That question isn’t a joke. If you grew up on the original Mighty Morphin Power Rangers series, brace yourselves for some mind-blowing news. While appearing at an anime festival in Orlando, one of the former cast members opened up about his sexuality and the struggles he faced on set. And no, it wasn’t the super-hot White Ranger.
You’ll have to click through to find out the answer! His video interview is somewhere between touching and utterly depressing, as he describes how coworkers called him “faggot” and how he joined a “Pray the Gay Away” program. After this, you may not look back on the show with as many happy memories…
– Dewitt
To find out the answer and watch a video interview, follow the JUMP:
Yup, it’s none other than David Yost, the actor who played the Blue Ranger. On a completely unrelated note, he also happens to have given Taylor Lautner karate lessons. Weird!
This guy was my hero growing up… loved the original MMPR shows. Glad he’s on our side!
I knew it was “Billy” before I even made the jump. In the later series that Billy appeared on he grew out of that nerdiness and actually looked kind of hot! Check out the Aquatic Rangers and the Zeo Rangers series. Billy is hot. I still don’t like it that he didn’t become the Gold Ranger in the Zeo series. Instead Jason came back to be the Gold Ranger. Billy would’ve been bad ass if he could’ve been that ranger.
I’m so sorry for the pain you went throught, David. After watching this video, you are my hero now!
He was cute even as the nerdy boy.
glad to have you on our team, David
Wow…I am glad that he had the courage to come out and I hate that this is why he left the show. I was a huge fan of MMPR when I was younger and while The Blue Ranger wasn’t my favorite, I did identify with him more as I was the geeky kid in school.
doesn’t the red one appear in porn? >.>
This sucks!!! Im so sorry man!!! We love you!!
Well, my gaydar worked on him. But I never expected the rest of that shit. I hope the costars never harrassed him. Poor guy.
I love you David (not in the creepy way) and my heart goes out to you.
I never watched the show (wrong generation) Totally understand and feel what David went through. (and even now at 48 am still not coping well with the internalised homophobia within myself) I had a break down last year and am now trying to sort through everything. When is this world of ourers every going to be the kind of place for all of us? David you are an insperation dude and what a wonderful thing you have done for so many others. Big hug to you David. Peace and love to you. cheers Andy from Adelaide South Australia. xxxxx
Holy fuck, never thought this news would reach Manhunt, or ever be important enough for an article.
I remember watching this as a kid… The original and the 2nd were the only ones I thought were any good. “Billy” was my favorite ranger – because he had the biggest bulge in his pants. Glad to see he turned out “right.”
Oh my goodness. Billy was always my favorite. I can’t believe he’s gay. Well I can, but it’s crazy. Go Blue Ranger!
He’s handsome. So many people suffer in the same way he did. So much we don’t know.
power rangers=gayer than a row of pink tents.
…..didnt the red ranger Austin St John try his hand at gay porn??? looked more like a roid ranger though.
god this guys interview is deep-pressing. At least he didnt get his face bitten off by a chimp.
Thank you, Mr. Bojangles (sarcasm)
But the gay porn flick that everyone is referring Austin St. John with is a guy named Brock that appeared on Sean Cody. That is a totally different guy. They look a lot alike but it’s pretty obvious that it’s not St. John
That’s right Lamar. I think we’d be kinder to others if we only knew what they had gone thru.
All the best to him…he really is a Power Ranger…Grade A super hero to me
iv always watch you on the show your really are an awsome guy …. we love you david big Hugs from canada xxxxx
I would sit through episodes of the MMPR with my nephew ( I put up with the show 4 1/2 hr of peace & quite ) I hope that someday we will all wake up and realize that we live N a world of many different types of people but at the end of the day regardless as 2 ones station N life we R all still people . 4 those who think they R Holier than Thai and sit N judgement perhaps should take a good look N the mirror and if they should see Jesus Christ staring back at them do not worry they R not seeing JESUS CHRIST they just think they R ! That’s the problem with the world 2 many people want 2 be holier than thai ……
BTW Andy I just want 2 say I know exactly what U R going through because I 2 am struggling with myself ( although not sexually ) everyday I am remind that I have failed N reaching the goals that I set 4 myself so many years ago . So Andy my friend I don’t know if the struggle is worth it but I hope someday U & I both will be able 2 say WE MADE IT & WE R OK !!!
Billy has been my hero from the very beginning of the chapters… I grew up with that show… and now, listening to all the situation he passed through I can identify myself in some points with him… It’s heartbreaking… But at the end, I think he’s happy living the way he wants to live…
wow i would never thought it was him haha and i grew up with mmpr i always thought the green power ranger was gay hahaha but yikes sorry this guy had to leave because ofthis..
It is great David is doing ok now. And reading all of you inspirational comments to him is also great, ok here it comes I have also been reading all you hateful comments about other guys pictured on here. One wrote it is because he is a model he is held to a different standard. BS being hateful to any one is wrong….. There should be no different standard for anyone in any category. Ok I will get down off my soap box now.
my heart breaks from hearing such a horrifying story … I remember growing up watching the MMPR on tv every weekday after noon and tried never to miss an episode … he seemed a bit obvious yes … I am sorry to hear that he was ever treated in such a manner … it sent memories running through my mind again that I haven’t thought of in years … to our newly outing young and old family members be strong you are loved, cared about and a part of a big community of pride
I too was a HUGE fan of the MMPR & used to watch that show faithfully & Billy was definitely one of my absolute favorites (Hence now I know why…lol) but seriously, I always had a thought that if any of them were gay it would be him but besides that point the fact that he had to put up with sooo much ridicule & hatred among fellow co-workers not to mention just general ppl around him during that time & era must’ve been very hard to deal with. I will say this, no matter who or what you are, GOD loves you unconditionally because he knows what’s in your heart. May GOD continue to bless you David & thank you for being an inspiration to us all!!!
I did not expect that really sorry dude, and I heard that the Red one was in a Gay Porn too now he may not be Gay but was just in the porn so now the only real gay one is the Blue Ranger. They should have gave the Red Ranger hell too for being in a Gay Porn or was this all after the show was over?
Boy, no one is going to like this comment. But I always thought religion is suppose to make us stronger people. This man let his religion cripple him into a weak closet case. If that is what religion does for you then I am glad I have nothing to do with it.
This is so old news..
I’m sorry that you were treated that way David you are one of my favorite power rangers.
billy was my favourite!!
Tam is ass I have always found religion 2 be very beautiful & special thing and it’s unfortunate that people often try use RELIGION in support of there HATEFUL ignorance …..