Why Don’t You Love Morgan Black As Much As I Do?

For those who have just stumbled onto Manhunt Daily, you should know that we conduct a weekly countdown of very attractive men. It’s called The Ten, and it will only be a few hours before this week’s edition appears online. With that in mind, I’d like to introduce (or reintroduce) you to a man who was recently ejected from the countdown–Morgan Black.

Okay, maybe it’s just me who’s into hot hairy guys with breathtaking blue eyes, but I’m still grappling with Morgan’s loss on the charts. It doesn’t help that his dick looks like it was specifically hand-crafted by the gods of gay porn, engineered with a curve to hit all the right spots. Not to mention, that he’s an absurdly passionate kisser, equipped with a talent for both taking dick and dishing it out…

Alas, these decisions aren’t up to me! While I can’t force you to love Morgan’s body as much as I do, there’s nothing stopping me from posting his scenes for the few folks who do enjoy this delicious specimen on man-meat. Check out his latest with Trey Thornton, then let us know what you think!

– Dewitt

Photo credit: Cocksure Men

To check out Morgan Black and Trey Thornton in action, follow the JUMP:

18 thoughts on “Why Don’t You Love Morgan Black As Much As I Do?

  1. That bottom looks so much like my ex it’s not even funny. It better not actually be him, though I wouldn’t put it past him lol

  2. That bottom looks so much like my ex it’s not even funny. It better not actually be him, though I wouldn’t put it past him lol

  3. I voted for him every week he appeared…what a sexy man! My “rule” for voting on the Weekly Top 10 is to only vote for guys who show full nudity…sometimes, when there is only one who shows full nudity (or I really don’t like the ones who do…if they are too young and twinky for me), I will vote for the sexiest one in underwear who shows a good “outline” of what he’s packing 😀

  4. Take a closer look at the “69” picture and maybe you’ll understand why he didn’t fare very well. He’s not all that…especially compared to the hot mother fuckers that were in the Top Ten a couple weeks ago. It was hot-overload and he really couldn’t compete with that.

  5. eh their both pretty good looking and I’m not usually one for hairy guys but they wear it well. Big difference between maintained hair and all out jungle hair. They look like clean cut guys M-F but on weekend…. they let loose

  6. I agree Morgan is just enough man for me, friendly, those magic words you mentioned hairy, blue eyes. There is nothing not to like, & based on this scene with Trey he likes his Brits.

    He would take pride of place in my Top Ten 😉

    Oh did I fail to add stubble, chest, nips etc etc etc

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