Who Would You Rather?: MTV’s “Battle Of The Exes”

They still play this shit? When MTV’s current season of The Real World is over, they farm the cast members out to participate in brutal athletic challenges in foreign lands. It sounds like some sort of human trafficking but it’s not, it’s just cable. One imagines MTV feels some sort of debt to the people they exploit on their gross reality show, so they try and keep em’ in paychecks.

Anyway the latest one, The Challenge: Battle of the Exes, debuts this week. The big twist is that they have paired off former contestants with former contestants they used to fuck or date in previous seasons. Won’t this lead to a murder?

Ain’t It Cool reports that the first episode has the pairs almost naked and having to scrape honey off each other while situated on a beam set stories above the Atlantic. MTV is twisted.

The only positive about this endeavor is that there’s a lot of hot young men with hot young bodies featured. Let’s decide which one of them you want to do! It’s your typical reality show dregs, so you’re choosing based on visuals alone. Our apologies. Vote after the break!

– J. Harvey

p.s. You MAY recognize one of these dudes and think “uh, he has an ex-GIRLFRIEND?”













24 thoughts on “Who Would You Rather?: MTV’s “Battle Of The Exes”

  1. CT is a trainer at Planet Fitness Downtown in Boston 🙂 He is a huge douchebag though who has insane anger issues, but he is nice to look at shirtless or in the changing room 😉

  2. Well all know Dustin’s done porn.  Mark Long has done soft core porn as well.  I remember, years ago, seeing him in one of those late night Cinemax movies.  I never did search the web for video or screen grabs.  Guess I know what I’m doing today!

  3. I have always had a thing for Johnny!!!  I’ll take him anytime, anywhere.

    (oh and Dunbar’s done some porn too.  He’s got a nice dick and cute butt.)

  4. i cannot believe that mark is still doing these shows.  i know i’m gonna date myself here, but i remember him on the first road rules, way back in the early/mid 90s!  i always thought he was hot in a daterapeijustgaveyouherpesandstoleyourpurse kinda way.

  5. Dustin or Nate.
    Dustin: because I’ve seen what he’s packing.
    Nate: because he’s a really nice guy from what I saw on RW:SD

  6. Have had a crush on hot ginger Wes for a while. Kenny is hot too but isn’t on this one. That is a weird pic of Abe. Looks nothing like him.

  7. Yeah Dunbar did some straight porn for Playboytv’s show Foursome. There’s still clips floating around. He’s got a decent dick on him. 

  8. Dustin/Spencer is hot despite his excessive “douchebaggery”.  And the fact he tried to act like all he did was jerk off with guys is too funny.  Boy takes it in the ass like a pro!

  9. Since I watch these shows and know their personalities, I went with Leroy.  He’s hot and he’s the nicest one out of all these guys!

  10. I know CT is an asshole but jesus lord in heaven that man is hot. Mark can get it any day of the week and for some reason i find Wes and Abram attractive as well… Dunbar is gross gross gross grosssssssss!!!

  11. Mark is 40, and still looks good. CT has a nice body. Too bad Kenny isn’t on this season he’s the hottest guy on MTV. What has Abram done to himself? eww. 

  12. Uuuhmm, why would it be hard to think Dustin had/has a gf?! Most, if not all, the guys from Fratmen/Fratpad are straight. They’re just shown jacking off and hardly do anything sexual with each other. And if they do, it’s very easy to discern they’re really doing it just for the money because it’s all very awkward and forced.

  13. Dustin is ok, but all of his lying about his gay porn past (and he did was more than just jerk off) and the homophobic atitudes he put out there make him not hot to me.  Wes is ok, too, but is such an egotist and a bully jerk on the show, especially to women, that he too is not hot.  Yes, that’s really what Abram looks like now.  And judging from what we’ve seen of him on the show so far, he seems to be growing up.  Johnny Banannas is sometimes kind of a jerk, too, but at least he’s genuinely hot, even though the rumors on the show say that he’s got a small dick.  I’d never want to have a conversation with CT or meet him in a dark alley — hell, he’ll beat you up in a room full of people with cameras rolling! — but I’ll admit that I’d still do anything he wanted sexually, and not just because I’d be afraid of him! 

    None of the others even come close, although I’d still do Kenny over any of them, even if he was only on the Pre-Game show this time.  The most annoying thing about Kenny is that he’s actually as hot as he thinks he is.

  14. Oh, and by the way, no fair showing a lot of the guys shirtless, but not CT, who has the best bod of any of these guys (with the possible exception of Mark.)  If you showed his bod, he’d defintely be doing much better in this poll!

  15. WTF happened to Abram? If memory serves me correctly…I used to think he was hot!

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