I think he is twenty times better than anyone else out there, and I think we are much luckier to have him than just about anyone else. I agree that we could do a LOT worse. I think he is basically a nice, intelligent guy whose heart is (more or less) in the right place.
So, just curious. I am gay but from what I am reading I don’t get it.
For me, I personally think marriage is between a man and a woman. End of story.
I do however thing gay couples should be albe to have all the rights associated with marriage but if it so be called another word: “Civil Unions” thats fine. To me it seems like a lot of people just have issues with the whole “marriage” word.
Not trying to be divisive just trying to understand. Look forward to your thoughts.
DD_838 is right. It’s the only political move he can make. Unfortunately, this country isn’t completely sold on gay equality. So he has to ride the fence to appease bothe sides. I’d rather have this and an intelligent person in the White House, than having another boob in there like Bush.
Doesn’t Obama know by now the American people want EVERYTHING fixed and fixed NOW.
I think it great, he is level headed and although has his own beliefs he is wanting to ensure that no one is treated unfairly. He may not be supporting us directly, but he’s certainly more supportive then the current Australian Government.
There are people who do not want marrage between 2 men or 2 women, but are all for a cival union. If its the same thing, why does the name matter? Let straight people have “Marrage” and we have “Civil Unions”. I dont care if its the same thing. The names are different like “Straight” and “Gay” are different. They the straight society have their title, and we will have ours.
Who cares what Obama says, does, or believes. At this point, he’s made it pretty clear that he doesn’t care about what’s best for his country. The bigger question is, why does a judge have the right to overturn a law that was voted in by the people of a state? Doesn’t that scare anybody? I mean, sure, this time it’s gay marriage so it’s all good, but what about next time? What if prop 8 had lost, and the straight community appealed that and won? Would everyone still be happy? Citizens of a state dictated exactly what they wanted on their law books, which is their right. One judge should not have the right to overturn that. What the fuck was the point in voting in the first place? Congratulations, California. You proved to the world that it really doesn’t matter if you vote or not. If someone is high enough up the ladder and wants something to go their way, all they have to do is find the right judge.
You’re a bunch of whiney little queens. Fuck. I’m embarrassed, right now, to say I’m gay. All of you bashing Obama need to go take a Poli Sci course. I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again, the United States are going to implode on them selves very soon, and it will be because of people like you, the whiners/bashers. Sexuality, race, gender, age… in the end, you’re all the same. You all want YOUR issues front and formost, with a “VERY URGENT” sticker put on it. All you guys think gay rights should be first on the world’s agenda. Well, I’m sorry to say, that is a fucking pipe dream. You bashers need to get your heads out of your asses for once.
Obama has done a lot with what he’s been given. He pushed through Health Care, at the risk of probably being shot by some right wing fanatic. He has lgbt issues on the table! I don know about you, but I think that’s a FAR CRY better than where the issues were during previous presidential reigns. Which was probably in the garbage can in the Oval office.
But none of that is good enough for you. Well, guess what, there are 45 million or more other people in your country, who think he’s not appropriately addressing THEIR issues. He’s one man and it’s only been 2 years. All you guys saying “Oh, I’m so disappointed in him”, I’d really like to see you do better. And there’s no point in saying “Clinton would have been a better president.” because there is NO way of knowing that. All of you who voted for him and say you regret it, OBVIOUSLY thought he would be better suited to the job than Clinton. So saying you think she’d be better is just making the same mistake twice.
Fuck. I’m still shocked at the absolute IGNORANCE shown be all of you guys.
It’s so great to see how progressives running the schools for the last 40 years is finally paying off. “My ____ (insert: race, gender, sexuality, etc) before my country”. Marx would be thrilled. Congrats fellow homos. I am sure this whole socialist thing will end wonderfully. It always does…oh, wait. No, it usually ends with millions dead. But, not to worry – just keep voting straight Democrat. That debt will just vanish, unicorns will jump rainbows, and you will FINALLY have a piece of paper from Nancy Pelosi/Harry Reid/and our Marxist in Chief telling you how ducky your relationship is!
F-ing sheep. Go back to you Lady Gaga flavored naps now.
Obama is about one thing… Obama. No principles at all. He has let the congress do the heavy lifting and now that they are going to get destroyed in Novemeber he is distancing himself from them. I think he would be thrilled if both the house and senate went republican then everything that happens will be there fault. He is a big disappointment.
I,m sorry but it is,nt quick enough,gay and transdender people have put up with so much crap for god knows how many years,so for me yeah i want change and now, you know why it does,nt happen because of religion and yes people are IGNORANT why? because different sexualities are,nt taught or should i say explained in school,as a mixed race man obama must have experienced prejudice which is what gay people have experienced,different obviously but because for a lot of people religion is a higher power and no matter how much you try to explain to them that you are the same your not in their eyes because the bible says you are wrong because of your sexuality,hopefully that side of religon will die out just like the dinosours did hang but they never existed because they were,nt in the bible!
and us who are the whiney little Queens! dont we deserve to be treated the same as straights?thats all gay people want,i think obama has done well especially to do with hiv travel law,but if i was a polition and there was a law giong thru do do with race and i said oh but my personal opinion is i have a problem with the colour of peoples skin! would,nt i be a racist!
