“Who is John Waters?” *SLAP!*

If you’ve ever spent any real time meeting dudes off Manhunt (or wherever), you’ve probably definitely ended up in some kind of (what the Nifty Archive refers to as ) cross-generational situation at some point.

Whether you’re the mature adult guy, or the 22 year old “Arrested Development came out when I was 8,” guy, that situation can be frustrating from both sides when the fuckin’ is over and you put your clothes back on and have to talk to each other like people.  I wasn’t sure I was even gonna finish watching this, because I have HAD some of these exact conversations (and I would never consider myself the “mature adult guy” in this scenario), with 20 year olds who say stuff like this.  I actually yelled “oh NO!” after this kid says “Who is John Waters?” What do they even teach in school anymore?!

Part 1

Part 2



Although, dude is right: Madonna is pretty old.

Happy Wednesday! Follow Brian Jordan Alvarez on twitter. 



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