You may have heard that actor Neil Patrick Harris is expecting twins with his partner of six years, David Burtka. He’s asked that the press respect their privacy, and we’re more than willing to oblige the request. However, that’s not going to protect him from an innocent game of Who Would You Rather.
For this round, we’re going to place Harris against another famous baby daddy. And, no, it’s not Clay Aiken. Between NPH and “fortunate homosexual man” Ricky Martin, who would you rather? We have a feeling we know who’s going to win in this competition, but let’s just pretend they’re evenly matched…
– Dewitt
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Ricky Martin all the way!!! So many shake your bom bom fantasies lol
Easiest. Choice. Ever… Neil Patrick Harris! Ricky Martin is more like a baby mamma… If he toned the fem down a bit it might be a closer race but NPH is 10x hotter.
ricky martin. I mean, doogie howser? really?
Shouldn’t Cristiano Ronaldo be on this poll also?
You have a point there B1!
But, Ricky alllllll the way!
Ah, Ricky!
NPH all the way – funny is far sexier than the “Menudo” man!
Could. Not. Choose. I think they’re both very hot in their own right. One the one hand, Ricky = Latino (luvs me the Latinos). NPH is just sexy… *sigh*
este ricky es lo maximo,de personas ahsta los angeles quisieran un abrazo y un beso de este
why is there no “I want to be the filling in a daddy baby sandwich” selection?
I can’t handle NPH’s horrificly smug sense of self importance….Ricky is by far the perfect choice here!
NPH all the way. I’ve wanted to have him fuck me since I first saw Doogie Howser!!
It was a close race,but Ricky is about 3 percent sexier.
Holy crap that was hard. I’d take NPH though.
And I agree with delsam! I want a babydaddy sandwich!!
I have had a thing for Ricky Martin for years. I think he is sexy and savvy. I would love to spend the night with him. I think it would be fun, sensual, sexy, and hot.
This is a tough call. I’m partial to blondes and intelligence, but Ricky has the body….
Neil Patrick Harris would be great ramrodding his stick down my throat, but Ricky would be the guy that I could see having a whole life with. That being said, my fantasy of NPH started when I saw him humping a car seat in Harold & Kumar.
I honestly thought this would be a runaway train for Ricky… o_0
I hate NPH. He’s so overrated.
*thinks* I don’t know. I’d rather they go at each other while I watch, yeah!
Can I just choose both why do I have to choose I love NPH and Ricky because NPH is hot cause he is a nerd (so am I) and I love me a man with a fit body this is so aggravating I want both
ricky martin is a hot looking guy! like to meet him…
Ricky Martin.
NPH — while Ricky is “hotter” in a purely physical sense, NPH seems like he’d be a lot more fun and creative in bed.
I have always had a thing for Doogie….lol
This is the one time, more than any other time, we needed an all of the above, multiple choice option. I’d do them both but for different reasons. However, I have a think for latino men, or black men, or asian men, or middle eastern … simply men of color, something to contrast my pasty white ass I guess, but I digress. And i have drooled over and fantasized over RM for years …
i voted for NPH even tho i think he has a totally creepy easter island forehead! i would have vote for ricky martin but i remember reading something about him liking his own body stink…….lol
I’m surprised that Ricky isn’t absolutely crushing.
hands down it has to be Ricky Martin for me. That Latin passion with those hips moving that have already hypnotized me… ooh la la
Living la vida loca… poke-oh me crazy-ah
blonde hair wins over spikey hair…
While I’d kick neither out of bed, I’d have to go with Neil Patrick Harris.
It would be hands down. N P H.
For THIS daddy…gotta be baby NPH!
I would take Neil Patrick Harris any day over Ricky Martin. Give me the every day gay any time .. The next thing i would like to see is a remake of risky business . Not with Tom Cruz but with NPH playing the role .. Lets see him in his skinnies and some socks HOT HOT DAMN HOT
Ricky Martin is HOT, no doubt about that. But if the canoodling was accompanied by dinner, wine, a movie, a walk in the park, or whatever, I believe the Best. Total. Evening. would be with NPH. I just don’t think RM would do it for me anywhere outside the bedroom.
Ricky! I’d take him bareback and swallow his load
Ricky is my choice mmm just because he is so beautiful.
the other boy is kinda sweet and cute, but he is running against Ricky Martin, so… no competition here.
NPH all the way. I would love to hit that..he is hot.
Riki Martin sexi dancing
Fuck Ricky, marry NPH.
Ricky all the way. I did not think this one would even be close, but different strokes for different folks I guess. Sorry, NPH is like having a lil Brother!
I voted 4 Neil he just a all around great guy who we all can be very PROUD of !!!
BTW I would have no problem N vo\ting 4 Ricky but we can only vote onces….
My choice is Ricky, because he´s great!!!!!!!