I don’t think this president should even bother worrying about getting re-elected…it couldn’t happen if he was the only one running.
I want to blame the press of part of this, but this man has dug his own grave…
Now…here’s what I’m going to say…I wish I could remember who’s quote it is, maybe someone smarter than me can throw it out there. Having to do with marriage and civil unions…
“Separate is never equal!”
If they have marriage, we need marriage…sorry, anything less than that is NOT equal…period!
I don’t have any marriage proposals on any near horizon, and there was a time when I would of settled for a civil union if it were an option…but NO…separate is NOT equal!!!
Take that to the bank!
I don’t follow politics as much as some but, is the President the only thing standing in the way of gay marriage? If he was to wake up and say he wanted gay marriage passed now, is that all it would take?
well said GTM
i think deep down he supports gay marriage & stuff, but it was rather impossible to run a campaign in the backward america supporting gay marriage – he would have never won anything.
hillary clinton had exactly the same policies on the issues.
be thankful he supports it this way at least.
the white house are right… whats in a word (marriage)…whats important is the concept of non-discrimination… let the straights have their “marriage”… personally i am more interested in my partner and myself being protected by legislation which it now is… btw, i am partnered and signed a co-dependency agreement as mandated here in australia… personally that is enough… the farce of pandering to an institution that has been hijacked by religion (called marriage) in the effort to make myself equal, is only supporting the root of all discrimination (religion)… so dont give it anymore credibility… move on
That anyone would trust any politician is hilarious. Lies, lies, lies. Can’t believe people fall for his B.S.
He’s waffling stance on gay marriage is understandable, because he doesn’t want to lose his conservative supporters. I’m going to hold judgment until his second term (if he gets one). At that time, he wouldn’t have the excuse of reelection to fall back on regarding his lack of support for gay marriage and rights.
I don’t need to hear the Prez tell me this or that. He knows it wrong and discriminatory. I’m fine with that
So, the President is the only thing holding back gay marriage? I asked earlier, if he wakes up and wants gay marriage passed that’s all it would take? I am confused about what people want him to be doing?
In the same way the Republicans pander to pro-lifers to get voted in and then once in throw them under the bus, the Democrats pander to LGBTers to get voted in and then once in throw them under the bus. Politicians don’t want to get voted in because they care about “issues” – they want to get voted in because they think somehow they will get tons of money and can have lots of nice stuff.
Here is my two cents on the topic at hand.
A rose by any other name is still a rose.
The difference between marriage and living common law or as roommate or whatever you call it is a piece of paper that says otherwise. Is a piece of paper really that important to people. I don’t think it is personally. Again a rose by any other name is still a rose. Union by any other name is still union. Relax people. For those of you who prefer to deal with math cuz I do. X=3 even though they are different names they are the same thing. Ease up and let him run a country that is still struggling instead of having to listen to people bitch about every detail. And for those who are going to say something I am a gay man proud to be but not so since I get thrown into a category with the whiners!!!!
In Response to some of the odd comments.
Prop 8, as judge Walker said himself in the 136-page explanation of his ruling, should never have been voted on. The rights of the minority should never be decided by the tyranny of the majority. It’s the same way we should not be allowed to vote on segregation or slavery or whether to push all the jews into concentration camps, we should not be allowed to vote on people’s rights. Otherwise they wouldn’t be rights.
As far as Obama. Some have been saying that we shouldn’t be disappointed in him, he’s done more for us than many other presidents. However, is that really a logical point of view? I remember I was grateful that my parents didn’t kick me out when I came out to them, I was grateful. But should I really find that an acceptable point of view? Should I not demand and expect my parents to love me unconditionally no matter if I fall in love with men or women, and should the president not support me fully for the same reasons?
In terms of marriage equality, he is thinking with his christian values and his christian prejudices. Athiests, Hindus, Muslims, Bhuddhists, Hippies, all of these people can get married through the government. Marriage is not a sacred christian value, Obama knows this, so when he uses his christian values to deny us equality, he is doing something incredibly disappointing and no matter how much better he is than say other presidents in terms of gay rights, I still have a right to be disappointed in him.
As for why not be happy with civil unions? Because that means the government still recognizes us as second-class citizens, as different and not equal. It gives those old conservative folks who give me stares that would make superman’s x-ray vision look like childsplay, the right to keep doing that, to keep saying I deserve to be hated. Inequality through the government, gives those kids who chased me down the street yelling “faggot” and those kids who picked on me in the locker room simply for looking “gay”, the support and reinforcement to do so. The government viewing my rights as an option and something to be voted on tells all those homophobic christians that they are justified in saying we don’t deserve the same fundamental rights as they take for granted every day.
You’re right though, there are plenty of bigger problems in the world. In fact, the right for gays to marry SHOULDN’T be a big deal at all. It’s not that gays actually make a big deal out of it, in reality they make a big deal out of it in response to those hateful bigots who work so hard to oppress us. Gay marriage should not be a big deal at all, I shouldn’t have to fight so hard to be treated equal simply because I show a great capacity for love. So, why don’t you get that through to those homophobes who say otherwise?
