Who Would You Rather?: A-Team Edition

You may have heard that a revamp of ’80s television show The A-Team opens in theaters this weekend. You may have even bitched and moaned about how this was the most unnecessary piece of crap that Hollywood could ever come up with. But have you decided which cast member is the most shaggable?

Between Bradley Cooper, Quinton “Rampage” Jackson, Sharlto Copley and Liam Neeson, who would you rather get down and dirty with? We have a feeling we know who won’t be winning this round…

– Dewitt

To cast your vote, follow the JUMP:

10 thoughts on “Who Would You Rather?: A-Team Edition

  1. I’ve had a thing for Bradley Cooper since I first saw him in “Kitchen Confidential” and in “Failure to Launch.” Easy pick here!

  2. I totally gotta agree w/ Leo on this one… I mean come on! LOL Gotta say, wouldnt mind Bradley Cooper cumming on me… ;-D

  3. Bradley Cooper all the way, though honestly I’d fuck all four of them, in multiple combinations.

  4. Really Dewitt was a poll necessary on this one ? Bradley WOOF Cooper !!!

  5. Bradley Cooper…*DROOL* WOOF WOOF WOOF!!! Did anyone see him in Clive Barker’s “Midnight Meat Train”? He was soooooo HOT in that movie!! (plus he’s an amazing actor!) 😀

  6. i hearken back to what tresqboy had said about not concerning himself with the personalities of the Video Flesh Slingers he lusts after — specifically, even though there was a general consensus michael fitt is pretty much an egotistical diva (thereby rendering whatever good, Wolf Boy looks he might have, moot), tresq still wanted to mess around with mike anyway.

    i mention this, because right now, i’m thinking about separating The Person from The Deeds, just like mr. boy had seemed to.

    in that case, i will give my vote to Mr. Rampage, with Mohawk.

    (i’m willing to give him The Benefit, in reference to his “homophobic” comments; i’m not as easily swayed, regarding his vehicular misadventure.)


    i actually didn’t know anything about quinton (besides his being the new Mr. T) before i came across this blog post; i’m guessing the same is true for a few others as well. so i’m also willing to wager, he was destined to lose, anyway — such being the fate of almost all black guys who are put up to popular vote, in Manhunt Daily.
    irregarding past Gaffes or Gallantries.

    i don’t really see the charm in brad, myself — that’s not to say he isn’t attractive.. ..´just, if i had to pick between him and quint, i’d likely choose Quint.

  7. The only reason I will consider seeing this movie is to watch Bradley Cooper in his shirtless scenes.

    Hell, I probably can just do that over the interwebs.

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