Who Would You Rather?: Boy Band Edition

Backstreet Boys Vs N'sync
We're on a bit of a nostalgia kick today, so we have to ask… who would you rather, the entirety of The Backstreet Boys or the entirety of 'NSYNC
No matter which group you choose, take into consideration that every member must be present for your group sex session. Don't try to pull any of that "everyone but Lance and Chris" stuff on us! They at least need to be watching. Now that we've gotten the rules out of the way, let's discuss who would be doing what to who… 
– Dewitt

12 thoughts on “Who Would You Rather?: Boy Band Edition

  1. Damned rules, haha!
    There’s one in each group who’d be a definite no (lol), but since I can’t eliminate everyone, I’ll have to go w/ ‘NSYNC

  2. ‘NSync all the way! I’ll deal with Chris, Lance and Joey because Justin is sooo hot!

  3. ‘NSync easy not even a choice there but I would rather not have Justin doing anything but watching no so impressed by him.

  4. Definately the Backstreet Boys…especially Howie Dorough….The things I would do to him…….

  5. I’d want to be fucking Joey Fatone’s fatty while the rest of the guys jerked on his face…hell yeah!!

  6. lol, backstreet boys cause of those sexy ass latin men…..mmmmmmm theyd be crying out adio mio within seconds. I always thought the tall one was hot too (Kevin?) and even though he is older now Id still take him for a ride.

  7. I think I’m with the majority on this one. Even though I don’t find Lance, Joey or Chris attractive, Justin and JC are just too hot to pass up.

  8. Howie. I don’t think there’s a bad looking guy in BSB while Justin’s the only good looking guy in NSync, but I’d suck off ever NSync member to have a night with Howie.

  9. Nsync any daY!! I couldnt pass up on Justin and JC and Lance has probably got a nice little tight ass we could all attend to and he would LOVE it!

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