Who Would You Rather?: GLAAD Summer Rooftop Edition

We’re not going to lie and pretend that we came up with this idea ourselves, but it’s probably no coincidence that there were two ridiculously hot men named “Scott” at the GLAAD Manhattan Summer Rooftop Event. Which one of them would you rather have in your bed?

In one corner, we have Scott Herman of The Real World: Brooklyn. He’s mostly known for being near naked all the time. On the other side, we have Scott Evans of One Life To Live. He played one half of the show’s gay couple “Kish“. Also, he’s got a really hot body too. It’s a tough decision, eh?

– Dewitt

Photo credit: Jason Kempin

To see more pictures and cast your vote, follow the JUMP:

311 thoughts on “Who Would You Rather?: GLAAD Summer Rooftop Edition

  1. Hmmm, I thought we were voting for one of the two Scotts, not a song for the countdown.

  2. Paid homage to a previous posting … doable vs dateable? S. Herman is doable, while S. Evans is dateable *AND* doable. That and the hairy chest sealed the deal 🙂

  3. I hate you for making me choose! One one hand Scott Herman is beyond gorgeous & has a great personality to go with it, but on the other I’ve had a massive crush on Scott Evans for such a long time! Decisions, decisions…

  4. Scott Evans is gay whereas Scott Herman is straight… so I’m guessing Mr. Evans would reciprocate more, it’s an easy pick

  5. I’m with Leo. Are you sure they aren’t the same guy? My vote would be both…at the same time 🙂

  6. Gag. I’ll pick neither. That one dude has a ginormous head, too. Were do you find all these useless, hairless, bland bores?

  7. I am in LOVE with Scott Herman he’s such a sweet guy and that body is to die for! I would suck his dick until nothing but dust came out!

  8. SH’s head (in the pic) is definitely from someone else’s body; his chin is almost on his chest. So, for “truth in packaging,” the nod goes to SE.

  9. scott herman is so fucking hot, but alas, not gay. went with the equally hot scott evans. hot AND hairy, great combo

  10. Give me a bottom boi that KNOWS he is a bottom boi over a pretend gay boi any day…S. Herman 100% BOTTOM …

  11. OHHH yeah fuck me, *gasp* ohh harder yeah baby mmm fuck me ohhh Scott, *grabs pec* ohh fuck you’re so hot oh I’m gonna cum Ohh SCOTT HERMAN!!!!!
    *wakes up from wet dream covered in sweat and jism*

  12. Scott Evans. Why didn’t they get a picture of him shirtless? He was way hot on OLTL and he is really gay. His brother is Chris Evans, another actor. You can see the hot scene of Scott and the straight guy playing gay on OLTL on Youtube Kish He played Oliver Fish. He’s adorable. I wonder if he’s a top or a bottom

  13. LOL Brad I thought I was the only one who used that type of rationale ……….

  14. Am I the only person confused as to why the straight guy showed up almost naked to a gay event and the gay guy showed up clothed?

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