Who Would You Rather?: Jeff Grant & Stuart Reardon


It’s a matter of preference really. Do you like long, blonde and smooth muscle? Or are you more into tall, dark, tattooed and badboy?

Our recent posts showing off photographer David Vance’s work with models Jeff Grant and Stuart Reardon REQUIRED a “Who Would You Rather?” If we had our druthers, they would fight it out with oil wrestling and loser takes it in the butt. You know, what they never had the guts to do in the WWE! Pussies.

So which one of Vance’s muses would you rather get with? John’s the blonde guy and Stuart is his dark nemesis. Don’t worry, there will be a “both!” option in our poll.

– J. Harvey

Check out more pics and vote after the BREAK:

Jeff Grant




Stuart Reardon




10 thoughts on “Who Would You Rather?: Jeff Grant & Stuart Reardon

  1. Being someone who love blonds/redheads, big areolas and hate excessive ink, I am shocked by the fact that I find Stuart the hotter one.

  2. I thoroughly DISLIKE tatoo’s but …….. Stuart is ALL MAN and oozing sex appeal! and he’s also very handsome so to my surprise I’m going with Stuart. Comes to show you that there really no absolute’s

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