Who Would You Rather?: Superman

You might want to retreat to your Fortress of Solitude for this one, because it’s going to be tough. Like Bizarro’s face! Last week, we posted some pics of the new Superman, Henry Cavill, on the set of The Man of Steel. Despite his missing the famous red Speedo, you guys seemed to think he did the supersuit justice.

There have been five men of steel before Henry, including the old-timey George Reeves, the late and lamented Christopher Reeve, Lois & Clark’s utter cutie Dean Cain, Smallville’s plainclothes superhero Tom Welling, and the most recent actor to put on the tights – Brandon Routh.

Who would you rather swoop in and save you from Lex Luthor? Who would you rather see kneel before Zod (and blow him)? Who would you rather superfuck you on the roof of the Daily Planet? Choose!

For more pics of the last sons of Krypton, Follow the JUMP:

George Reeves

Christopher Reeves

Dean Cain

Tom Welling

Brandon Routh

Henry Cavill

38 thoughts on “Who Would You Rather?: Superman

  1. As cute as Tom Welling is, yeah, I’mma gonna have to agree with you here.  Henry Cavill for the win!

  2. This is one of those times when we REALLY should have had an “all of the above at the same time” option. Not that I’m a total slut or anything.

  3. Henry Cavill is hot, but I had to go with Tom Welling. I’ve always had sexual thoughts of this guy in some white briefs or naked. LOL

  4. Christopher Reeve and George Reeves are dead. I try not to think or have sexual thoughts of dead men. LOL

    However, I still think about Doug McClure from ‘The Virginian’. Doug was blond, blue eyed, and hot.  He passed away in 95 at the age of 58. This guy was hot, sexy, and fine.

  5. it was a close call between the two — but henry cavill has serious drug-eyes in that pic —- i’ll take my cute, clean-cute tommy 🙂

  6. First of all, it’s Christopher Reeve – not Reeves – secondly, the best has always been and will always be GEORGE REEVES!

  7. Not fair that we only get to choose one. Why not try them all? There is something to be said about an orgy of Supermen.

  8. Sadly, I never got to see George Reeves’ portrayal of the character. Went on a Google and YouTube search of Henry Cavill and… ehhhh, he’s alright. But he’s like a 4, at best, on my scale. Both Chris Evans and Cillian Murphy are finer / more unique. I grew up with Christopher Reeve as Superman, and he was always smoking hot in the role, so he gets my vote for #1. Dean Cain on the Superman series was probably hotter but, damn, it’s been a long time since I’ve seen it. He gets #2. I’ve been a fan of Brandon Routh from Mtv’s Undressed, so screw Superman. Tom’s okay.

    1) Christopher / 2) Dean / 3) Brandon / 4) Tom / 5) Henry & George tied

  9. The truest real life representation of the Superman persona is Christopher Reeve.  He had the boyish charm, the curly lock of hair.  He really did -look- like the Superman character.  The others, not so much.

  10. Tough call between Henry Cavill and Tom Welling, but Tom got my vote.  (That witchcraft episode of Smallville when he’s tied up in the barn?  Um.)  And, Christopher Reeve was totally hot, but much hotter in Deathtrap than the Superman films.

  11. you have put a shockingly bad pic of the stunning Henry Cavill up. put a good one and he’d walk it. wanked over him every second he appeared in the tudors

  12. Dean Cain, just because I KNOW he has a huge dick and doesn’t mind showing it. Learned that back when he was banging Mindy McCready in Nashville.

  13. George Reeves.  He was always a handsome man (including in Gone With the Wind) and he eventually became a wrestler.  I’d love to be wrestled down, wrapped up, and pinned by somebody like him “in the know.”

  14. For pure sex, Dean Cain. However, I’d love to have Tom Welling and Brandon Routh stripped, tied up and at my mercy.

  15. I voted all of them, except for Dean Cain who in my opinion is by far the less attractive of the bunch.

  16. If the rumors are true about Dean and Brandon…I would love a loooong weekend taking care of whatever comes up  ; )

  17. I’m completely in LOVE with Tom Welling! I would love for him to come swoop down pick me up and make love to me as we fly into the sunset. Tommy is delicious! YUM! I’ve had a mad crush on him since day one of Smallville.  I believe it was season three where he was running in slow motion and you could see the long penis that was flopping around in his jeans. Yes, I paused the tv and snapped a pick and whacked off to it!!!!! 🙂

  18. This was really, truly a tough one! But I had to go with Dean Cain. But Tom was a very close second followed by Cavill. All hot men!

  19. What about THE Virginian- James Drury… now he was smokin hot… I’m guessing at 80 yrs the hottness has faded a bit… but if I had a time machine… 😉

  20.  I voted 4 Tom but I have always been a big  fan of the late  Christopher Reeve  who was the first man of steel ( I think )  2 fly on the big screen ……. BTW  am I the only one who see a slight resemblance  N our men of steel ?

  21. I’ve always had the worst crush on Dean Cain. Why oh why isn’t he doing nude shots somewhere…or cum shots in my bed?  Whatever works.  DROOL!

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