Who Knew There Were So Many Hot Guys On Chatroulette?

This post isn’t about Internet provocateur Steve Kardynal’s hilarious and heartwarming lip dub of THE SONG THAT SHALL NOT BE NAMED. That was just the catalyst. This post is about all the cute guys that homegirl popped her mussy for while doing it! Seriously, who knew so many straight dudes were laying at home shirtless looking for girls to flash their tits on Chatroulette?

Sadly, I’ve never tried it. But now I’m going to get a female friend who’s a damn good sport to flash her tits on there and get dudes to flash back. And I’m going to observe! And take screencaps. With the keyboard over to the side so they can’t see me perving on them. Why are you rolling your eyes? It’s a good plan!

This video actually made me smile. People’s reactions are hilarious. Especially when people just join in singing along while a man in a bikini with full makeup and a beard slithers around like a dirty slut.

– J. Harvey

For more pics of hot straight guys watching Steve (and for the full video), Follow the JUMP:

27 thoughts on “Who Knew There Were So Many Hot Guys On Chatroulette?

  1. 1. This guy is actually cute despite…this.
    2. He definitely put a loooot of time into this. I mean, he had to go through a lot of gross balls to get here.

  2. not everyone could pull this off, but this guy has an infectious smile that make it work

  3. not everyone could pull this off, but this guy has an infectious smile that make it work

  4. I am genuinely surprised how many people were into that!
    It’s so great to see people just accepting that someone is having a bit of fun and trying to get a laugh! =]

  5. I fucking love this! That gal is going for it. I’m loving the “crab hop” at 2:45. I’d say with over 9 million views on Utube, lotsa people are loving it. Life is too short to be serious all the time so more power to this crazy minx.

  6. Is it just me or does the girl at 0:45 look like Kaley Cuoco aka Penny on Big Bang Theory? This was so damn funny, laughed all the way through it.

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