I’ve written on numerous occasions about my absurd boner-crush on actor Mark Ruffalo, so you can imagine I was pretty excited to hear that he’d be playing the Bruce Banner (aka The Incredible Hunk) in the upcoming film The Avengers. As if that weren’t awesome enough, the flick will be directed and written by Buffy The Vampire Slayer creator Joss Whedon!
With that said, I don’t expect the rest of you to share my enthusiasm. Most of you would probably prefer one of the other men who’ve taken the role, and I’ve decided to test that theory with a round of Who Would You Rather. From left to right, your choices are Bill Bixby, Mark Ruffalo, Edward Norton and Eric Bana. Who’s your pick to win?
– Dewitt
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Edward Norton most definitely! I really think Lou Ferrigno should be in the poll too…just sayin’…
ed norton all the way
hes geek sheek!
Survey says….BANA!
Particularly hot in Troy and Munich.
what about ferrigno?
Of course Eric Bana…though i would not mind any of the three, eric bana, edward norton or mark ruffalo! all three are very very hot!
tough choice –in terms of ‘natural’ hotness, it would be bana; but norton has looked amazingly hot in a number of roles, despite looking like a geek with his clothes on….so I went with him.
First Eric Bana with Bill Bixby in second place.
Beauty and the original beast ;-)lol
i think we need some scantily clad photos of each to help us decide.
Mark Ruffalo is hot but I prefer Eric Bana. That’s some hot daddy with an amazing Aussie Bum. Did you see him in The Other Boleyn Girl with Scarlett Johansson? Woof
All of them have their charms..but there is something about Bana thats says ‘wild dirty sex’ to me…lol
yea I’d rather Lou Ferringo. mmmmmm
Mark Ruffalo’s lopsided smile is incredibly sexy. Loved him dancing in his undies in Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind.
did y’all not watch the original tv series??? not only was bill bixby very cute, i seem to remember his having an ENORMOUS box. skinny-guy-with-a-giant-wienie kinda thing. sexy! looking for old episodes, btw, to see if my memory serves me. also, ‘courtship of eddy’s father’. early crush!
I really could have gone either way in this poll—which I don’t do otherwise, but I have a long-standing crush on Ed Norton. Ever since I saw him in “American History X,” looking incredibly buff (albeit a neo-Nazi), I’ve wanted to have sexy time with him.
He’s just so adorkable!!
Call me, Ed!!
I’ll take Eric’s Banana, thank you.
mmmmmm Eric Bana
1 Bana 2 go please !!!
Ok so Bana was in the worse movie he is still the hottist guy
I think I misunderstood the question
[Sorry] I thought we had to indicate who we’d rather see playing the part of Dr. Bruce Banner.
I think that Edward Norton is an incredibly talented actor and therefore I went with him and of course it doesn’t hurt that I feel he has a certain je ne sais quoi I find extremely sexy and appealing
But now I think the question was: Who do we think is the “hottest” of the four. In that case I have to agree with the majority and vote for Eric Bana, with [in my humble opinion
] Edward Norton in second place
Eric Bana! Smokin’ hot!
all of the above should have been an option!
mark ruffalo!
he’s sooooo adorable!!
Mark Ruffalo…I always had a crush on him since the movie he did with Reese.
I vote for Mark Ruffalo, but . . . uhhhh, I’m pretty sure it’s “hulk” and not “hunk” . . . .