I’m so glad to learn that religion is the root of discrimination. LOL Hitler did not have a religion. He discriminated against the Jews.
Think before you type. You’ll come out looking more intelligent in the end.
Actually, ToddM, the basis of antisemitism stems from Christianity. Even in the Holocaust. I have done research papers in my university history classes on this. There is no other way to explain how the antisemitic behaviour was able to take hold in pre holocaust, Nazi Germany. The “Aryan” theory dates back to the time of Constantine, the Christian emperor of Rome… or after the fall of the Empire and the more notable emergence of Christianity as a main societal and political influence. My memory is a little hazy on that detail. the theory itself is mired in Christian theology.
So, how about YOU think before you type.
And I hate to say it, but religion IS the root of discrimination. Or at least the outward expression of it. It’s time you opened your eyes. Religion is centered around “good” vs. “evil”. So with that, there will ALWAYS be “us” vs. “them” (“us” being the “good” and “them” always being the “evil”) where religion is concerned. I WOULD say Buddhism itself is one of few examples supporting the opposite of this, but even that religion has indirectly caused discrimination.
I’ve commented 3 times now on here, and I’ve read all the comments, and I realized why over half of you are so ignorant. Because you choose not to listen to any one else. You think no one else’s comments are worth your time, because YOU’RE always right. So you spout off your mouth, without even seeing the things that have been said, and in the end, you really do look the fool. Pure Ignorance is all it is. You’re no better than the redneck hicks who are fighting to have our rights taken from us, because that’s how their daddy taught ’em to treat them homos.
I still agree with Obama’s decision. He’s supporting our LEGAL rights! Just because it’s not called “marriage”, does not make that any different. Get over the word. You obviously don’t care about the actual feelings and emotions involved in “marriage” if all you’re worried about is the Gosh darned word!
And Michael, I’m sorry to sound the part of the douche to your statement, but Obama has bigger things on his plate than if we feel he supports our sexual orientation or not. It’s the plain truth. Yes, discrimination must stop. Yes, our rights should NOT be ignored. But to sit here and DEMAND that he pay attention to us right now and give us our wants RIGHT now, makes us nothing more than little, spoiled 4 year olds. Which… I’m very certain, a lot of these guys ARE spoiled, little 4 years… by the sounds of their comments. He’s only been in office for 2 years, and you’re saying your willing to ignore what he’s done in those 2 years because he hasn’t pushed through gay rights legislations yet? Frankly, I think that’s immature.
Brech, I’ve read every comment you’ve posted, and agreed on some points. So get off your damn high horse for a moment and realize there are people behind these screen names. We aren’t mindless robots. We can think for ourselves. You aren’t right on everything.
I believe if you were to ask ANY Christian at this moment, they would be pro Jew. They are believed to be God’s chosen people by the Christian movement. Just because your little research pointed you elsewhere doesn’t make you right.
Whether you like it or not, there is Good and Evil. Was Hitler good? Sheesh. Talk about not thinking before you type!
No, where did I say I expect him to drop everything and push through gay rights legislation? I simply said he needs to support equality for gays, such as saying that gays deserve the right to marry instead of spouting his christian beliefs. ass-u-me.
Also where did I say I think he has accomplished nothing? Being disappointed in his stance on gay marriage is quite different in saying he’s a bad POTUS.
I’ve explained why I feel it’s not right to settle for less than same-sex marriage rather than just civil unions. Because, where in law and in history has separate but equal ever ACTUALLY been equal? I’m sorry if not settling for discrimination and being disappointed in those who condone it is me being a spoiled, immature, little 4 year old, but I also think you made some assumptions about my post that weren’t actually there.
And let’s be honest, Brech, you don’t hate sounding like a douche, or you simply wouldn’t sound like one. Cut the condescending bullshit and maybe you’ll have more gays on here willing to listen to other opinions once in a while.
Way to go Michael!
Cut with the whiney bitch act, and maybe more politicians will be willing to listen to your demands.
And I didn say every Christian is an anti-semite. There is more to my research than I put down, but i don have the time to waste it one you people. But you do realize the only time Christians have become more accepting of others and when they step away from the actual religion, and start picking and choosing what they follow in the bible. And I do think before I type. One day you will realize you’re wrong. And I don’t understand WHERE in my comments you got the “midless robots” bit… I do know you’re people. I just think you’re a bunch of whiney twats.
And your Hitler comment just goes to show you didn’t actually understand what I said.
Oh I understood fully. I’m able to comprehend words written. Like I said, get off your pompous horse and quit acting like you are better than the rest of us. You are far from it.
I started writing a comment and realized I would be completing my thesis here to adequately address all the issues.
Let me say one thing – I thought that gay men were supposed to have a higher average IQ than the general population. Who here knows jack about constitutional law and history. A federal judge must invalidate state laws that violate the federal constitution…and the spirit of that constitution.
The short of is is that nowhere in the preamble to the U.S. Constitution does it read “…self evident that all men are created equal – with the exception of persons with different colored skin, internal sexual organs, and of homosexual persuasion.”