You guys. I have no information about this, but I just sent a begging email to to see if I can’t get some promo pics or a trailer or something. Until they decide to offer something up, you’ll have to be as irrationally excited about this as I am right now:
That’s cruel, right? That’s all they’re gonna show me? I’ve been reading gay X-Men slash fic since middle school, and I feel like this is going to justify another upsetting Drawn to You post (remember the Turtles?) which makes me flat giddy. I better see what kinda Wolverine nudes I already have on file.
You can keep an eye on’s Upcoming section here, in case they decide to drop a trailer and I miss it.
– tyler
Updated to Add:
OMG. They emailed me this back. Which is almost worse. That’s fucking Colby Keller as Wolverine and now I have to spend the rest of my afternoon working on a time machine to move me along to May 27 so I can watch this RFN.
– tyler
LOL have to love the way to react and manage to put it into words on some of these posts!
Colby as Wolverine?! *faints*
Disgusting barebacking faggots typical gays emerging crappy hollyweird movies with gay porn with top men screwing boys between the ages of 18-30 sad
Disgusting pornstar faggots the only talent they have is using their dicks along with their steroid muscles and cocktail drugs in which they’re experts in
Nothing but poopushers
The whole gay porn industry is corrupt along with the LGBT
I don’t know who Mr. Anonymous is down bellow with the fracked up comments but your a real drag!