It is absolutely heart-warming to see the responses you get when posting something as simple as the following on Twitter:
Everybody with two humps comes hurtling out of the woodwork! Including the porn stars! Yes, that would be the famed porn performer (and secret sex tape star) Samuel Colt showing off his glutes for us on Twitter. We got such an enthusiastic response that we’re going to have to start #CockPicTuesday, #BlowjobTuesday and #69Friday. Do you think people HAVE pics laying around of them engaging in a 69? Probably.
So follow @Manhunt over on Twitter! We post pics you might not catch here on the blog, we get hot guys to post THEIR pics, and we’re always having a random content or going back and forth with a celebrity (be they porn or otherwise). And feel free to Tweet at us with a pic of your hot butt with the hashtag #AssPicMonday. We’re giving the hottest ass Unlimited Membership on Manhunt for a month!
– J. Harvey
To check out more butts from #AssPicMonday, Follow the JUMP:
There are certainly some tweet-worthy asses among the above. Definitely starting with Samuel’s.
There are certainly some tweet-worthy asses among the above. Definitely starting with Samuel’s.
Do this more often, love the pics of everybody men. Some mighty fine asses out there that aren’t models.
Do this more often, love the pics of everybody men. Some mighty fine asses out there that aren’t models.
It would be a waste of flexibility if the guy in the last pic was a top LOL
It would be a waste of flexibility if the guy in the last pic was a top LOL